Dreams and fated meetings

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(Izuku POV)the last things i remember was a the dragon head appearing in front of me and it began to chuckle which made everything in the cave rumble. now i know why he spoke into my head and didn't just speak i think i would have gone deaf. then his claw touched my head and an explosion of pain throughout my body. i wake up in the middle of a field in the woods i was walking in wondering was this all a dream? but it felt so real but i don't feel any pain now and i remember him saying something about leaving a mark on me and i take off my shirt looking for a mark. nothing i decide to go home and take a better look. so i take a shortcut home it goes through an alley under a bridge but it will save me about twenty minutes.

(Inko POV)i'm in the middle of  cooking dinner and i hear a knock on the door

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(Inko POV)i'm in the middle of  cooking dinner and i hear a knock on the door. a tall man with jet black hair with a flash of silver at his temples wearing what looked like a cloak that dragged on the ground asked me if i was miss Midoriya. i said yes and asked him how can i help you. the man was very handsome and the silver added to his features. he smiled at me and said its about your son. i go into panic mode and ask if he is all right. the man assures me that he is fine. he asked me if my husband was around and i told him no that he works abroad. he raised an eyebrow that made my heart flutter. he complimented me on how well i raised my child. and the gave me a warning.

(Bahamut POV)i was impressed that she was alone in raising this child. i told her about about how kind he is and i warned her about his future. your son has the heart of a dragon and when he begins to come into his true strength like any child he won't be able to completely control himself. she cuts me off by saying.

(Inko POV)Mister i don't know what your talking about my son doesn't have a quirk i think you have the wrong person in mind. then he just smiles at me.

(Bahamut POV)i assure you that we are speaking about your child. when his body can begin to control his power he will go through some changes. you must continue to nurture this child during this time. he will begin to deal with things that will begin to change him. things like pride knowledge love fear and his first cycle of going into heat.and that when he goes into his first heat that he will become territorial and girls will be drawn to him.

(Inko POV)what i don't understand fear his first heat cycle? what do you mean. he isn't an animal he won't go into heat.

(Bahamut POV)once again all i could do was smile and assure her that this would happen and when the child starts to feel like he is going to lose control that he needs to go deep into the woods to calm down if he could find powerful heros to go with him that would be even better but if they couldn't calm him down or stop him you need to take hold of this pendant and call my name Bahamut and i will calm the child down and help him get past the problem. i reach out and give her my pendant. i say goodbye and walked away then i leaped into the air and spread my wings and begin to change back into my regular form as i fly away.

(Inko POV)the man told me his name which was odd but i commited it to memory and he reached out and hands me a pendant that looks old and expensive it looked like it was made out of gold and silver

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(Inko POV)the man told me his name which was odd but i commited it to memory and he reached out and hands me a pendant that looks old and expensive it looked like it was made out of gold and silver. before i could say anything he turned and walked away i couldn't help but to watch the man as he walked away and the his cloaked opened up. it wasn't a cloak they were wings he went up in the air and instead of getting smaller as he flew away he got larger i fell back out of shock and fear. by the time he got to the clouds he was the size of a city block and bigger than my apartment building. i managed to close the door to my apartment and then i passed out.

(Izuku POV)as i was walking home i get a feeling something's not right but chalk it up to my odd day so far and i put a smile on my face as i think of what would All Might do. as i continue forward i didn't hear a slime monster coming out of a manhole cover i turn in time to see it pounce towards me. in my head it registered like slow motion but my body just couldn't move out of the way fast enough it began to wrap itself around me and i begin to panic then slime begins to try to force itself in my mouth saying that it was going to control my body and escape using me as a meatsuit. i see the manhole cover explode for the ground and i see a familiar silhouette it was All Might. 

(Author) at this point it goes cannon until Izuku gets home to a very scared and confused mom.

(Inko POV) as i watch the news waiting for my son to return i see him and his childhood bully on the news being saved by All MIght as he entered the apartment all i could do was hug him remembering what Bahamut said to me out of fear i asked him how he was doing after everything he went through i thought he would be afraid but he just smiled and said he was fine just tired as he smiled. 

(Izuku POV) after being smothered by my mom i ate and went into my room thinking that starting tomorrow i was going to begin my training with All Might and i drift of into sleep after my long day. i had crazy dreams of dragons and All Might i was the dragon and All Might and my mom were riding my back.

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