Test and meeting the parents

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(Izuku POV) I thought i was ready for his training but i wasn't. i was All Mights punching bag i tried to use what Gran Torino taught me but All Might is a whole other level. we trained my attacks we practiced my defence and went over different types of strategies. every day for a week if i wasn't getting beat up by All Might i was squeezing in time with Ochaco. but i endured the training i need to be ready if im going to be the next symbol of peace. 

(All Might POV) This is hard for me to do while holding back but i can see his growth. at this rate he will be every villains nightmare. but i can't slack off on him so i push him hard. we do this for the next five days. i'll stop the day before his test so he can have one day of rest. 

(Ochaco POV) he wants to meet my parents. i called my mom and told her about him and she wants to meet him but my dad is very protective of me. i hope that this doesn't go bad how much should i tell my parents. i made plans with my mom for the friday and saturday after the test.

(Izuku POV) it's finally time for our test three days of practical tests and our physical test. i'm confident that with All Might's training that i will do well. once were at the test site and they drop the bomb on us. we'll be fighting our teachers in teams of two and i'm stuck with Kacchan this won't be good. were up against All Might even though the teachers are being held back by weights i know this will be tough. 

Bakugo POV) i'm stuck with Deku i don't need him i'll beat All Might by myself. it's our turn to fight as he and i start to argue when All Might attacked us. i now understand how is he so scary. he isn't powerful he is power. 

(Izuku POV) i now understand how much he was holding back against me. as we begin to try to fight All Might began to beat us like we stole something. i tried to run and he grabbed me and used me as a weapon against Kacchan. i have to think i need a plan to try to beat him. but i also need to get Kacchan on board. but he just won't listen then i saw my chance All might was about to punch Kacchan but i was able to grab him and bolt into an alley. 

(Bakugo POV) All Might was about to hit me again when Deku grabbed me and ran into an alley. i wanted to punch him but if i'm going to pass i need him. we came up with a plan to stun All Might and run. before we left the alley i told Deku i still owed him for that punch and we attacked the Number 1 hero. 

(Ochaco POV) As i watch All Might give Deku and Bakugo a beating i wonder why Deku hasn't used his wings. come to think of it the only time i see his wings are when i wake up in his arms and he has me covered with them. i need to ask him why they could have gotten away if he had used them. 

(Izuku POV) our plan went to hell we can't keep up with his speed we were so close to the gate but All Might continued to beat us both like we were nothing but play toys

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(Izuku POV) our plan went to hell we can't keep up with his speed we were so close to the gate but All Might continued to beat us both like we were nothing but play toys. until Kacchan and i started working as a team then the beatings weren't as bad and we were barely able to escape. but we passed then we passed out the next thing i remember i was waking up in recovery girls office. I looked at my hero costume and it was in shreds again and when i looked over to see Kacchan was still out cold. i got up and asked if it was ok for me to leave and recovery girl said i was ok.

(Momo POV) i was walking by recovery girls office when Midoriya stepped out with his costume in shreds i didn't see his match but i heard it was epic. i asked him if he needed help and he looked at me and smiled my heart started to race. i had a hard time thinking strait. he told me that he wanted to talk to me alone. 

(Izuku POV) i tell Momo that i needed to talk to her alone but i needed a little time so i could put my thoughts into words. plus i was very nervous i was meeting Ochaco's parents today. i asked her if she was free on sunday. there's a park that we could meet up at then well go to a cafe to talk if it's alright with you. it will be just the two of us to be honest it's a date.

(Momo POV) I'm in panic mode i accept the date and run i need to get everything ready 

(Izuku POV) Wow she said yes and ran. i need to change and meet up with Ochaco. i meet up with her and we take the bullet train to her parents apartment. As we entered their apartment i could tell that they were struggling financially but making due with what they had. Ochaco looks like her mother. her father was a strong looking man you could tell he's hard working. we sat at the table when i looked her father in the eyes and asked for his blessing to date his daughter. 

(the father POV) As i looked at the young man courting my daughter i asked him do you promise to take care of her. my daughter speaks highly of you and that you defended her from another student. so also told us that you saved her during the entrance exam. i can see that your strong but man to man promise me that you will care for my only child. if you can do that you can date her. 

(Izuku POV) i look as Ochaco then back to her father and said yes that i will do everything in my power to take care of his daughter and i would die to protect her. i look back to Ochaco who is now beet red and smile.

(Mother POV) Wow my daughter found not only a handsome young man but he is willing to lay down his life for her so i asked him why. 

(Izuku POV) i told her that her daughter saved me from the loneliness that i was suffering through that she was my first real friend. i also told her that Ochaco also saved me during the exam. they gave me their blessing and set up the sofa for me to sleep on i thanked them. her parents told Ochaco to sleep in her room and tomorrow we were going out to celebrate. they left and went to their room when she approached me.

(Ochaco POV) Deku why didn't you use your wings during the test?

(Izuku POV) please sit next to me i have a lot to tell you.

Author see you soon.

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