Izuku Challenged

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AFO Pov) I've been around for a long time do you think a child like you can stop me. Please allow me to show you what true power looks like. I clench my right hand into a fist and add several quirks to it. I added jetpack wall breaker shock absorption and enhanced muscles. I used this punch to shatter your master's ribs let's see how well you take it.

Shigaraki pov) Master please free me and I will help you kill him. 

Izuku pov) I release my half of my true weight my feet sink into the concrete. I make my scales more dense. AFO moved at All Might speeds I barely saw him come at me. I felt the punch impact my side but it did little damage. At the same time I swung and punched AFO I heard bones crunch. Then I realized what happened. AFO flew into Shigaraki. His one good arm was still in restraint manacle and the rest of his crumpled body was up against the wall ten feet away. 

AFO Pov) That was most inconvenient. I will take my apprentice and leave now and fix the rest of his body. 

Izuku POV) what will you do with Shigaraki?

AFO POV) I will heal his body and show everybody else what happens to you when you fail my missions. He no longer has his hands so he no longer has his quirk so he's no use to me anymore. 

Izuku POV) why after every heavy thing he's done to try to please you and you're just getting rid of him. 

AFO POV) there is only the strong and the weak. I have no use for the weak. Goodbye Izuku and I shall see you soon. But I stand by what I say call your other master. Or i will personally go after your mother. Unlike my subordinates i won't fail. I want to see the look on his face when I crush you and everything you stand for. In three months i will send you a message on where to meet me

Izuku POV) I saw the black ink form around them and then they both disappeared. I can feel both my shoulders slump. Then I felt the familiar hand land on my shoulder. All Might looked me in the eyes and said you can't save everyone. 

All Might POV) Young Midoriya you protected everyone in this prison. He would have killed all of them without hesitation. So please raise your head people will look to you for strength. 

Izuku POV) just as I raised my head the door exploded open. Mr. Aizawa, Momo and the police swat team busted into the room. What happened to Shigaraki Mr. Izawa asked.

Momo POV) Izuku are you alright what happened here? Is that Shigaraki's arm hanging there?

All Might pov) All For One was here and Young Midoriya fought him and he left with Shigaraki. 

Izuku pov) I need to contact my master Bahamut. 

Aizawa pov) Problem child are you sure that's a good idea?   

Izuku pov) I don't have a choice AFO is personally going to target all of my loved ones. i need to go home. This madness needs to end. All Might can you please pick my mother up and bring her over to my house. I need to speak to all of my family. Mr. Aizawa can you please contact principal Nezu for me and tell him i would like to talk to him tomorrow please. Momo lets go home.

Aizawa pov) As Izuku picked Momo up wings sprung out of his back. With three mighty flaps he was gone. I looked at All Might i have a very bad feeling about this. Bahamut's fighting style is ruthless I've seen the condition of the people that Izuku has brought in. If that Man come here i don't think that we will be able to restrain him if something happens to Izuku. 

All Might pov) He didn't give Izuku any choice. AFO doesn't know how powerful Bahamut is. I don't think this is going to go the way AFO is expecting to. But i have to go I'll talk with you later. I'm going to pick Inko up and see what Izuku has to say. 

Izuku pov) As i land in front of my house my little rabbit runs out to greet us. 

Eri pov) Daddy your home i missed you. i ran to my dad and jumped he caught me and hugged me.

Izuku pov) Eri go get your mothers. i need to talk to everyone. Eri took off into the house as i walk into the living room everyone begins to gather. I told them everything that happened in the jail. i need to go into the basement so i can reach out to my master All Might and my mom are on their way here let them know I'll be up after I'm done speaking with my master. i head down to my gold hoard and mentally reach out to Bahamut.

Inko pov) As we enter the house all of the girls to include Eri are waiting in the living room. I'll never get over the fact that my Izuku has so many girlfriends. Where is Izuku? As soon as Eri heard my voice she shot over to me and jumped into my arms

Izuku pov) I'm right here mom. 

Inko pov) what's wrong baby why do you look so sad.

Izuku pov) I just got done reaching out to Bahamut and he is very angry i have to go back to finish my training and he will return with me to watch the fight. If AFO tries anything underhanded he will deal with it swiftly and it won't be pretty. i leave in three days. 

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