Awkward wake up and change of heart

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(Izuku POV) I slowly start to wake up and i feel like im wrapped up in a body pillow. as i reach up towards my face i feel something very soft and i hear a slight moan. as i open my eyes i'm laying in bed with Midnight and i'm holding her breast and i freeze she opens her eyes and looks into mine and said good morning. she also said im happy to see you too as she looked down and i look down and i have a case of morning wood and its in between her legs. i fall off the bed and i think my entire body turned red. 

(Midnight POV) last night when All Might asked me to stay i jumped at it i saw what the boy was packing and i really want to hold him after looking into his eyes last night. i thought of it as a bonus when i woke up with him holding my breast and a hardon between my legs. it was nothing less than ten inches. it took all that i had just not to mount him. he is going to make some woman very happy and i wouldn't mind getting a piece of that. i watch him fall off the bed and i laugh and get up moving as seductively as i can. i want him to look at me like he did last night. i put on my pants and the All Mights jacket and turned to wink at him then walked out the room.

(Izuku POV) as i watched Midnight walk past me in her thong i felt the room warm up about 15 degrees and when she bent over to pick up her pants i saw her in all her glory and my nose started to bleed. she put on her pants with a grace that should be illegal she also puts on All Might jacket winked at me and left. i think i had drool at the corner of my mouth. i got dressed and walked out of my room. i saw my mom All Might and Midnight in the kitchen waiting for me. 

(Inko POV) Miss Midnight is there any reason that you locked the door to Izuku's room last night, 

(Midnight POV) yes i didnt want him to suddenly wake up and change again so i put the sign on the door and locked the door it was for all of our safety. but i slept on his chair and my back is sore for it. i saw Midoriya and said isn't that right and he turned red and agreed with me.

(Inko POV) well that does make sense i was just worried about my baby and wanted to see him which reminds me how did i get into my room last night?

(All Might POV) i caught you as you passed out and thought i should just take you to bed. that came out wrong i'm sorry i thought you would rest more comfortably in you own bed.

(Inko POV) i heard what All Might said and i turned beet red All Might carried me into my room and laid me down in my bed and covered me up. the way he said it before he corrected himself i almost passed out again out of sheer embarrassment. 

(Izuku POV) All Might Midnight i said and got down on my knees and put my head to the ground. I'm Sorry for yesterday i didn't mean for any of it to happen and if im expelled from UA i understand. 

(All Might POV) young Midoriya we know what happened yesterday wasn't your fault you even followed your mother's warning to the letter. why would we expel you. Midnight told us about how you didn't mean for any of that to happen and we believe you. please get up but we do have a lot to talk about but i think we need to have that talk at school with principal Nezu. so for now please enjoy your weekend. 

(Izuku POV) As i got up my Phone starts to ring.

(Author) Across town at the same time this was happening the girls Ochako Momo Tsuyu Mina Kyoka and Toru are at an Ice cream shop talking about Izuku.

(Mina Pov) oh my god you should have heard him singing i couldn't help but to cry a little. i think he was singing about you Ochako. it all lines up too well Bakugo asked you out he goes into a funk. i think he has it bad for you.  

(Tsuyu POV) you know i'm not one to pry into people's business but i have to agree with Mina on this. but if your not interested please let me know i think he's cute.

(Ochako POV) i do like him Tsuyu he makes me feel tingly inside when he looks at me

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(Ochako POV) i do like him Tsuyu he makes me feel tingly inside when he looks at me. i get flustered i don't know what to say or do.

 (Mina Pov) it's LOVE you got it bad for him. 

(Ochako POV) what do i do about Bakugo im supposed to meet up with him in a few hours. should i cancel should i show up and then cancel. 

(Momo POV) i would call now and cancel so he doesn't waste his time getting ready. and if your going to take Midoriya to a Karaoke you need to invite us i would love to hear him sing again. Hopefully he doesn't make us all cry again. 

(Toru POV) was he really that good or are you girls pulling our legs. 

(Momo POV) I'll put it to you like this. if it wasn't for Mina and Tsuyu being there i think i would have made out with him. i wished he was singing for me that way. the passion in his voice i couldn't help but to cry. i notice all the girls blush a little when i said that. 

(Ochako POV) do you think he would accept me after i accepted Bakugo's request? 

(Mina Pov) i think he would. but if i were you i would cancel on Bakugo right now and give Izuku a call. i want to hear this conversation. i look at Ochako's face after i said that and she turned pink and pulled out her Phone.

(Ochako POV) i call Bakugo first and cancel on him and he was pissed he said nobody cancels on him and i hung up my phone. then i call Izuku and i asked him out the first question out of his mouth was what about your date with Bakugo. i told him i canceled For someone better so would you like to go out with me tonight. 

(Bakugo POV) This is bullshit i have never been dumped before what the hell caused her to change her mind. Maybe she just got a little nervous about going out with me i'll wait a while then call her back. she'll change her mind i'll snap a few pics and Deku will know that i'm better than him at everything.

Author) i hope you enjoyed. 

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