Monstrous growth

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Izuku pov) I woke up to Tanwen healing me. I quickly started to scan the area around us. I saw Bahamut smiling as he saw me scanning for threats.

Bahamut pov) Good your starting to learn. Just because you're getting healed doesn't mean that you're no longer in danger. Also you don't have time to talk to opponents in the middle of a fight. Those are distractions, now get up we're burning daylight.

Izuku pov) I got to my feet and partially shift and growl full cowling 60 percent. Tanwen thank you but I need you to leave quickly. I begin to close the distance slowly at first but as soon as she was clear I exploded in motion. I was a flury of strikes and kicks followed by elbow strikes. Nothing fancy a mix between Krav Maga, Muay Thai and Sambo. Efficient and brutal is how I can explain my attack. I saw my masters face break into a grin.

Bahamut pov) Yes you're improving. Now push harder show me your resolve.

Izuku pov) Full cowling 80 percent. I focus on my form and to my surprise and delight. I finally landed a clean shot to my masters chest. He staggered back and smiled. Then he blurred forward and my world went black.

Delinda pov) He landed a solid shot to my masters chest. In such a short time Izuku's growth is nothing short of scary. When I saw Master smile i rushed forward knowing what was about to happen. Master was a blur of punches and Izuku collapsed.

Bahamut pov) I roared up at the sky. This young man landed a solid blow on me. Pride flowed out of me. Delinda arrived and began healing him. When you're done take him back and tell him that I'm proud of his progress. Oh and try not to kill him tonight he has to training tomorrow.

_______________lemon warning ___________________

Izuku woke up to Delinda healing him. To his shock she was naked and sitting on top of him. He tried to sit up but she forced him back down. She gently ran her hand down his chest as she looked at his emerald eyes. He reached down to her thighs and waist as she straddled him she let out a slight moan. He slowly worked his hands up he flat stomach up to her breasts. Izuku gently pulled Delinda towards him. To his surprised she complied he caressed her face. Then he began kissing her gently at first then with more passion. He rolled and now she was under him as they continued kissing he lined himself up with her. He slowly worked himself into her. She pulled his face next to hers and said please be gentle with me then kissed him. Izuku complied he felt her gasp as he finally pushed past her blockage. A tear went down her face Izuku leaned down and kissed her tear. She wrapped her arms around him and he slowly began to pick up his pace. she began to roll and Izuku was now on the bottom she stayed close to him as she worked her hips the two kissed. All of a sudden her wing sprung out of her back as she began to shiver. Izuku followed suit and used his wings to he him stand up. Delinda wrapped her legs around his waist. Izuku continued to be gentle with her as he pressed her against the wall. he began to pick up he pace Delinda working her hips to keep in pace with his and then he thrusted as deep into her as he could as he came inside her. The two were locked in that moment for a while tears flowed from her eyes. Izuku asked are you ok as he laid her on her back never pulling out of her. This was better than what i imagined it would be. Izuku wiped the tears way and began kissing her cheeks. When he felt her hips begin to move again he began keeping pace with her again. Delinda said i want us to finish at the same time this time. The two of them continued until Izuku told her I'm cumming and she picked up her pace and they climaxed together. Izuku rolled over and wrapped his wings around her and passed out.

_____________________end of lemon______________________

Izuku pov) I woke to Tanwen touching my shoulder. It's time to eat master is waiting for you. I gently roll Delinda onto the bed and covered her. Then i quickly showered then got dressed. Bahamut was smiling when i walked in.

Bahamut pov) You did well yesterday. I was impressed that you managed to land a solid blow on me. As for the admittedly cheap shot i gave you. I couldn't believe you began talking when the fight didn't end.

Izuku pov) I thought about that for a moment. Even when he didn't knock me out he would raise his hand in a stop motion. Then we would go over the fight. He never gave the signal so yes the fight never ended.

Bahamut pov) Now let's go we're burning daylight.

Izuku pov) Once again we went over my forms and he began showing me what worked for him. The changes were simple shifting my weight in different stances. How certain combinations worked better with each other. What came next shocked me. He began showing me his personnel fighting style. Thousands of years of actual combat experience forged this style. I paid close attention i didn't want to miss any of the details. His movements flowed into each other efficiently. Not like those old Kung Fu movies where they looked like they were dancing with exaggerated movements. Each step had purpose each strike simple but aimed for pressure points.

Bahamut pov) Now i want to follow the form i just showed you. When you get that down I'll show you the rest of my forms. By the time you leave here you will be a warrior that your world has never seen the likes of.

Izuku pov) I began doing my best to mimic the form that he showed me. When i was done all i heard was again this time sharper and faster. I started from the beginning this time i moved faster and put more force behind each strike.

Bahamut pov) Now lets put what you learned to the test.

Izuku pov) The days began to fly by. I was learning my master's fighting style and i began landing hits more consecutively. I've yet to win a match but i was improving. Our matches were lasting longer. The amount of damage to the area around us was staggering to say the least. Every morning he taught me more of his personnel fighting style. Then we put it to the test until one day he stopped.

Bahamut pov) We need to head back Izuku. It's been 7 months and you need to get acclimated to your gravity again. I'm looking forward to watching you fight.

Izuku pov) I thought we were going to train in my full dragon form before i left.

Bahamut pov) Ha stop being greedy you think that you could learn thousands of years of my fighting style in 7 months. This isn't one of your movies. You will come back and i will finish your training. But all of that will come in due time don't worry. I have this gift for you this is proof that i have trained you in my personnel style. wear it with pride.

Izuku pov) Thank you. I will do my best to bring honor to you. I am looking forward to finishing my training with you. I reached forward and took the silver dragon from his hand and it began to move. It dug into my arm it hurt for a moment then the pain went away. I took off my shirt and i now had a dragon tattoo going down my arm. I picked up my bags and bowed as i walked through to portal. I was back in the familiar cave with glass cups against the rear of the cave. I was back!

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