The aftermath and bearing my soul

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(IZUKU POV) We made it to the camp Eri comes running to me and she hugs me telling me how scared she was. when she looked at my other arm and she began to cry your even more hurt daddy. i look at her and tell her it's ok i hurt myself protecting Momo when Mandalay Tiger and Mr Aizawa walked up to us. Mr Aizawa looked at my arms and he was upset he told me to sit down as i sat Ochaco picked up Eri and they told me that Kachan was taken and Ragdoll was also gone. as i process this information i start to black out the pain finally caught up to me.

(Ochaco POV) As i listen to to Mr Aizawa i see Deku slump over he passed out and he has a fever. Eri starts to cry i hold her tight and tell her that her daddy is going to be alright. Tiger picks up Deku and takes him inside and puts him on a bed. medical teams and heros start to show up shortly after. Momo is also laying down her injuries taking their toll on her.  

(Izuku POV) i wake up and it's dark everything around me is black. i call into the darkness HELLO is there anybody out there. when two very large cat eyes open in front of me. Bahamut is that you? once again i get the feeling he isn't looking at me he's looking into my soul.

(Bahamut POV) yes it is child i've been watching over you i saw you fight you barely used my power why child? you used your wings to protect the girl and you used your scales to protect your arm. you can do so much more why didn't you? more importantly why didn't you kill the man who tried to kill your adoptive offspring?

(Izuku POV) i used your power on instinct to be honest the only thing i can control is bringing out my wings. the reason i didn't kill the villain is because i already defeated him. i will not kill unless i don't have any other choice. if i went back to kill him after i defeated him i would be no better than him. Bahamut if you saw all of this why didn't you help us?

(Bahamut POV) because i'm not there child. i felt your emotions and i opened a window to see you i can't travel through it but i can watch. i will admit that i saw both of your fights they were sloppy but your defended your loved ones and you didn't abuse your power. you did well child i will be coming to see you soon. i will teach you how to better use my power i'll make you strong.

(Izuku POV) i open my eyes and i'm in a hospital when i look over to my right i see Eri sleeping on Ochaco's chest My mom was in the room with me and two people i don't know where sitting in the room watching over me. they began to speak to me when i looked at them. the lady began to cry as she thanked me for saving her child. I try to gather my thoughts and they see the look of confusion on my face. 

(Momo parents POV) We apologised please let us explained we're Momo's parents and she told us how far you went to save her. she said that you covered her with your own body and took a hit from a Nomu that was meant to kill her. then you shattered your left arm punching it to get it away from her. we can't thank you enough if there's anything we can do for you please let us know.

(Izuku POV) your welcome and i didn't do that much i just got lucky. as i look over to the door i see Ochaco's parents walking in they heard the whole thing. Ochaco's dad looked so proud hearing what i did. they have been taking turns watching over me for the last week. they wanted someone to be here when i woke up. 

(Momo parents POV) it seems you have more company we will be leaving now. Ochaco's dad introduced himself to us and told us that he owns a construction company. really can i have your business card i have need of a good construction company right now if your interested. and Izuku once again thank you for saving our little girl. 

(Izuku POV) at this point Ochaco and Eri wake up both coming over to the bed. Eri spoke first asking me how i was doing and who was Bahamut? i see my mom's eyes go wide at the mention of his name. Eri how do you know that name? 

(Eri POV) daddy you talk in your sleep sometimes i was laying next to you when you said that name. 

(Inko POV) Don't worry about it Eri remember the doctor said he was having strange dreams because of his fever. but right now there's a lot of people that want to see your daddy. 

(Izuku POV) Ochaco's dad opened the door and almost all of my class entered except Momo and Kachaan. Ochaco's dad spoke up and said he was going to take my mom and Eri for a quick bite to eat and they would be right back. Kirishima spoke first he told me about how he lost Kachaan and how he felt responsible a few seconds later the door opened and it was Momo. she told us about the tracking device on the Nomu then she looked at me and asked everyone to leave except Ochaco. 

(Momo POV) as the class left i waited until i couldn't hear them anymore before i spoke. Izuku i want you to be honest with me right now please.

(Izuku POV) ok Momo what's wrong. 

(Momo POV) do you have wings? i saw them in the fight and your eyes they changed they were cat like i'll be honest with you i was afraid of you for a moment when you let out that first scream before you hit the Nomu. i didn't know if i was dreaming all this up but the rips in the back of your shirt told me it wasn't my imagination. 

(Izuku POV) Ochaco please close the curtains and stand by the door. i can see a look of concern in Momo's eyes as Ochaco complied with my request. i sat up once she was by the door i release my wings from my back. 

(Momo POV) he does have wings but they look different from what i remembered those had heavy scales i touch one and it's warm and feels like leather  

(Izuku POV) i stand up and i take a step closer to Momo and i wrap my wings around her and said this is how i covered you in the fight. i didn't want you to see this side of me yet but i didn't want to lose you. so i released my wings to protect you. i was going to tell you about it when you moved in. i'm sorry i hide this side of me from you if you don't want to be with me i understand. 

(Momo POV) i can feel the warmth of his wings around me and i lean in for a hug. i ask about his eyes.

(Izuku POV) My eyes change when i get angry they turn feral. cat like is how i was told they look. Momo there's only eight people who know about this you can't tell anyone. this quirk in't normal it's a dragons quirk and i'm just learning how to use it. so please you can't tell anybody about this side of my quirk ok.

(Momo POV) so that makes me number nine? He replied no your number eight four heroes the principal my mom and Ochaco. Eri doesn't know so please don't tell her she isn't ready for that yet. Ok Izuku i promise not to tell anybody ok.

Author see you soon

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