The ugly truth

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(Mina POV) I couldn't believe it as Izuku's dragon hand remained on my chest i reached out and touched his face he closed his eyes and continued chanting i felt better when he was done i leaped into his arms. when i leaned back to get a better look at him he was crying. he said i thought i lost you this is my fault he was after me you got pulled into my mess. i looked into those deep green eyes i caressed his face. i kissed his cheek his wings wrapped around me they were warm. 

(Izuku POV) When i came back to myself i looked around and asked if anyone else was hurt a lady was holding a child crying i reached out and touched the child i began chanting  i felt the injuries on the child heal he quieted down and then fell asleep the lady began to cry. she knelt down  wrapping herself around the child while crying. when i looked around i asked if anyone else was hurt no one answered. i picked up Mina and spread my wings to take off when the lady reached out and grabbed my leg. i looked down she said thank you i don't think i can ever repay what you have done for me. i put Mina down and knelt down to the lady and said you don't ever have to thank me for doing what's right. i stood up picked Mina back up then flew away from the mess that was supposed to be a first date. 

(Mina POV) when we got back to the dorms Izuku looked me in the eyes and apologized to me again what felt like the millionth time. once again i told him this wasn't his fault this time adding if he wanted to make it up to me he could take me out on another date. the next time with less fighting and more romance maybe with some singing as well. he agreed to my request and asked me to not to tell anyone else about him in this form. he told me only the girls he was in a relationship with knew about it and only certain teachers knew as well.  i promised not to tell anyone i leaned in and hugged him. he spread his wings and launched into the air when i turned around i saw Bakugo and Kirishima both were trying to figure out who i was with. i smiled and went to my room.

(Izuku POV) when i landed in from of my house i shifted back to my human form. i couldn't get the thought of today being my fault out of my head. i thought of Mina's crumple form and the straw that broke the camels back was the injured child i began to sob. i sat down in front of my house i felt miserable the front door opened and the girls came out. Ochaco, Momo, Tsuyu, and Kyoka were looking at me asking me what was wrong. i told them what happened how i felt i told them how all of this was my fault. how they are in danger because of me. how they might be targeted just by being around me i told them how it would kill me if anything happened to them. the next thing i knew all of the girls were hugging me it was comforting. when they let me go i stood up and thanked them. i told them that i needed a shower i went to the room and stepped into the shower. i stood there letting the water roll off my back trying to relax then i felt a set of hands start to massage me when i turned around Ochaco was looking into my eyes.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku i know your hurting i know your holding it all inside i just want you to know that you don't have to do that any more. you have me you have all of us we love you any will help you through all of this please let us protect you the just like you protect us. he leaned in and hugged me. i shut off the shower and lead him to the bedroom where the other girls were waiting. and we just held him for the rest of the night.

(Izuku POV) when i woke up the next morning to a knock at the door. when i opened it Mina was standing there asking me if i have seen the news or looked on the internet yet. i asked her to come in i didn't realize how little i was wearing until Mina went from pink to bright red. i was gone in a flash. the girls were walking out to room when i ran in i heard Tsuyu greet Mina first as i put on a pair of shorts. i cant believe i opened my door in my underwear what was i thinking. when i was walking back out to the living room Eri was coming out of her room as well she walked over to me and i leaned over so she could hug me. i picked her up and joined every one in the living room and what i saw made my jaw drop. 

(Eri POV) Daddy isn't that you fighting on TV? 

(Izuku POV) I looked at Eri and said yes. i didn't realize people were recording the fight the news showed the fight then me healing Mina then me healing the child. then the media was interviewing the mother of the child she called me her child's guardian angle. then it showed me kneeling to talk to the mother. the reporters asked her if i gave her my hero name and she said no. all she remembered was me asking of anyone needed healing me taking care of her child and then me saying you never have to thank me for doing what's right. she looked into the camera and said if anyone knew her child's hero so she could properly thank him for what he did for her. i didn't realize Eri was wiping a tear from my eye when she asked me why i was crying. i felt torn it was my fault her child got hurt. i was just happy to be able to help the child. 

(Mina POV) Izuku are you ok? he looked at me and put Eri down and said no. he told her that whole situation had him feeling sick to my stomach he said. i went over to him and put my hand in his face. that was not your fault you saved me and a child. even the news is call you a hero i woke up to Bakugo and Kiroshima pounding on my door asking me the name of the guy that brought me home last night. i didn't tell them so i got dressed and came over to tell you about it. 

(Izuku POV) my phone started ringing when i looked at the number it was All Might. when i answered all he said was meet me at principal Nezu's office in fifteen minutes and to bring Mina with me. i looked at the girls and told them what All Might said and Mina and i left to go talk to the principal.

Author See you soon. 

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