On the move

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(Izuku POV) As i walk into my mothers house Eri came flying down the hallway and jumped into my arms. i felt how hard she was squeezing my neck and the little trembles in her arms and i asked her are you ok? in a very soft voice she told me that she was scared that something bad happened to me when she saw what happened to me on TV. Eri continued to say i thought i lost you and i didn't hear from you or my mom's and i was scared that i was alone again. i felt my stomach drop i didn't even think to check in with her to see how she was doing. Eri I'm so sorry I'll do a better job of keeping in touch with you when i have to work like i did this week.

(Inko POV) As i listen to Eri talking to my baby my heart just breaks. but i try to comfort her by saying see i told you that your daddy was alright. but you'll never be alone Eri I'll be here for you too. Izuku who is the young lady with you i remember her from your school but we were never introduced. the young lady never took her eyes off my son and i could see the look in her eyes as she saw him comfort Eri.

(Izuku POV) I'm sorry mom this is Jiro she is also in my class she and i just started dating. 

(Jiro POV) As i look at how Izuku and Eri acted with each other i remember what Tsuyu told me about how he is with Eri and how attached Eri is with him he really treats her like his child and she loves him like he's her dad. i didn't even hear his mom talk at that moment i was just amazed with how kind he really is. when i realized that Izuku was trying to introduce me to his mom. i blush and apologize to her and properly introduce myself.  as i was speaking with his mom he excused himself to help Eri pack

(Inko POV) As my son walked away with Eri still in his arms i studied the girl closely and i could tell she is heads over heels for my son. Jiro he is an amazing dad and that little girl truly loves him. I've met the other girls please help them watch over my Izuku and Eri. he is reckless and will do anything to protect his loved ones. Jiro looked at me and told me that she will do everything in her power to protect them. i hugged her and thanked her as Izuku came out the room still carrying Eri in his arm and carrying her bag in his other arm.  They said goodbyes and left.

Time Skip to the next day.

(Shigaraki POV)  Master thinks highly of you. Wolfram moved without authorization and got caught by the dragoon hero. i never thought he would go down that easily. so don't disappoint me like he did. I want this kid caught alive the only after I'm is done then I'll kill him. use whatever means necessary but don't kill him. 

(Nine POV) Bringing in children that are still in school is beneath me. but if its the masters will for me to help you I'll make it happen. where can i find this child so that i can narrow down my search. better yet does he have any family or friends in the area to draw him out. 

(Shigaraki POV) Here are the locations of his family and loved ones. just be warned that someone else tried this tactic and failed. this child as you like to call him is very resourceful and a lot stronger than he looks. Overhaul and Wolfram have failed to bring him down and Overhaul had some very powerful recourses at his disposal. 

(Nine POV) Ha with the power the master has given me this will be too easy. I'll have him captured within the week. I'll crush anyone that stands in my way.

At the same time at school

(Jiro POV) I learned so much at my internship Gang Orca is a lot smarter than he looks. he knows how to get the best out of all of his people. What about you Ochaco how was your internship, what was Endeavor like?

(Ochaco POV) He is strong, very smart and condescending. we spent a lot of time just trying to keep up with him. i learned a lot during our week there i didn't realize how large his agency is and how diverse all of the missions they go on are.  

(Mina POV) Izuku how was it training with the Dragoon Hero i heard that you had a hand catching a very powerful villain. i bet that was scary. you have a knack for getting into bad situations. speaking of scary can i talk with you alone after class i have a couple of questions i need to ask you. 

(Izuku POV) sure just let me walk Eri and the girls home and I'll meet up with you at the dorms common area and we'll leave from there. just then Mr Aizawa walks in and we begin our homeroom class. once school was over i helped Eri pack her bookbag and picked her up she has been very clingy since i got home she even asked me to sleep in her room with her last night. after i dropped her off at the house and got her started on her homework i left to meet up with Mina. Jiro and Ochaco were in the kitchen cooking and Momo and Tsuyu were helping Eri with her homework. 

(Mina POV) As Izuku walked in i smiled and we walked out of the dorms and down one of the scenic trails on the school grounds. i looked him in the eyes and asked him what he thought about me. 

(Izuku POV) i think your out going confident and fun to be around. i enjoy your company you always manage to make me smile. plus if I'm being honest i really like your eyes. i turn a little red when i realized what i just said.

(Mina POV) when i see Izuku blush it made me happy. do you really think I'm confident to be honest my pink skin my horns and my dark eyes make me a little self conscious so i go out of my way to get people to see past that. i got teased a lot when i was young forcing me to act like i have more confidence than what i really have just to make friends. Izuku i would like to hang out with you Saturday just you and me is that ok. i could feel my heart pounding in my chest when he looked into my eyes and said ok.

Author see you soon

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