Midnight and Rest

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(All MIght POV) Not good. Eraserhead Midnight Endeavor scatter we need to calm him down not hurt him.

(Eraserhead POV) Midnight and Endeavor All Might jump in different directions my quirk won't stop him and my capture scarf will barely go around one leg forget about both. i need to fall back some and figure something out. 

(Endeavor POV) I think a quick knockout would work his scale should protect him some as i launch three devastating attacks at its head and nothing not even a singe for my effort. i yell out to all might to try and punch him and that my hard attacks did nothing. 

(All MIght POV) This is bad i heard Endeavor and gave young Midoriya a texas smash and nothing. I didn't even dent his scale.

(Izuku POV) i see All Might and Endeavor attacking me i barely feel anything i don't see Eraserhead and Midnight but i smell them. i know their close, i tried to talk but it came out like a roar. why is everything going so wrong today.

(Midnight POV) i hear the dragon roar and the sound wave blew me back and i was hiding behind a tree All Might threw Endeavor out the way and got launched back at least one football field. if that was me or Eraserhead we would have died. i tell Eraserhead i have an idea when i hear Endeavor shout.

 (Endeavor POV) you want to play rough playtime's over prominence burn PLUS ULTRA!!! i let loose with the strongest attack i have and i hit hit dead in his chest point blank and i barely singe his scales

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 (Endeavor POV) you want to play rough playtime's over prominence burn PLUS ULTRA!!! i let loose with the strongest attack i have and i hit hit dead in his chest point blank and i barely singe his scales. that was the strongest attack i had.

(Izuku POV) i see an news helicopter when Endeavor attacked me to tried to say stop but another roar came out and i accidently knocked the helicopter out the sky. All Might bursted out the woods when Eraserhead  shouted to All Might and Endeavor about the helicopter.

(Eraserhead POV) Midoriya isn't attacking us he seems to be trying to talk but it sounds like something out of a monster movie i told Midnight about it. i notice that he isn't looking at us. oh no not good its a news chopper and he just knocked it out of the sky. i yell to All Might and he shouts to Endeavor and i join Endeavor to rescue the news crew. 

(Midnight POV) i yell to All Might and ask him to throw me at Midoriya's head and im going to need his jacket after this. and i rip off my entire top so i can use my quirk at its max. i also remove my pants. when All Might grabs me and throws me at Midoriya's head. 

(All MIght POV) i grab Midnight and throw her at young Midoriya's head and i stop attacking. as i watch her fly up to his head.  

(Midnight POV) i grab his horn as i land on his head and try to get my bearing and i get close to his ear and start talking to him.

(Izuku POV) i see Eraserhead and Endeavor go towards the downed news crew and midnight fling towards my face i hear her talking in my ear she's calm and her voice is soothing i start to relax. i think to myself i wish she could hear me to my surprise she heard me. 

(Midnight POV) i heard Midoriya in my head i wished i could hear him too. I told him i could hear him. he tried to apologise to me. he didn't want this to happen i reassured him it would be alright. i asked him if i could walk to his face to look at him and he said yes.

(Izuku POV) i see Midnight carefully walking onto my face i could see all she had on was panties. i would have turned red on another occasion but right now im just entranced by her beauty. her curves her breasts her scent i could smell her. she was turned in by this then i remember this was all my fault and get sad again. i slowly open and close my eyes i just want to relax i could feel my tears and i start to drift off i stand on my hind legs and gently wrap my arms around Midnight. 

 (Midnight POV) as i walk onto his face im slightly turned on by how intensely he is focused on me. i have my quirk at it's max i could put a herd of elephants to sleep with this. but he's just staring at me i could see a tear well up in those big green eyes they look like jewels i can feel his pain he didn't want any of this. i reach out to wipe his tear it was the size of a beach ball. but he is relaxing and shrinking crap i didn't think about that if i fall from this height i'll die. as he's shrinking i feel him stand up and his front legs start to wrap around me keeping me from falling. he turns back to normal and his face is now in my chest and he's asleep. and All Might places his jacket over me.

(All MIght POV) as i look up and see Midnight standing on young Midoriya face he stands up and wraps his two front legs around her while he's  shrinking. now there's young Midoriya holding Midnight he's asleep and still sobbing. i place my jacket over Midnight who's just wearing panties at this point. i compliment her on how brave she was by walking on his face like that.

(Midnight POV) i ask All Might didn't he hear Midoriya give me permission to walk on his face. the look on his face said no. i told him that Midoriya talked into my head and that he didn't want any of this.

(All MIght POV) Eraserhead called me while i was talking to Midnight the news crew was alright and we should leave before any other news crews show up i agree and we leave. well go to young Midoriya's house so he wakes up in a known safe place. we hop into my car and leave.   

(Inko POV) All Might and a woman wearing what looks like just All Might's jacket. walk in with my baby sleeping in All Mights arms. i asked all might what happened he told me to take a seat and which one was Izuku's room. as he put my baby in his room the woman began to speak.

(Midnight POV) I'm pro hero Midnight and a teacher at UA i apologise about my appearance but my quirk is released through my skin and i needed almost all of it to be exposed to put your son to sleep. he changed into a dragon and we needed to calm him down and my quirk puts people to sleep.  

(Inko POV) my baby turned into what and i pass out

(All MIght POV)i walk in just in time to catch Miss Midoriya and i took her to her room and laid her on her bed and covered her up and left the room i asked Midnight to stay with young Midoriya just incase he has another panic attack and starts to change and she agreed a little too quickly. i told he i would be back in the morning.

(Author) I hope you enjoyed. ill put more out soon.

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