Night and Day

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Prior to Izuku getting to the training ground.

(Nezu POV) Girls i want you to fight Midoriya with everything you have. don't worry about hurting him we have recovery girl on standby to heal him. your going to play the part of the villains today. i want you to put everything you have into this i want you to really try to beat him.

(Ochaco POV) Principal Nezu i don't think that were going to be able to hurt him even if we want to. i  can see Tsuyu, Toru and Kyoka looking at not really believing what i just said. I've seen what he can really do and it's terrifying to say the least. it's going to be really hard to beat him. this really has to be a team effort or we will lose.

Back to the fight

(Izuku POV) i use OFA and leap up to get away and i got hit by a literal boulder. driving me back into the ground. they were ready for me think Izuku think i need to get away from here. so i go through the building to get away from them and i gather my thoughts. Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Toru and Kyoka. their attack was flawless well thought out each covering for the other. how do i get them into that cell without hurting them. then i remember the fight with Miro and i get an Idea. i focus and shift my eyes i can see them moving away from me and setting back up.

(Momo POV) can any of you see him? Kyoka can you track track his sound? On it she replied he's in the building. crap that's not good he has the advantage in the building retreat quickly make him come to us. 

(Edgeshot POV) at least he was smart enough to get away from the attackers to regroup but other than him going through a wall he really isn't that impressive. the Principal wants him to fight the five of us next this will be quick. part of the building exploded outwards and what looked like an oversized bullet shot out. 

(Endeavor POV) this is what i expected from him from the beginning he moved quickly he grabbed the frog girl first and dashed away before the others could react. she was alone on the side of the building that was smart. the girls adjusted quickly but so did he using his speed and surprise. that little shit never threw punch and he eventually got them all into the cell. picking off the long range fighters first then the brawlers. but i have to admit those girls did a really good job on such short notice.

(Nezu POV) this round is over girls please leave the training ground. Midoriya do you need any healing? 

(Miruko POV) the kid had a car and a boulder dropped on him of course he needs some healing. i was shocked when he nodded his head no. i guess i have no reason to hold any of my punches.

(Nezu POV) I'm glad you said that Mirko i don't want any of you to hold your punches hit him with all of your might. Endeavor Looked at me and said i wasn't planning on it i still owe him from the last time. then the top five heroes took the field and the students entered the viewing room. Midoriya your next opponents are the top five heroes don't use lethal force but don't hold back. same rules apply they won't be holding back good luck. 

(Toru POV) i can't believe he found me and grabbed me when i wasn't reflecting light. OMG he could see me he saw me naked didn't he. Ochaco answered me he might have i'll ask him if you want. Principal Nezu said girls please pay attention to the screens. a second later we saw pro heroes in the area not just any heroes the top five and they won't be holding back.

(Nezu POV) Midoriya began walking when the first attack struck. feathers struck him from all angles at once then there was a shout and the feathers left. Rabbit Hero Miruko was running quickly and attempted to kick him. he grabbed her leg and used her momentum against her and threw her feathers caught her and set her down. she began running at him again Midoriya began running at her when threads wrapped around one of his legs and stopped him. Best Jeanist screamed now Edgeshot and the ninja hero seemed to appear out of nowhere and began to fold in on himself and tried to attack Midoriya be attacking his nervous system. Midoriya let out a primal scream that shattered glass and knocked Edgeshot out. 

(Deku POV) after i let out a vocal attack i shifted my density and kicked my trapped leg free. Principal Nezu said not to hold back so i went after Best Jeanist. when a fire wall burned in front of me. I looked up and saw Endeavor and i felt the kick to the back of my head. i was lucky that i shifted my density or that kick would have knocked me out. once again i was wrapped with threads but this time it was covering most of my upper body. Miruko began her assault on my body i released my wings and the snapped the threads Endeavor shouted and both best jeanist and Miruko fled back best jeaned had Edgeshot with him. then once again fire i activated OFA and shot after best jeanist he was supporting and injured comrade. Endeavor anticipated this move and leaped off his perch and attacked me. tried to kick Endeavor when my leg was taken out from under me by feathers. i need to do something about hawks and i thought about my training i'll use fire. i use my falling momentum and rolled away from the building and the hero's i leap up to my feet. i see more feathers coming at me i release fire and mold it into a shield and when the feathers hit they burned. now it's time to fight fire with fire and speed. 

(Endeavor POV) why are you playing games boy show us what you can really do or just stop. as soon as i said the the boy was gone from my sight it was only for a second but that was all he needed. he punched me in the gut then he let out a gout of fire right behind it and it burned. i saw hawks moving in with Miruku both were fast but the boy was just a little faster he turned towards hawk and leaped out of the way and Miruko's kick ended up kicking hawks in the chest but the boy didn't turn around he went after Best jeanist. who was waiting for the right moment to strike he sent his threads after the boy who just sent fire right at him. he leaped out of the way but the boy was ready i used my fire to propel me after the boy and i saw that Miruko was right behind me the boy grabbed best jeanist and threw him at Miruko then leaped right towards me then at the last second dodged and went after hawks. i had too much momentum to just stop and he went right past me and i heard a bone rattling crunch and hawks was down. my burns were slowing me down but i refuse to lose to this child. 

(Nezu POV) Endeavor got what he asked for the boy went after them. he is alot stronger than what i thought and he could mold his fire to his will and he fights smart. as i continue to watch the boy running towards best jeanist and Miruko and hit them with electricity and they both dropped. then he turned towards Endeavor and asked him to surrender that his companions were defeated and he couldn't escape. so i stop the fight then i turn to the girls and saw the look on their faces they were all pale with shock. 

Author see you soon.

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