Good News Bad News.

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Izuku POV) I put down my bags and sat on the ground. I began with breathing exercises I calm my mind. Soon I'm picking up the glasses, when I finally picked up three in a row without breaking them i exit the cave. I took off my shirt extended my wings and I flew home. When I got home I put on my shirt but nobody was home. I plugged in my phone which was dead. Then I tried putting on my uniform but it was tight. I quickly changed into my gym clothes and ran to school.

Eri pov) I was sitting next to mommy Momo while she was changing into her gym clothes. She ran out to the toilets to throw up again. Mommy Ochaco smiled when she returned and said it gets better. When we entered the gym I saw my daddy. I began to cry as I scream out DADDY!! I ran as fast as I could and the next thing I know is I was in his arms.

Momo pov) It's really him, I run to him and i felt his powerful arm wrap around me. I felt his lips kissing my forehead. The other girls gave me some time with him before they joined us. Izuku I have something i want to tell you. I'm pregnant.

Izuku pov) I pulled back for a second. Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I gently pulled her back in to a hug. I saw Ochaco walking up to us looking very pregnant. The rest of the girl's walking with her. I hug all of them a burden lifting off my chest. When I voice pulled me back to reality.

Aizawa pov) Problem child i see that you made it back in one piece. Now that the family reunion is complete you need to brief us on your training. I'll call principle Nezu do not leave out any details.

Bakugo pov) Hey nerd you think that you can just show back up and not have to fight me. I've gotten much stronger than the last time we fought. I want to see where you stand now.

Izuku pov) No. i just got back today i just want to spend my time with my family.

Bakugo pov) If your scared just say so.

Izuku pov) I spent my time fighting a being who's strength i can't even begin to explain. I don't want to repeat our last fight.

Aizawa pov) Enough the two of you. Izuku principle Nezu is on his way along with some of the staff. He wished that you would have called before you just showed up. he could have made some better arrangements.

Izuku pov) I'm sorry i was just focused on seeing my family.

Bakugo pov) What ever.

Momo pov) As Bakugo stomped away i began touching Izuku and realized that his body was hard as a rock. Although his gym suit hid a lot of it Izuku has packed on a lot more muscle. Ochaco began staring at me and asked what was i doing. Come here and touch him.

Ochaco pov) As i began toughing him i realize that Momo was right. He packed on a lot of muscle. Izuku how hard was your training?

Izuku pov) There were quite a few time were i thought i was going to die.

Nezu pov) Really and how much stronger do you think that you've become?

Izuku pov) Do you just mean strength, or do you mean strength and fighting capabilities. Both have been increased drastically do to the environment and training regiment.

Nezu pov) We'll need to test your new capabilities. I'll make the arrangements so for now join your class.

Izuku pov) I'm going to need a new school uniform and a new hero costume. My last one no longer fits.

Nezu pov) In a week be prepared to show us how much you've improved.

Izuku pov) If possible I'd rather not fight anyone right now. I'm barely adjusting to our low gravity. I don't want to accidentally hurt someone.

Aizawa pov) Problem child, just out of curiosity how much higher was the gravity where you trained.

Izuku pov) Approximately fifty times higher than here. I was finally able to break the sound barrier over there.

Nezu pov) I'll contact All Might where would you like him to meet up with you.

Izuku pov) my house please, ask him to bring my mom as well.

Inko pov) As I knocked on Izuku's door it opened and I barely recognized my son. He was taller and almost as buff as Toshi. The next thing I know is I was lifted off my feet as my son hugged me.

Izuku pov) I've missed you mom. All Might I've got so much to tell you. Please come in. As I begin telling them about my training my phone rang. As I answered my phone, the voice on the other side made me almost accidentally crush my phone.

AFO pov) You don't know how happy I am to find out that you're returned. Tell All Might I said hi.

All Might pov) I can see Izuku's face go from happy to anger to murder in his eyes.

AFO pov) What do you want from me. How did you know that I returned. I still have two months before our meeting.

AFO pov) Ah to be so innocent. You don't think that I have spies informing me the moment you returned. I truly hope you have trained hard this past month. I can't wait to see the show you'll put on for the world to see. I can see it now, the current inheritor of OFA crushed in front of both of his masters.

Izuku pov) That's not going to happen I'm going to stop you.

AFO pov) The only way to stop me is by killing me. If not I'll just heal then I'll go after you're descendants. Then the future holder of OFA. Judging by your current master your too kind for the first option. But after our last meeting I can honestly say that I wasn't impressed. You have strength but no real concept on how to properly use it.

Izuku pov) If you even breathe on any of my loved one's I'll crush you.

AFO pov) Ha!! can you. Do you have the stomach to follow through with that threat. Turn on your T.V and I'll show you my conviction.

Izuku pov) Mom take Eri out of the room. As my mom left the room I turned on my T.V. What I saw turned my stomach. Shigaraki was tide up on a stage he was beaten, he had the word failure cut into his chest. AFO smiled as he said don't worry this is being beamed directly to your T.V. He slowly walked up the sobbing Shigaraki.

AFO pov) I grab Shigaraki's hair and said you have only one person to blame for this, Izuku Midoriya. He's the reason why you're suffering. But don't you worry he will pay for what he has done to you. I'll make sure that he and his whole family suffers dearly. Don't worry son just rest father will take care of the rest.

Izuku pov) I looked in horror as Shigaraki said thank, and before he could finish AFO ripped his head off. I heard Ochaco and Momo throw up. AFO smiled as he held Shigaraki's head.

AFO pov) This is my conviction I raised him as my son. He was supposed to be my successor, and to prove to you how far I'm willing to go I killed him. You have ten days to prepare. Both of your masters better be there or I'll consider it your forfeit. Then I'll go after your loved ones until they arrive.

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