Overwhelming force

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(Izuku POV) as you wish i said. i activated OFA and rushed in i shifted my density i could see the anger in his eyes he is going to use everything he has against me. i run into an explosion to my face and punched him in his chest sending him flying back. i continue forward after him as i step out of the flames i could see both of his hands placed close together as he released another explosion. this time it sent him flying away from me as i was swallowed up by fire again. 

(Class POV) this fight was madness Izuku is a monster. he hit Bakugo sent him flying caught him threw him back and now he is going through explosions like they were a soft breeze. most of the girls in the class didn't look surprised. Bakugo isn't holding back as his explosion's are just getting larger to no real effect. Izuku is starting to become more relentless his strikes are precise and all of them are connecting. Bakugo is throwing punches that are exploding he is also trying to kick him. Izuku is just blocking him or just avoiding him. All of Izuku's movements are fluid they flow one right into another leaving little room for Bakugo to counter him. 

(Aizawa POV) I'm very impressed with how much Midoriya is holding back. but I'm going to have to stop this fight soon. 

(Izuku POV) i focus on my task at hand strike in fluid motions no wasted movements. don't give him a chance to counter. don't use too much strength yet. i want to make him feel how he makes others feel. Kacchan is getting desperate as he uses an explosion behind him to try to tackle me. as he came towards me i grabbed his head and hit him with a knee strike that sent him flying back. time to get serious and finish this. 

(Kacchan POV) Damn it i can't win like this that last attack almost made me black out. i need to try to take him down but i can't get close. i wish i had my gauntlets this would be a different fight. all of a sudden Izuku yells to me to get ready the warm up is over. i took a knee to the chest and i flew back about fifty feet and slammed against the wall. the impact knocked the wind out of my lungs. in an instant he was right in front of me and there was nothing i could do. i could see that he was ready to throw a punch then Deku just stopped.

(Aizawa POV) i yell out match over. winner Izuku Midoriya

(Kacchan POV) damn it why did you stop the fight. i could have gotten out of this situation.  i don't consider this a loss. Mr Aizawa pulled me over to the side and told me this match was over the moment it started. i looked over to Deku who was surrounded by the entire class right now. i asked Mr Aizawa what did he meant by that and what he told me pissed me off even more. 

 (Aizawa POV) Midoriya was holding back the entire fight had he used his full strength like you did. his first hit would have ended the fight and all of your sloppy attacks even if they connected would have done nothing to him. during a test we held for him he had a boulder and a car dropped on him from a few stories up and they did nothing to him.  he isn't the same person you knew before. be thankful that he is a kind person because this could have been ugly for you.

(Izuku POV) i see the girls staring at me when i look down at my costume and it was shredded again. the guys looked at me in awe asking me who taught me how to fight like that and how come i was able to go through Kacchans attacks. i hear Eri call me as she come running into the gym with Ochaco right behind her. she jumped into my arms and hugged me she looked at me and asked me what happened to my clothing. i smiled at her and told her they broke while i was training. then she asked why didn't i take off my top like i do at home? you know what my little rabbit your right i should have. i call out to Kacchan.

(Kacchan POV) no this can't be right no way he's that strong i never had a chance. then from across the room i hear Deku call me as i look over he said i owe his family an apology. Mr Aizawa looked at me he said you made the bet now it's time to pay up. i walk up to his family and bowed my head and i apologised. Kirishima put his hand on my shoulder and told me that was manly come on bro lets go train. i kept my head down as we left the gym i felt horrible i lost completely lost. not just that i lost in front of everyone and had to apologize to his family. 

(Izuku POV) i put Eri down and said i had to change as i left i could see most of my class talking amongst themselves and Mr Aizawa approached me. i didn't expect what happened next he began to scold me. 

(Aizawa POV) it's one thing to beat your opponent but you purposely embarrassed him. that match should have been much shorter. just remember how you felt when the strong picked on you. i saw Midoriya deflate he lowered his head and told me that's exactly what he wanted him to feel. so that he would think twice about picking on the weak. 

(Izuku POV) Maybe i was too harsh on him. as i looked down Mr Aizawa told me that he was impressed with how much self control i showed in the match. he also told me that he was impressed how i didn't waste my time with flashy moves. i looked up at him and said thanks and then he walked away. as i changed i began to think about my date with Tsuyu.

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