Fruits of my labor

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(Izuku POV) As the girls exit the hot springs we start going to our cabins the boys went to one the girls went to another and there was a medium size tent which was for my little family. The school doesn't want to stress Eri so they set this up so she and i could be together. i could see the look of sadness in Momo's eyes when she looked at Ochaco and Eri walking with me towards the tent. so i called out for her to join us. and she practically glowed. 

(Momo POV) Mina's questions in the hot spring threw me and Ochaco off guard. but we answered them honestly. it didn't make sense to try to hid it because it's all going to come out sooner or later. the other girls were in shock but i was happy to hear Ochaco tell them that it was our choice and we were happy like this. as we walked out i see Ochaco walking with Eri towards the tent and i felt sad that i wouldn't be there with them. then i hear Izuku call me asking me to join them and i felt so happy as i go to the tent with them. 

(Eri POV) Mommy why are we not sleeping with everyone in the house. why are the girls going into one house while the boys go into another?  

(Ochaco POV) Eri those are called cabins one of the cabins is for the boys the other is for the girls and were going to sleep in the tent. 

(Eri POV) Daddy Is Momo going to stay with us in the tent?

(Izuku POV) Yes she is remember when i told you that she is an important person to us. she is family to us and as a family were all going to sleep in the tent together. are you ok with that? 

(Eri POV) i look at my daddy and say yes. as we all go inside the tent i see a small sleeping bag for me and one for my mommy and daddy and say there isn't one for Momo. i looked at her and she smiled at me and said don't worry then i see a glow in her chest and there was a sleeping bag big enough for all of us. i got so excited because i get to sleep with them in the same sleeping bag. 

(Izuku POV) as we all got ready for bed i asked Momo was she sure that she wanted to do this and she smiled at me and kissed me and said yes. i turn and look at Ochaco kiss her and i lean over and kiss Eri and say let's go to bed. Eri snuggled in between me and Ochaco while Momo held me from the other side. and we all drift off to sleep. 

(Izuku POV) i woke up first and get out of bed i tried to get out without waking anyone but Momo woke up. i leaned in and kissed her good morning and she turned red. she got out of the sleeping bag and Ochaco and Eri woke up so we all left the tent together as a family. the other students were coming out of the cabins and when they saw us i could feel the stares. Mr Aizawa was waiting for us the wild pussy cats were also waiting for us. i was told that i would be training under tiger. Mr Aizawa called Eri over to his and asked would she like to play with Kota and she said yes. 

(Tiger POV) i see Midoriya walking towards me and said were going to spar first i see him stretch then he looks at me and said he was ready so i struck i thought i was going to hit him but he is fast. my first punch hit nothing and he was coming at me throwing his own punch. i activate my quirk and stretch my body out of the way but he followed up with a kick out of nowhere. i was barely able to dodge it countering with my own kick. he went low  and moved out of the way i readjusted my body to try to strike again. I run towards him to close the distance i threw a combo of punches and he dodged and followed up with his own punch i moved slightly out of the way. when he missed he quickly spun and followed up with an elbow that if i didn't block he would have hit my head.

(Mr Aizawa POV)  i was shocked when i saw Midoriya sparing with Tiger to say he improved is an understatement. he is really giving tiger a run for his money and i don't think that he is even using his quirk yet. he almost hit tiger in the head with an elbow i call out to him and tell him to stop for a minute. when i got to both of them i asked Midoriya are you using your Quirk? 

(Izuku POV) i looked at Mr Aizawa and said no i saw the look that he gave me he looked shocked. then he asked me who has been teaching me hand to hand combat i told him Gran Torino mostly. i didn't want to tell him about my training sessions with All Might. he told me that he wanted to see me use my Quirk when we started again. but he reminded me that we are sparing and to be careful  with how much power i was using.

(Tiger POV) Holy crap this kid fought me like that and he wasn't even using his quirk. he almost got me with his last strike. i call out to Mandalay and tell her that i'm going to need her assistance. as she jogged up and looked at the boy then looked at me. she said do you really need help with this one? i told her that he is a lot faster than he looks and that we needed to fight him together to help him push is limits. i told Midoriya to ready himself because we both were going to attack him then Mr Aizawa said begin. like a shot he was off i lost sight of him for a second. if not for Mandalay i would have gotten punched in the side of my head.

(Mandalay POV) He is quick he almost got Tiger i barely got to him before he struck. i kicked his arm before he hit tiger and the kid used the momentum to help him spin and counter me with an elbow that hit my ass. Tiger was able to hit the kid with a punch and the kid leaped back and shot off into the tree's. as we both scanned the treeline i saw a green blur out of the corner of my eye and barley got my arm up in time. i blocked the punch and Tiger punched the kid and to both out surprise he grabbed Tigers arm rolled with the punch and tried to kick him in the chest. 

(Tiger POV) if not for my quirk he would have connected with that kick. this kid is a monster and i know that he is holding back. if not for Mandalay i think this kid would have already beaten me. who the hell is teaching him to fight? if he keeps going at this pace i think that he'll be stronger than All Might. Mandalay used her quirk to tell me to attack him at the same time she did as she went low to take out his legs it went for his upper body. he somehow managed to doge both our attacks. 

(The class POV) we all stopped our training when we saw Izuku fighting not one but two pro hero's. we stared in disbelief as he fought. he managed to hit them as they hit him he even had them on the ropes a few times. we all were wondering how did he improve so much.

Author see you soon

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