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Izuku pov) I was in the middle of my spray and scrub. That's when they spray me down and  scrub me down and rinse me off because I'm too sore to do it my self. Tanwen was scrubbing me down then she stopped i was expecting her to rinse me off. when all of a sudden i felt her breasts on my back I froze.

Tanwen pov) do you like what your feeling Izuku. This is all your fault standing here naked in front of me. I bet you enjoy me scrubbing you down don't you. But if you want to claim this prize you need to be strong enough to survive. 

Izuku pov) when i turn my head and look Tanwen eyes turned cat like and i finally caught her scent. Now i understand what Ochaco and Midnight when through. I start taking deep breaths taking in her scent. The pain in my muscles fade away my eyes shift as i get ready to turn and I'm slammed into the wall. 

Tanwen pov) I said you need to be strong enough to claim me and your weak. I press up against him and bite his neck. His taste is driving me wild with my free hand i start dragging my nails down his side. 

Izuku pov) Her bite sent shivers down my spine and when she clawed my side something feral deep inside busted out of me. I pushed off the wall hard. I spun and what i saw was different from the Tanwen i know. She had her horns and her wings out but she still looked human. She was naked  and staring me down. I took another deep breath and i lunged towards her. 

Tanwen pov) I can see the look of lust in his eyes as he lunged towards me i grab his arm and throw him threw the wall. Delinda burst into the hallway and cursed as i rush towards Izuku.

Delinda pov) Shit Tanwen is in heat and i won't be able to stop them both by myself. so i run off to get Bahamut. When i finally get to him his words froze me either he will survive this of he will not. He's here to be tempered to be my successor. I know he will have to go through the same when you go through yours either he will survive of he won't.  

Izuku pov) If she wants to brawl I'm all in. As she charged me i hip tossed her her momentum throwing her across the room i leaped at her with enough force to shatter the ground under my feet. As our bodies collided i release my wings and spun as we went threw the next two walls. I took the brunt of the Impact with Tanwen landing on top of me. 

Tanwen pov) do you think I'm weak a peice of porcelain that will shatter when dropped. i could have withstood that hit without out protecting me. As i shove him down i claw his chest drawing a trace of blood. You need to get stronger if you want me to submit to you. 

Izuku pov) The more i take in her scent the more i lose myself to my lust. My body started to act on its own. i heard my voice  that was familiar and foreign to me. It was feral and i believed it as the came out of my mouth. I'll make you submit to me if its the last thing i do. the look on Tanwen face was one of ecstasy. 

Tanwen pov) Those words just turned me on. i look him in the eyes and said prove it. he smiled as he growled at me. 

Izuku pov) I use OFA and my wings to leverage Tanwen off Of me. As we both scrambled to our feet facing each other. Instead of lunging I take a combat stance. Tanwen grins at me and says show me what you've learned. I come at her with a knee strike and she sidestep me. I followed round with a spinning backhand and she was barely able to block it. she kicked at my midsection and I blocked it with my wing.

Tanwen pov) You've improved. But you're still not at the level to make me submit yet.

Izuku pov) I remember what Bahamut did to me during our first fight and I smiled. I released some of my density so that I can move faster and I also released my tail. I went in for a knee strike and once again she blocked it. This time used my tail to grab her leg and slam her onto the ground. 

Tanwen pov) How predictable he came at me with a knee strike. As I blocked his knee strike and got ready to counteract felt something around my ankle. The next thing I know I'm up in the air getting slammed hard down into the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of me. He followed up with an elbow to my stomach. He dropped down and grabbed both of my shoulders and then flapped his wings and lifted us both into the air about forty feet. As I tried to get air back into my lungs he dropped back down slamming me hard back into the ground. My vision swam and the next thing I knew he was kissing me.

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This is what Tanwen always wanted. A man strong enough to be able to defend her and their family. As Izuku kissed her she pulled him in closer holding him tightly. He grabbed her breast roughly making her gasp. She reached down and lined him up with her and he thrusted deep inside her. She bit down on his shoulder and clawed his back as he continued  slamming himself deep inside her. He pulled her hair hard enough to get her to look at him and they began kissing. He rolled her on top and grabbed both of her breasts and she rode him as if her life depended on it. She yelled out im cumming he yelled me too. She slammed down and he exploded deep in her filling her womb. Tanwen collapsed onto Izuku and she felt the warmth of his wings wrapped around her as they both blacked out.

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