Bad Timing

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(Izuku POV) as our class started i was helping Eri with one of her math problems when Mr Aizawa entered talking about Internships. Eri looked at me asking what was an internship before i could answer Mr Aizawa explained what it was. he handed out a list of papers it had a bunch of heroes names and locations of their operations. i wanted to go back to Grand Torino but his name wasn't on the list. i wanted to speak with the girls about who they were going to choose. when Mr Aizawa called Ochaco, Tsuyu and Todoroki saying that Endeavor was interested in teaching them. Jiro and Momo also had heroes interested in them i was feeling kind of left out when he called my name. there were a lot of heroes interested in me most of them heard about the test i took with the top five heroes and other students. the Dragoon hero was very interested in me interning with her. I guess she liked the fact that I also turn into a dragon and the fact that we already fought against each other. when i took a look a look at the list it had heroes like Endeavor, Hawks, Mirko, and Gang Orca. i was tempted to go with Ochaco and Tsuyu but thought better of it. i decided to go with Dragoon hero i would be the only one from my class going to join her. 

(Bakugo POV) that bastard got his pick of Heroes i only had the one interested in me. granted he was the number three hero but still. I don't understand why  Deku didn't go with the number one hero or the someone in the top five. what a fool but this is my chance to pull ahead when this is done I'll surpass him. this is the chance i needed to regroup clear my head and push forward. he will see no the whole class will see why i deserve the number one slot.

(Ochaco POV) as we got ready to go for our internships Izuku's mom came over to the house to care for Eri. Eri is the one taking it the hardest this will be the first time that she won't be with one of us for any extended period of time since she has come to live with us.  Eri looked sad when we said that she couldn't go with us. Momo walked over to her and smiled she asked her who was her favorite hero? Eri smiled and said her dad was. Momo smiled and opened her shirt and a few seconds later a Deku plushie doll popped out in full costume. Eri's eyes went wide as Momo gave her the doll she thanked Momo and asked her if she could make one of me and Momo as well. Momo smiled and a few seconds later Eri was hugging all three plushie dolls and squealing in joy. I could see a tear in Momo's eyes when Eri asked for one of her. We all took turns hugging her goodbye before we left for our internships. 

(Dragoon Hero) As Izuku entered my agency I introduced him to the rest of the team when he entered my office I asked him what he wanted to improve on. He looked me in the eyes and said control. that the last time he was in his dragon form he had some really violent urges and had to be talked down by a friend. wow my quirk doesn't affect me in that way but we will work this out what other short comings are you trying to fix. He said I want to work on improving my decision making process while in combat. Go change into your hero costume and let's get your training started.

(Izuku POV) as the dragoon hero and i were walking i started to feel different. oh no this isn't good i need to get off the streets i need to get away from her. as the breeze shifted she caught my scent and i saw the look in her eye's change and that's when he struck thin metal cables wrapped around Ryukyu's neck and wrists before i could react a villain told me not to move. i could see small beads of blood around her neck and wrists.

(Wolfram POV) what are the odds of me running into you in the streets. fortune is on my side Shigaraki wants you badly and is promising power to the one who catches you. if you don't want her to lose her head get into the truck right now. i'll let her go completely intact if you try anything she will lose her hands first then her head it doesn't make a difference to me. 

(Dragoon Hero POV) as i feel the cables cutting into my skin while this madman is giving Izuku an ultimatum. before i could tell Izuku to run i heard him speak in a tone that made my blood run cold. i looked at his eyes as he spoke and they shifted they now looked cat like and i could see the rage in them. 

(Izuku POV) I will get into the truck with out fighting you but if you hurt her anymore than what you have i will make you regret the day you laid your eyes upon her. this is not a threat this is my promise to you. release her and i'll get into the truck hurt her and i will put you into a world of hurt that your body has never known.

(Wolfram POV) Ha i like you, your a bold one aren't you i like that I'll let her go as soon as you get into the truck. miss hero don't you dare try to follow us or I'll slice off his head. I'm going to put him in the same restraints your in do you understand. I'm supposed to bring him back alive if i can dead is also fine so don't test me. oh before i forget Izuku lose your cell phone i don't want them to try tracking you by your phone. 

(Izuku POV) i slowly reach into my back pocket and pull my phone out and toss it to the ground never taking my eye's off this madman. he has a metal manipulating quirk and he is really good with it. if i try anything right now he will kill her. plus i really need to leave this area i slowly walk towards the truck then i feel the cable wrap around my neck wrist's and ankles. he released the cable from the dragoon hero and jumped into the truck as the door slid shut i smiled at her to reassure her that its going to be alright.  

(Dragoon Hero POV) as i watched Izuku get into the truck i knew that this villain bit off more than he could chew. i knew the only reason he was playing along with this was get out of a populated area. but his smile as the door closed told me that this was going to get ugly we need to find him quickly. 

Author See You soon.

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