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Shigaraki pov) Why are we having such a hard time catching one kid. He beat the people trying to capture him. The two times we were close to capturing him is when he was with someone. I guess if you want something done right you need to do it yourself. Magne, Spinner, Toga come with me were going to get this get this Izuku Midoriya and crush him. Dabi I want you to track the police and heroes and let me know when they are on the way. We know the Area he likes to hang out and we'll case it out. Just then i hear a speaker crackle to life it was father. He warned me that i if i underestimate me opponent i could lose. But if i was to fail not to worry that he would come get me personally. That put a smile on my face only one person ever beat father and that was All Might. Don't worry father i won't fail you i will crush this Midoriya for all of the trouble he cost us.  

Izuku pov) Momo and i are walking down the street window shopping and just enjoying the day. This is the third day hanging out in the same area i was attacked when i was with Mina. Momo and i rented a hotel room and have been treating every day like a date. If is wasn't for the fact that we were observing our surroundings waiting to be attacked it would have been perfect. But we enjoyed our time together and the nights were wonderful. but today it seems that our plan paid off. i felt a strong pull on my hand that Momo was holding and i tightened my grip and shifted my density. When i look at Momo it was like an invisible force was pulling her her feet were completely off the ground and the only thing keeping her from flying off was me. when i look in the direction she was being pulled i see Magne with his magnet being dragged towards us. 

Magne pov) We found them now we strike i separate him from the girl we use her as a hostage and control him. I use my magnet to pull her from his grasp but I'm the one getting dragged to her. i can see the boy is holding her and together they weigh more than me. I've been spotted and i could see the anger in his eye's and i release my quirk. I try to run but i feel a crushing blow to my back. Izuku is standing over me and i can feel the hatred coming off of his person. i see him lean down and he threw a punch and my world went black.

Momo pov) As soon as the pulling stops Izuku let go of my hand and goes after the Villain Magne I was looking around for more when i saw a flash of silver flying towards me. i create a shield and heard the metal clang. When i look in the direction of my attacker it was Toga. She was smiling at me an declared that Izuku belongs to her. I don't why but that angered me more than the fact that she just attacked me. i create a stun baton and said he is mine you crazy bitch and if you want him your going to have to go through me. Toga lunged at me with one of those silver spikes that looks like an over sized syringe. I blocked it with my shield and as i tried to hit her with my stun baton but she is as flexible as a gymnast and she dodged my attack. Thanks to Izuku making us train in hand to hand for months i was prepared. When she came in for another attack instead of blocking i twisted my upper body avoiding her strike and i was able to hit her with my stun baton. This caused her to stiffen up and i followed up by hitting her in the back of her head with my shield. Toga dropped i quickly created wrist and ankle cuffs and secured her. 

Izuku pov) I quickly look around after knocking out Magne and i saw Spinner drawing his sord as he was rushing towards Momo and i realize things are going to get worse if i don't try to finish things quickly. i do a partial shift and Spinner froze It's you he said as he dropped his sword. i activate OFA and flash towards him. Please hear me out Spinner said. You made my life more bearable when you saved that little girl he continued. people began speaking to me asking if we were related. I look over to Momo and said please cuff Magne when we hear a yell Spinner what are you doing hurry attack him. Spinner turned and yelled no he is a true hero one acknowledged by the hero killer Stain. He even made my life better when he saved that girl.

Shigaraki pov) I drop down and said if you won't attack him then you need to suffer his fate and DIE!!!. i slap my hand down to the ground and use my quirk. The ground begins to crumble then i see the dragon man slam his foot down and he destroyed the ground before my quirk could.  canceling it. dam it stop cheating i yell just stand there and let me kill you. 

Izuku pov) i asked Spinner to pick up Toga and please go over to where Magne is if things get out of hand help the girl move them to safety. Before spinner left he warned me his quirk is decay when all five finger touch an object it will decay and crumble away. Then he picked toga up and ran to Momo's side. Shigaraki please give up now or i will have to do it the hard way. 

Shigaraki pov) Dam you how dare you take one of my people from me i will make you suffer. Then i will kill you.

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