Difference between lust and love part 1

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(All Might POV) Inko called me saying that young Midoriya is going through his changes as much as i hate to i call Midnight for just in case. i tell her to meet me in ten because young Midoriya is starting to go through his changes. she said ok i run to my car and pull around Midnight comes out while im pulling up and jumps in.

(Midnight POV) as All Might Pulls up i jump in and ask what's going on he looked at me cleared his throat and said that young Midoriya is starting to go into heat and we need to hurry his mom is having a hard time staying away from him. i continue to look at him as he pulls into traffic i said if his mom is having a hard time why am i going. 

(All Might POV) in case he changes again you were the only one that could stop him. you might have to put him to sleep. if i have to i'll put you to sleep to keep you from doing anything. i know it not a good position for you but it's the best that idea i have for now. 

(Inko POV) i hold the pendant and i think Bahamut name and to my surprise he answered me. i told him my baby was going into heat and how do we stop him.

(Bahamut POV) i was surprised that it took this long for her to contact me. she told me the boy was going into heat and asked how do we stop him. i laughed you can't i said the boy will mate or he will change and if he does i'll bring a female to mate with him. 

(Inko POV) i was jaw dropped my baby has to mate or he will change i have to call All Might. Bahamut asked is All Might female. i forgot that i was still talking with him when i thought no. he quickly told me that All Might couldn't help. it needed to be a female he doubted that All Might could stop him. i thanked him for his counsel and if i had to i would call him. i called All Might and told him what Bahamut told me.

(All Might POV) were going to have to stop at the drug store first. Midnight looked at me like i was crazy.  

(Midnight POV) Why do we have to stop at the drug store i thought we were in a rush. he looked at me and said i have to get you some morning after pills. i almost choked at that statement. are you for real.

(All Might POV) i turn a little red before i answer. yes it's that or he turns and they bring another dragon to mate with him and i don't like the thought of three dragons here. if you don't want to i can find another willing person. 

(Midnight POV) i guess i needed to be careful what i asked for now i got it. i didn't think it would go down like this but oh well all might pulled into the drug store and was in and out pretty quickly. he gave me the bottle and we were back on the road. when we pulled up to the apartment complex All Might was in and out with Inko quickly she had a half dazed look on her face and locked herself in her room. All Might looked at me and half smiled and wished me luck with young Midoriya. as i left the car and walked into the apartment the scent sent my hormones into overdrive. i just barely remembered to take the pill when i walked in. Midoriya looked at me his eyes had turned cat like. i could see he was nervous when i walked up to him he licked his lips . I have taken lovers before so i thought that a blowjob and one go of sex would be enough boy was I ever wrong.

(Izuku POV)i saw Midnight walk in and she looked good. i wanted to touch her feel her be in her. 

----------------------------------Lemon Warning ----------------------------------------

(third person POV) Midnight walked up to Izuku and promised to help him. she took his hand and placed it on her breast. she whispered to him it will be alright she was going to teach him how to be with a woman. as he lifted his head slightly she kissed him and something in him shifted. he went from shy and passive to slightly aggressive. he was squeezing her breast not too hard but enough to let her know he wanted more. she broke the kiss and whispered in his ear that he would have to be gentle with other women but she liked it a little rough. as soon as he heard that he practically ripped off her clothing that turned her on. she started ripping off his clothing. once they were both naked he started to suck her breasts she started to moan. she pulled back and dropped to her knees and was surprised at the was waiting for her.  she had a hard time fitting it into her mouth. forget about the length which was impressive she had a hard time opening her mouth wide enough to fit it in. but she worked it in and he started to moan. to her surprise he grabbed the back of her head and shoved it all in with one go. she couldn't breath as he was pounding out her mouth. it made her wet when he exploded in her throat she had no choice but to swallow and her stomach bulged as he pulled out of her mouth. air sweet air she realized that she came also she looked at Izuku and told him that he would have to warm the girl up as she lead his face to her pussy he instinctively began to lick her then she told him how to make it more pleasurable for her and he listened well. doing everything she asked and she grabbed him by the back of his head as she climaxed. once she was done she was ready she lined him up with her love hole and told him with most women he would have to be gentle but she wanted it all at once. and he complied. ramming it into her and she wasn't ready for what was next. he started pounding her out like she was nothing but a meat sac. they changed positions a few time until she was bent over doggy style. she slipped in and out of consciousness a few times until he came. it was into her womb her eyes rolled back and she was out cold her stomach bulged out like she was pregnant. as he looked at her there was one more hole he didn't explore. he pressed himself against her ass and slammed it in she screamed out for a second and passed out again. thirty minutes later and her belly even more swollen he picked her up as she leaked his fluids out and placed her into his mom's room and covered her up.

----------------------------------Lemon ending ----------------------------------------

Izuku POV) i got up and picked up her clothes and placed them next to her by the bed went into the shower cleaned up and got dressed and there was a knock at the door. when i opened it Ochaco was at the door.

Author i hope you enjoyed

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