True masters of their trades

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(Izuku POV) i woke up to another day of training. After Bahamut's first day of sparing I've been fighting with Tanwen for the most part. First was regular martial arts going over the basics. Then it was sparing then it was no holds bars fighting. When we were done Bahamut would go over what I need to improve on. after a few weeks of fighting they taught me how to do a partial shift and then we began fighting again. When Tanwen would do a partial shift her white hair moved like it was on fire. She was terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

(Bahamut POV) as I watch the Young one training i see his potential. He never quits he listens to my feedback and works on his shortcoming. Even after Tanwen beat him up he bares no ill will towards her. his training is going better than I expected. He is almost ready for the next level of of his training. I call out for them to stop so we can eat and go over today's training so far. Young one you're made great strides with your training. Your use of your tail and your wings have impressed me. You're starting to keep up with Tanwen and she's been fighting for the better part of a century. Tomorrow you're going to fight Dalinda in her full dragon form. How are you feeling young one?

(Izuku POV) I'm okay but I'm just a little bit homesick I miss my family. This is the first-time that I've been away from them. Don't get me wrong I appreciate you training me but I love my family. I noticed how Dalinda and Tanwen looked at me when I told Bahamut this. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. It felt like a combination of pity and understanding. I looked at both of them and said thanks for both training me and healing my wounds. I looked at  Bahamut and saw that he was smiling at me.

(Bahamut POV) I couldn't help but to smile as I listen to the  young one thank his trainer and healer for their efforts. Young one how is it that you remain so humble? I've watched over you through your triumphs and your failures and you remained humble and very grateful.

(Izuku POV) I know how I feels to not be able to help anyone. To be powerless I felt worthless and  by chance I was recognized by you and my favorite hero. I know that I have to work twice as hard as everyone but now I can make a difference for many people.

(Bahamut POV) young one just remember that you already made a huge difference for three people your adoptive offspring and the other Child. you saved both their lives you also saved the girl from a punch that would have killed her. you even tried to save that ungrateful rival but for now your rest is over back to training.

(Izuku POV) after training was over I walked over to my bed and sat down Tanwen came over and sat next to me. She asked me about the children I saved I told her about it. then she asked me about how I saved the girl. I told her about that when I was interrupted by Bahamut young one why do you downplay what you did. 

(Bahamut POV) I began to tell Tanwen about how he saved the girl when Delinda walked in and she sat down as well. I saw the look in their eyes when I told them how he broke his arms protecting the children and the girl. I see the young one turn red and looked uncomfortable he doesn't like being in the spotlight. I get up after embarrassing him and walk away.

(Tanwen POV) why didn't you tell my that you broke your arms when protecting the children and the girl. you broke one saving the children and continued to fight with that broken arm and broke the other protecting a girl right after the first fight. I have a newfound respect for you I know you train hard but I didn't think that you were that brave. 

(Izuku POV) I shift uncomfortably on the bed I turn to look at Tanwen and she leaned in and gave me a kiss

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(Izuku POV) I shift uncomfortably on the bed I turn to look at Tanwen and she leaned in and gave me a kiss. I feel my heart start to pound and I turn beet red and she burst out in laughter. she got up and told me to rest that tomorrow was going to be a long day. when I woke up I stepped outside I saw Delinda and she smiled at me then she shifted. what I saw left me awestruck as she leaned in. I reached out and touched her she scales were smooth and she was a bright red I stepped back and looked into her eye's and I smiled. then I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Tanwen she explained to me how to shift completely and maintain control. I took a deep breath and shifted and the training began.  

(Eri POV) Mommy when Is daddy coming home? it's been two and a half weeks I miss him. 

(Ochaco POV) don't worry about it too much he'll be home soon. they said he would be gone for about a month. but were going to take Momo to meet up with grandma tomorrow. but for now continue to do your homework.

(Izuku POV) I sat down on the ground panting I was exhausted I marveled at the utter destruction we left from our fight in our dragon form. Delinda walked over to me smiling and told me not bad for my first fight in dragon form. she didn't look half as bad as I did but I guess she has been doing this a lot longer than I have. I asked her are fights in this form always this destructive? 

(Delinda POV) not really, they are normally worse I can see that you were trying to be careful of your surroundings. when we fight in earnest we don't worry about what's around us. when we're done we heal the injured and try to fix what we destroyed. 

(Izuku POV) wow I take a sip of water as I listen to  Delinda. she told me that she likes the emerald green of my scales and I turn red again. 

(Delinda POV) you really don't accept compliments well do you. 

(Izuku POV) I'm just not used to it for most of my life I was bullied. I didn't have the strength to defend myself I tried but I normally lost. I didn't make my first real friend until I got to high school. I feel Tanwen touch my back and my aches all faded away. I turn to thank her and she smiled at me and told me not to thank her yet. it's time for you to start fighting again and I don't think that Delinda will be as gentle this time. I get up and I see Tanwen walk away and I begin to shift and get ready for my fight.

(Bahamut POV) I watch them fighting in full dragon form and I can't help but to smile. that boy is doing very well Delinda is really going all out this time and he hasn't fallen yet. I think next week I'll join in the sparing and teach him how to control his strength. that thought alone put a smile on my face when an idea came to mind I'm going to teach how to really control his fire and how to control electricity. 

(Izuku POV) I fell down after shifting back to my human form I was completely exhausted. Delinda came up to me quickly I felt her touch and my body didn't ache anymore but I was still very tired. Tanwen slipped under my arm and Delinda slipped under the other one and they helped my to my bed and everything faded to black.

Author see you soon

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