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Izuku pov) This pain is unlike anything I've ever felt. Blood dripped my nose I started to cough up blood I felt tears run down my face. When I wiped my eyes I realize that it wasn't tears it was blood. I start punching the ground to try to get my mind off the pain. I barely managed to get on my knees and my wings shoot out. I feel like I'm about to blackout i know if I give into this pain I'll die. It took all of my will power to finally take my first breath since I got punched.

Bahamut pov) I look at Izuku as he began to bleed from his nose then blood starts coming out of his tear ducts then his ears. He coughed up blood I begin to worry he hasn't been able to take a breath. I felt relieved when he finally took a breath of air. But I know that he's not out of danger yet. I look over to the girls I can see the look of concern on their faces. They grown quite fond of him.

Izuku pov) sweet air filled my lungs if it wasn't for all of pain I was in I would have cried from the relief. I flap my wings hoping that would help me with the pain but another spasm made me fall from the sky. Me hitting the ground from a fifty foot drop was nothing compared to the pain racking my body. If i had to pick between being All Might's punching bag or this pain. I'd choose punching bag i have to focus just to be able to breath. My insides feel like they are on fire and being torn to shreds while in a car crusher.

Bahamut pov) After a day and a half of agony he is starting to breath normally he looked up at me smiled and passed out. The girls ran to him they checked his pulse and smiled he's still alive. Do not heal him wash the blood off him then take him to his room. He needs to naturally recover from this. Do not let him heal himself. His body is still absorbing my energy and it has to run its course.

Izuku pov) I woke up to see Bahamut sitting by my bed. I tried to sit up but he stopped me. My everything still hurt. My body felt deferent but i was in too much pain to care. l looked at Bahamut and he smiled and i saw the pride in his face.

Bahamut pov) Don't move to quickly you might pass out again. I didn't let the girls in here. I didn't want them to be tempted to heal you. Your body is still absorbing my energy you will no longer have your hatchling form when you shift.

Izuku pov) Hatchling form what do you mean.

Bahamut pov) I chuckle as i see the confusion on his face. I guess i never did explain that to you. When you did your half shift and your full shift those were your child forms what we call hatchlings. Now that you've absorbed my energy. You will be able to shift into your adult form a true dragon. But for now you need to eat and rest. You will see in the next couple of days.

Izuku pov) The girls walked into the room with two tray's of food each and my stomach rumbled. How long was i asleep for. you've been asleep for three days Tanwen said. We wanted to check up on you but we weren't allowed into the room Delinda said.

Bahamut pov) That's enough girls put the food down and let him eat and rest. I promise you won't have to wait much longer. Now eat your body needs the nutrients.

Izuku pov) As i began to eat i started to realize how hungry i really was. It was like i couldn't get the food into my mouth fast enough. After i finished all of the food once again the fatigue hit me and i drifted off.

Bahamut pov) Wake up Izuku it is time to begin your training.

Izuku pov) When i got out of bed and finally saw myself in the mirror i almost didn't recognize myself. (top pic)

Bahamut pov) lets go outside and get some distance from here. I can't wait to see your mature form. Can we please join you Delinda asked me. Yes you can i replied.

Izuku pov) When we got to our training area. Bahamut said do a partial shift and when i did once again it was like i was in a deferent body

 Bahamut said do a partial shift and when i did once again it was like i was in a deferent body

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Bahamut pov) walk over to the water and look at your reflection.

Izuku pov) once again i was in shock. My last form looked strong but approachable. But my new form i look like a hulking monster. then Bahamut's voice rang out again shift.

Izuku pov) As my form changed and i watched my teacher shrink i could see the look of pride on his face as my body shifted

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Izuku pov) As my form changed and i watched my teacher shrink i could see the look of pride on his face as my body shifted. i looked down at my refection and i stepped back in shock causing the land around me to rumble. My two new forms are terrifying i don't know how i feel about it then i see Bahamut shift into his true form and i felt small.

 My two new forms are terrifying i don't know how i feel about it then i see Bahamut shift into his true form and i felt small

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Bahamut pov) As you get older and gain more control of your body. You will be able to control how big you get. Even though your in your mature form you will still grow. But that's enough talking for now. Disciple it's time to show me you true convictions. let's see how you handle the remaining seven months

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