Great news

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Izuku pov) When Eri and I got home Momo and Tsuyu were serving dinner.  Eri and I go and wash our hands so we can eat as I begin to think about what I told Bakugo and I formed my resolve. On Monday I Will talk to All Might and start tearing down the biggest threats to my family. First things first I'm going with Ochaco to her doctor's tomorrow she's been sick in the morning's the smell of certain foods makes her throw up a she'll start crying for the silliest reasons. After that I have my date with Mina and Toru. I was pulled from my train of thought by Eri asking me if I was OK. i looked down to her and smiled and said that i was fine.

Eri pov) I love it when my daddy smiles at me it makes me feel special and safe. I'll race you to the dinner table. I take off before daddy could answer i could hear him say no fair as i start to run. as were running i could feel his fingers on my back i squeal out as i try to run faster. as i touched the table before him i win i yell. i looked around and i could see the look of all of women around the table. i could see the joy in their eyes these last few months feel like a dream to me and i wish i could continue to live like this happy and safe.

Ochaco pov) We hear Eri squealing as she runs into the room with Izuku right behind her. She triumphantly shouts i win. Izuku smiled at her and said your getting fast my little rabbit. Eri just hugs Izuku before sitting down to eat. As we finished eating i look at Eri and said ok time for your bath. 

Eri pov) can we watch a movie when I'm done.

Izuku pov) Ok sweetheart

Ochaco pov) Izuku what was Bakugo's answer?

Izuku pov) He told me that he was jealous of me. 

Momo pov) Jealous? i thought that he bullied you when you were young.

Izuku pov) yes i was. But i never backed down even after he beat me up. I still chased after my dreams and got into UA. He told me that he envied my relations with all of you.

Tsuyu pov) I got up from my seat and walked behind Izuku and hugged him and asked him how did that make you feal. 

Izuku pov) As i leaned back into the hug i looked at Ochaco i could see the tears begin to form in her eye's and broke. i feel  Sad, angry, confused and down. i always looked up to him as a fighter and i thought of him as a friend but he always treated me like garbage. I tried really hard to just get him to acknowledge me as a friend. 

Kyoka pov) Izuku you know that we love you right all of us do your the rock that supports all of us. i know that i speak for all of us when i say that we would do anything for you right.

Momo pov) Izuku i can honestly say that Toru is right we all love you unconditionally. Eri would die if anything happed to you. 

 Izuku pov) You know I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that i would have so many people in my life that loves me. People that i would gladly give my life to protect. I know what i need to do I'm going to stop dragging my feet after this weekend I'm going to talk to All Might and were going to put our plan in motion. I'm going to make sure that our family is safe. Ochaco after our appointment tomorrow i have my date with Mina and Toru. After that were going to spend the rest of the weekend together as a family and just enjoy ourselves. We'll have a picknick. 

Ochaco pov) As i wipe my eyes i say that sounds great i know Eri would love that. but for now let clean up the kitchen and enjoy a movie. 

Izuku pov) After the movie was over i put Eri to bed i kissed her forehead after i tucked her in. then i went to bed and had restless sleep thinking about everything Bakugo said. After class was over Ochaco and i went to our doctors appointment. Ochaco looked miserable until the doctor gave us the news.

Ochaco pov) I'm pregnant I have a piece of Izuku inside of me growing. I begin to cry because I'm just so happy right now. 

Izuku pov) i see Ochaco begin to cry and i hug her and ask are you all right i thought you wanted this. 

Ochaco pov) I wanted this more than anything in this world. I have a part of you growing inside of me. I can't wait to tell my parents and your mother. Izuku released me from his embrace and i felt his hand lift my chin. He leaned in and kissed me. i felt more tears streaming down my face as we kissed and to my surprise when we finished kissing he was also crying. 

Izuku pov) I called Momo and told her that the doctor said Ochaco was All right. But that we needed to go pick up some things for Ochaco. It wasn't a lie i had to pick up her prenatal pills. but we both agreed that our parents we going to be the first to know. I still had three hours before my date so after we exited the hospital i lifted Ochaco into my arms extended my wings and flew us to her parents house. while in flight Ochaco called her parents and told them that we would be at their house shortly. 

Ochaco pov) My mom opened the door and my dad was standing right behind her concerned with the unexpected visit. My mom asked me is everything alright and i smiled at her and said everything is fine. we just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant. My mom raised her hands to her lips and began to cry which made me begin to cry and she hugged me. My dad began hugging us both all three of us crying.

Izuku pov) As i watch Ochaco and her parents overwhelmed with joy i stand back to let them enjoy their moment. When her dad finally let them go he came over to me and pulled me into a hug. telling me how excited he was for his daughter and telling me Eri is going to have a sibling to play with. I was overjoyed with the fact that he remembered Eri and counted her as a part of his family as well. 

Ochaco pov) Mom, dad as much as i hate to leave so quickly we have to give Izuku's mom the great news

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