The path forward

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Izuku pov) Mom I think I'm going to stay at your house until this is over. I look at principal Nezu as I say I need to focus on what needs to be done. 

Inko pov) Baby you're always welcome home but the apartment is too small for your family to fit.

All Might pov)  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my house keys and tossed them to Izuku. Stay at my house I've practically moved into your mother's place. 

Nezu pov) This isn't necessary you can stay here. Were only trying to do what is right. We've been teaching you how to capture criminals. Your not judge, jury and executor.

Izuku pov) I want to thank you for everything you've done for me and my family. But I'm going to do what is necessary to protect my family. All I ask is that you continue to allow my wives to continue to attend your school. If you allow them to continue to to attend UA I'll show you my new forms. Do you agree.

Nezu pov) It doesn't have to be like this. All Might please talk to him. 

All Might pov) This is his burden, it's his family that has been constantly targeted. I won't be the one, to make him choose between his families safety or what you want him to do. 

Izuku pov) Principal Nezu do we have a deal yes or no.

Nezu pov) yes we have a deal.

Izuku pov) girls please pack some clothing for the next nine days. Mom please explain to them what's going on. Let's go to training ground Gama. 

Nezu pov) I began making phone calls and the other teachers began calling all of off duty hero's. We told them where to meet us and to hurry.  

Izuku pov) As we pulled up to the training grounds a bunch of heroes began to arrive. Principal Nezu asked me to wait for a little longer. All of the top twenty heroes arrived plus a bunch of the local up and coming heroes. I looked at Nezu and asked what's going on.

Nezu pov) I looked at the gathered heroes and said. In ten days Izuku is going to have to fight AFO. Please don't interfere with the fight for your own safety. He has the ability to shift his appearance. Izuku if you would.

Nezu pov) I looked at his new form and a shiver ran down my spine

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Nezu pov) I looked at his new form and a shiver ran down my spine. He was twice All Might's size and when he opened his wings he was truly terrifying. Please do not attempt capture him or stop him. Izuku if you would shift again.

Izuku pov) I need all of you to back up about 4 city blocks please.

Izuku pov) I need all of you to back up about 4 city blocks please

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Nezu pov) I could see the fear in quite a few of the heroes. Even Endeavor said he was glad not to have to fight him. Ok Izuku you can shift back to normal. I took a deep breath and said. He isn't the one to be afraid of. His master will be attending the fight. He will kill anyone who attempts to interfere hero, villain it doesn't matter to him. He is a creature of honor and what AFO did by going back on his word has angered him.

Endeavor pov) When you say creature what do you mean?

Nezu pov) His master is an actual dragon, he is also one of the most powerful ones in existence. 

Endeavor pov) Didn't you tell me that the first thing he taught you was to heal people. 

Izuku pov) Punish the wicked heal the innocent. Do what is right not what is easy. AFO has threatened to kill me and my family. He also threatened to kill All Might and my master. To prove that his supremacy. If he only threatened me I wouldn't care as much. But he threatened my children. For that he will pay! For now I'm going to spend the next couple of days with my family.

Inko pov) As I was getting the girls settled in Toshi's house when Izuku walked in with Toshi. He looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Eri ran to him and he kneeled and opened his arms. He gave her a big smile and my heart melted. My little boy is becoming a man. He looked over to me and said. For the next couple of days I just want to focus on family. As he spoke the girls began walking into the room.

Izuku pov) All Might I would love to see you and my mom get married before my fight. Momo I want to to see your parents. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you told them. 

Momo pov) They don't know. I knew that you would want to be there. Izuku's smile warmed my heart.

Izuku pov) I want all of you to know that I'll be fighting AFO in ten days. Depending on how that ends I may not be eligible to graduate the hero course. But principal Nezu said all of you will be able to complete the course. The girls looked at me as if their world would crumble. I smiled and said. I will do whatever it takes to protect my loved ones no matter the cost. If I'm only a hero in your eyes then that is good enough for me. But for the next few days I just want to spend my time with the ones that I love the most. 

All Might pov) I guess tomorrow we're going shopping for the wedding. 

Inko pov) Izuku it would mean the world to me if you could be the one to walk me down the isle. Eri is going to my flower girl. The more I think about it the more excited I get.

Izuku pov) As I watch the girls surround my mom and see the smiles on their faces, I feel a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. In my heart i know that I've made the right decision.

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