making it safe for my family

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(Izuku POV) my jaw dropped open i didn't know what to say. i was happy and scared at the same time. why didn't you let me know sooner? 

(Ryuko POV) I didn't want to worry you. your already under a lot of stress and to be honest i was scared that you wouldn't want me to have it. i was on birth control and i still got pregnant. the more i started to show and the more the baby moved and i wanted you to be a part of the baby's life. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner please don't be upset with me. i thought you needed to know and i wanted to tell you face to face.

(Izuku POV) can i touch your belly? when i did i felt the baby move and i was overcome with joy. at that very moment i knew exactly what i needed to do to protect this child and the rest of my family. but i will make them safe from those trying to hunt me down. oh my god i have to tell the girls about this. Ochaco is going to be upset with me she wanted to be the first one with my child. i looked at Ryuko and leaned in to kiss her she leaned in and we kissed. i told her to take care of herself and my child that i am going to make it safe for all of them. i call Ochaco and tell her i'm on my way home and that i need to talk to all of them.

(Ochaco POV) i gathered up all of the girls. we were all curious about what he wanted to talk about. but we didn't have to wait long Izuku entered the house Eri was off like a shot and leaped into her daddy's arms. Izuku put Eri down and he took a deep breath.

(Izuku POV) i told the girls about Ryuko Eri wanted to know what pregnant was. Ochaco took it the hardest she looked at me and said you promised me i would be the first one with your child. she left the room Momo walked after her placing her hand on her shoulder consoling her. the other girls looked at me and asked how did it happen. i explained to them about me going into heat and my lack of control. not too long after that Ochaco and Momo walked into the room. Eri left my side and sat on Ochaco's lap. Ochaco hugged Eri tightly causing Eri to lean back into her mom and snuggle in. 

(Kyoka POV) I remember you telling me about that the first time i was with you. you said you were in heat. i thought that was your way of saying you were horny so i just rolled with it. Ochaco bursted out with you went back into heat is that what happened? 

(Izuku POV) yes i went into heat and even though Ryuko was on the pill she got pregnant. she took me to a cave to get me out of the city and i was too far gone to find you. so she took care of me I'm sorry i didn't bring this up sooner but i was ashamed of myself to be honest. i don't like when i don't have control of myself. But for now i need your help all of your help to be honest. I'm tired of being afraid to go out in public with you. i want to go after the man that has been behind targeting all of you to get to me. I'm tired of just reacting I'm tired of living in fear of something happening to my family or people i love. i couldn't live with myself if something happened to any of you. 

(Ochaco POV) Izuku we're not as weak as you think. this is what we have been training for to stop people like him. if your asking me will we help  i think i speak for all of us when i say  try and stop us. but my question is how are we going to get to them without breaking the law ourselves. 

(Izuku POV) i have the perfect bait for that i will go out by myself i want Momo to place a tracker on me i will allow myself to be caught and you can track me. and when i stop moving you move in and round them all up in one big sting. at first they only wanted Eri but now i think they just want me. i know its not perfect but i think it will work. but first we all need to train. the people we're about to face won't hesitate to take us torture to get what they want. the girls all start to nod in agreement and train we did. Harder than we ever have learning as much in class as we could followed by individual and close quarter combat training. Eri joined us for the individual training she is becoming really good at it. as i look at all of them train i can feel a swelling of pride in my chest. i call all the girls in and they stop their training you all have become very good at one on one fighting but the enemies won't be coming after you one at a time. its time prepare you for how your really going to fight. we will start two vs one then we will move up to three vs one. it wont be easy but when i rescued Ochaco and Eri i was always out numbered. i don't think it will be any better for you when you have to rescue me. during this training you can't afford to hold back the enemy won't be holding back. they will try their best to take you down or worse kill you. i won't make a move until i feel you in the building I'm trusting you to come for me please don't make me regret my decision. 

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