Izuku Midoriya

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(Izuku POV) the robots started to pour out onto the streets 1, 2 and three pointers they were fast bursting through walls and speeding around corners. i did a partial shift hardening my scales and i released my wings and my tail that's when the first volley of bullets hit me then i went to work i leaped up and allowed my weight to become a factor dropping like a bomb on a cluster of robots. sprinting out while using OFA i started plowing into the robots shattering them like toys. i tried to keep collateral damage down. until i heard the collapse of a building it was a zero pointer it started to point some kind of cannon at me when i launched myself like a bullet going through its chest and landing a block behind it. that's when i head principal nezu saying that i did well. now for my final test i was going to fight three heros at once. this was going to test my restraInt. 

(Bahamut POV) Tanwen, Dalinda and i were watching the young one fight

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(Bahamut POV) Tanwen, Dalinda and i were watching the young one fight. i could see the pride in their eyes they saw the student that they helped train fight. so far he fought smart and efficiently he did a partial shift against the machines now we were going to watch him fight other humans. i couldn't wait to see how much control he has gained in such a short period of time. 

(Eri POV) i saw my daddy change and he looked scary he didn't get as big as he did last time but he was still scary. when i looked up to my moms they were both staring with their mouths open. i called out to mommy Momo and she didn't hear me at first. when she finally heard me i asked her if she was ok. she told me yes and that she never saw my daddy look like that mommy Ochaco agreed he didn't look human. He looked like a lizard man with wings unforgiving and very strong. 

(Nezu POV) Gang Orca, Dragoon Hero Ryukyu and Flame Hero Endeavor please join Izuku on the training grounds let's see how he does with human opponents. I push the mic button and tell Izuku that three heroes are entering the training area they will be acting as villians and will be trying to get revenge for me defeating their friends.

(Izuku POV) i can see the flames of Endeavor speeding towards me. i can also see two others behind him. i decided to rush them to try to catch them off guard and it worked Endeavor had just jumped being propelled forward by his flames and i ducked underneath him. trying to reach the two slower ones behind him. the Dragoon Hero barely managed to shift in time to block my punch. it was a soft punch strong enough to break some bone but not strong enough to kill during my training i learned the difference. she caught my punch and stared at me for a second she looked stunned. i took advantage of her surprise and pulled her in and hip tossed her hard to the ground. then i got hit with a sound that made me drop to a knee it was Gang Orca i focused and leaped into the air spreading my wings and flying two blocks past Gang Orca. as soon as i landed i spun around Endeavor was there shooting flames at my face i block it with my wing and lunged at him. he tried to dodging to the left he was quick but compared to my trainers he moved like a normal person. i grabbed his arm and used his momentum against him throwing him at  wall. the Dragoon Hero caught him and both hit the wall but with much less force. i saw Gang Orca running towards us. i went after the Dragoon Hero. she dropped Endeavor as i hit her with a shoulder block that knocked her through the wall. i used my body to shield Endeavor from the falling debris from the building. i shift back into my normal form and used OFA and shot towards Gang Orca and began my assault. i didn't dare do this in my dragon form out of fear that i might kill him. he wasn't quick enough to defend against me. when he dropped to his knee i turned back and saw Endeavor getting ready to attack i leaped out of the way and when he saw Gang Orca he didn't release his attack. i shot around the corner of the building then i heard the speakers come to life saying the training was over. 

(Viewing Room) Cementoss and the rabbit hero and principal nezu were in awe. a child was holding his own against veteran heroes principal Nezu pressed the Mic button and said please stop the training. then he looked at the other students. please keep what you saw here a secret the he spoke back into the mic heros please exit the training arena. Endeavor helped Gang Orca up and the Dragoon Hero came out from under the rubble and they began to leave the arena. Ochaco looked at Momo she saw the look on her face she looked pale. she also looked the same she was taken by surprise when she heard Principal Nezu say please change into full dragon form. Eri screamed out i want to see my daddy please i need to see him now. the rabbit hero looked at her and tried to comfort her but Eri started to cry Principal Nezu asked the rabbit hero to take her. 

(Izuku POV) i walked towards the outer gate and shifted i saw a form moving to me quickly it was the Rabbit Hero Mirko and she was carrying something

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(Izuku POV) i walked towards the outer gate and shifted i saw a form moving to me quickly it was the Rabbit Hero Mirko and she was carrying something. she was carrying Eri my heart dropped did something go wrong when i jerked my head up she froze. 

(Mirko POV) he jerked his head up and my blood ran cold all of my senses are telling my to run. i can feel his stare i slowly put the girl down and slowly back away. she starts running to him and he lowered his head she ran to his face and hugged his jaw. 

(Bahamut POV) Tanwen, Dalinda you have trained him well you should be proud. we'll continue to watch over him.

(Izuku POV) i think to Eri and tell her that i'm alright as she hugged my lower jaw and i start to shift. i place my massive arms around her and gently pull her in as i shrink. i tell her how much i love her i'm sorry if i scared you baby. i'll try not to scare you anymore ok my little rabbit.

 i'll try not to scare you anymore ok my little rabbit

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Izuku The Boy who couldWhere stories live. Discover now