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Bakugo pov) I woke up to the sounds of a fight as my eyes opened i could see Kirishima and Izuku fighting. Both were taking and giving heavy blows. Izuku's punches sounded like he was hitting hard enough to break concrete. Kirishima's wasn't trying to dodge but hitting Izuku when he was getting hit. 

Izuku pov) Kirishima is fearless even after seeing how i took Bakugo down he is standing toe to toe with me. It's time to hit just a little harder by gradually increasing my density so I can hit harder and not hurt him. 

Kirishima pov) His hits are getting harder I need to think of something I didn't want to break this move out yet but I need to push myself. If Izuku can take Bakugo's explosions he should be able to take this. UNBREAKABLE!!!

Izuku pov) Kirishima's yell took me by surprise and the weight of the hits that followed even more so. He actually lifted me off my feet with his three hit combo. I couldn't disrespect his determination by not rising up to meet his challenge. so I shifted the density in my arms and charged rite at him and the two of us exchanged some very heavy blows. 

Kirishima pov) I can't hold this form for much longer. its all or nothing I have to give him everything I have I can't hold back. 

The class pov) Everyone was shocked to see this fight last for so long. There was nothing fancy about it. This was a ugly slug fest both of them standing there and punching. No defense no strategy just vicious punches being thrown. it looked like parts of kirishima were breaking off but that didn't stop him he kept throwing punches. Izuku took all of the punches kirishima threw you could see the bruises getting left behind but he didn't back down.

Kirshima pov) My knees buckled and I barley saw it the punch that stopped short of landing on my temple. Izuku stopped when he saw me buckle he is a real man. 

Izuku pov) Shit he's buckling I try to stop my last punch in time thankfully I didn't hit him. I reach out to Kirishima and he took my hand and got back up to his feet. He went back to his normal form his body looked like a bunch of massive bruises. I don't think mine looked any better but I didn't want to disrespect his effort by not feeling his punches. So at the end of the fight we both looked like we were on the wrong side of a butt whooping. 

Kirishima pov) Izuku placed his hand on my chest and began chanting like he did with Bakugo. All of my bruises and pain started to go away. when he finished chanting I felt like a new man. I couldn't help myself I grabbed his arm and raised it up high and said winner Izuku. Then I saw the look of pain on his face and apologized. Izuku sat down and crossed his legs and closed his eyes. He began chanting and I could see all of his bruising start to fade away. 

Izuku pov) As my pain began to fade away I could hear the sound of little feet running towards me. I opened my eyes and saw Eri running I reached out to her and she jumped. I caught her and she told me how brave she was when the explosions rang out. As I got to my feet I walked over to Bakugo and asked everyone except Mr. Aizawa and Eri to leave. once they were all gone I asked why do hate me?

Bakugo pov) I'm jealous of you. 

Izuku pov) You promised me the truth stop playing with me! 

Bakugo pov) I'm not even when we were kids you could make friends real friends. The kids that hung out with me did so because they thought i was cool. You would stand up and help kids even if you got beat up for it. Even when i picked on you. When i was down or got hurt you made sure i was ok. I envied you for that. In middle school i tried my best to put you down just to make me feel better. But that never stopped you. We both get into UA and you not only make friends you manage to get the all of the girls in our class to not only like you but your dating all of them. I've only manage to make one real friend. You managed to get the whole class to like you and now your so far ahead of me i can't keep up. 

Izuku pov) When we were kids i looked up to you. You were my goal i studied your fighting style so that one day you would respect me and accept me as a friend. I never wanted any of this i still don't. All i want now is to raise my family and become the number one hero. Why are you always picking fights with me?

Bakugo pov) I wanted to beat you. i wanted to beat you in a fight to prove to myself that I'm better than you. when I couldn't beat you in hand to hand I wanted to beat you with my quirk. when that failed I wanted to beat you with all of my tools anything to get a victory. To prove that I'm the better warrior so that everyone could all see that I'm the better man.

Izuku pov) I only have one request of you. leave my family alone. being a better fighter doesn't make you a better man. Try treating people with respect and you might be surprised how they will start treating you differently. But for now leave me alone for a while when you can talk to me without yelling come see me. I walked out of the gym with Eri leaving Mr. Aizawa and Bakugo behind.

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