A new place to Live

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(Momo POV) I see Izuku and Ochaco walking up with Eri. Izuku looks at me and i see sadness in his eyes. i ask Izuku is he ok? he looks down and i can see he is uncomfortable. 

(Izuku POV) as i look aways from Momo i tell her i'm ok. Momo how have you been?

(Momo POV) Izuku whats wrong? 

(Izuku POV) i just wanted to say i'm sorry for scaring you and i understand if you don't want to live with us anymore. 

(Momo POV) i look at Izuku and i touch his face i'm so sorry. i should never have been afraid of you. i should have known that you would never hurt me. i've been working on a project for us i hope that you like it.

(Izuku POV) i'm sorry i thought that you stayed away from us because you didn't want to be with me anymore. 

(Momo POV) I'm so sorry i was working with Ochaco's dad. i know i should have called but i was working on a surprise.

(Ochaco POV) Huh? my dad works construction what project would you need him for?

(Momo POV) we subcontracted his company for a very important project your going to hear more about it today. Izuku i hope that you can forgive me for making you feel bad. Ochaco i also owe you an apology. i should have known better you trust Izuku with your life and my not trusting him was me not trusting you. i hope that you can forgive me i hope to earn your trust and when your ready to tell me more Izuku i'll listen. 

(Izuku POV) Momo i forgive you there are things i will have to tell you soon but for now let's head to class. 

(Eri POV) Daddy i don't understand why Momo was saying she was sorry? did she do something wrong?

(Izuku POV) no she didn't do anything wrong. we had a misunderstanding and she wanted to make things right. but i was also in the wrong for not telling her more about me. i was waiting for her to move in with us before i told her. but i should have told her sooner now that i'm thinking about it. 

(Eri POV) i still don't understand but i know that you look scary when your angry your eye's change and your hair starts to stand straight. i remember the first time i saw your eyes change. it was when you saw my scars the second time was when you fought the muscle guy. i wasn't scared of you but you do look scary. 

(Ochaco POV) i guess the first time i saw your eyes change it was under different circumstance. i didn't find them scary but they are intense. 

(Izuku POV) i remembered when Ochaco saw my eyes change and i begin to blush. thank goodness we made it to class. i could see Momo get ready to ask me about my blush when Mr Aizawa walked in.

(Mr Aizawa POV) as the class sat down i told them about the new dorms that they would be moving into and that parents were notified and agreed to it. i tell the class to follow me and i take them to the new dorms. as the students enter their new dorms i tell Izuku, Ochaco Momo that they will be living somewhere else and to follow me.

(Izuku POV) i pick Eri up and Ochaco grabs my hand and Momo walks next to me as we follow Mr Aizawa. he begins to lecture me on my actions and how i need to remember that i have a family that depends on me now and how i need to start making better decisions and not drag other people into danger with me. we walk up to a nice looking house it was bigger than anything i was used to. i look at Ochaco her eye were as wide as saucers. when i looked at Momo she looked proud.

(Mr Aizawa POV) this will be your new home while you attend UA it's fully furnished and there's a playground in the back for Eri. please go inside and if there's anything else you need please let me know and i'll submit the paperwork to get it for you. but for now i need to go into the dorms and lay down ground rules before Mineta gets any wrong ideas.

(Ochaco POV) Momo is this what you were working on with my father?

(Momo POV) yes i helped design the house i wanted it to be perfect i told your father what it was for and he personally built it with his most trusted crew. Eri do you want to see your room it has toys in it.

(Eri POV) REALLY!! which on is my room. 

(Izuku POV) hop along my little rabbit.

Eri POV) i'm not a rabbit daddy.

(Ochaco POV) i look at Eri smile and tell Izuku that she's not a rabbit and she ran off looking for her room. i look around and the living room was bigger than the apartment that we were living in and i begin to cry.

(Izuku POV) Ochaco whats wrong why are you crying?

(Ochaco POV) i can't help myself i'm just so happy right now. Momo thank you for hiring my dad for this. this is the nicest place i've ever lived.  

(Momo POV) this was my dad's idea this was his way of saying thank you. it has a fully stocked kitchen with top of the line appliances. our bedroom is also very nice i can't wait for you to see it.

(Izuku POV) i hear Eri say she found her room and i head off to find her as i walk into her room i see her smiling her room looked like something from a doll house. i look at Eri and asked her do you like your room.

(Eri POV) i love it daddy but does that mean i don't get to sleep in the same room with you anymore? 

(Izuku POV) Come here my little rabbit. when she came to me i picked her up and looked her in her eyes are you still afraid to be alone? i felt her arms reaching around my neck as she pulled me into a hug i could feel the fear in her. Ochaco and Momo walked in as she told me yes. Ochaco walked up to us and joined the hug and told her that she had nothing to be afraid of.

(Momo POV) as i look as the three of them together i feel a little left out then i hear Izuku tell Eri that she was safe and that she should thank me for building this room just for her. i feel a lump in my throat he always manages to involve me i look at Eri and smile i tell her the room is safe and it was built just for her but if she was still scared she could sleep with us in our room until she felt safe in her new home.

(Eri POV) do you mean it. is it really safe the bad man won't get me?

(Momo POV) i mean it the bad man won't get you plus we both know that your daddy and your mommy and i won't let the bad man get you. 

(Eri POV) if it's safe i would like to sleep in it tonight.

(Izuku POV) its safe my little rabbit plus i'll lay with you until you go to sleep. 

(Eri POV) Ok daddy i would like that. 

(Izuku POV) well let's explore the rest of the house. 

(Ochaco POV) as we explored our new home i can see something is bothering Momo so i pulled her to the side and asked what's wrong?

(Momo POV) who's this bad man that Eri is so scared of? 

(Ochaco POV) Chisaki he is a villian he has bad things to her she has the scars to prove it. she had nightmares for months. she would whimper and cry out in her sleep she has gotten better but sometimes she still has nightmares. 

(Momo POV) wow to be that young and have seen so much evil poor girl is that why she is so attached to Izuku?

(Ochaco POV) yes he saved her from him and she loves him like a father. she trusts him to save her when she is in trouble just like when he saved her from muscular at the camp. 

(Izuku POV) well let's get our things and unpack and get setted in.

Author POV see you soon.

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