Unbreakable will

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Delinda pov) When it finally quieted down i went into the last room that i heard things breaking. I found a bloody Izuku with his wings covering Tanwen who was sound asleep with her head on his chest. I set the timer as i place my hand on his wing and begin chanting. I can see that Tanwen was being gentle with him. I'm not as soft as she is but i have to admit Tanwen looked happy as she laid there. 

Izuku pov) I woke up to Delinda clearing her throat. I see you managed to survive but now is the time to train. I began gently shifting Tanwen off me and got up expecting to hurt everywhere. To my surprise all of my cuts and bruising were healed. I bowed to Delinda and thanked her for healing me. 

Delinda pov) Don't thank me yet and get dressed. Oh before i forget you need to be careful for the next week she will attack you again. She won't care if your tired or not and i won't help you. 

Izuku pov) I gulp with that last bit of news. I ran off to get dressed and my normal day of hell went from bad to worse. we just got done with my physical training when i barely looked to my right when i got slammed by Tanwen. 

Delinda pov) Izuku just got done with his last weight set when i said let head inside. When he was tackled by Tanwen. It looked like something out of a cartoon. One second he was there the next he was gone.

Izuku pov) Once again we were fighting her scent relieving my fatigue. But fighting while tired is hard but we fought and once again we made love. But this time while Tanwen got to sleep i had to go strait into class. i didn't even get to put on clothing. This time Delinda didn't heal me i had to heal myself while she was teaching me. The rest of my week was a twisted montage of working out sex, studying and passing out exhausted. Then things went back to normal but once again my training got harder.  just like that three months flew by. 

Bahamut pov) Child take the next week to rest then be prepared to fight. 

Izuku pov) I went strait to my room and i passed out. i only woke up to eat then went back to sleep. I woke up to both the girls looking down at me. I sat up and asked how long was I asleep. 

Tanwen pov) About sixteen hours.

Izuku pov) it felt like I just put head on the pillow. I can see a look of concern on their faces and asked is everything okay.

Delinda pov) Yes we just wanted to warn you. When you fight Bahamut in a couple of days. You must fight him as if your life depends on it. 

Izuku pov) Why?

Tanwen pov) Because it does. He's testing more than how tough you are. He's going to try to break your spirit.

Izuku pov) He can try. I've been broken before. I know what rock bottom feels like. I know what it is to have nothing. 

Delinda pov) What do you mean? 

Izuku pov) Before he gave me his power. I just received power from All Might. Before that I had no power. I got beaten by bullies. Made fun of. I was truly powerless. But now I have you training me. A loving family waiting for me when I return. My mother has found love again. I have something worth fighting for. Even if it takes me getting everyone of my bones broken to get stronger. I'll grit my teeth and bare it to protect the ones I love. 

Bahamut pov) Well said young one. I watch as all three of them slightly jump as they stare at me. You have a habit of pleasantly surprising me. I was going to give you a week for body and spirit to recuperate. But I see that your ready. Girls give him a thorough once over because tomorrow his training will start. 

Izuku pov) I watched Bahamut smile at me then turn and leave the room. Both girls began chanting and i begin to feel as good as new. they told me get some rest your going to need it. When i woke the next morning they lead me out to a large field where Bahamut was waiting.

Bahamut pov) Little one sit before we get started. i need to ask you a few questions.

Izuku pov) i sat down in front of Bahamut. 

Bahamut pov) Did you mean what you said yesterday. That you would suffer broken bones to be able to protect your loved ones.

Izuku pov) Yes.

Bahamut pov) Izuku i need you to prove this to me. What I'm about to do to you is going to hurt. you need to endure. If you survive it we will begin training you to fight for real.

Izuku pov) i was shocked when he called me by my name. I stood up shifted my density and gritted my teeth and said I'm ready.

Bahamut pov) I stood up and looked down at this brave young man. I begin to infuse my hand with my essence. Please do you best to survive this and i punched him in his chest.

Izuku pov) I didn't even see the punch i felt the impact and was launched like a bullet. but the punch wasn't the worst of it. I felt a strange energy enter my body. That was the cause of all of my pain. My bones felt like they were on fire and getting hit with a sledge hammer. My mind was full of visions i didn't recognize. I tried to scream out but i couldn't. I was on the ground convulsing. 

Bahamut pov) I land next to Izuku when i see the girls running up to him when i yell stop. He must endure this on his own if he is going to inherit my true strength. I look at the boy as his body convulses on the ground. I can see the worry on the girls faces as they look at the boy they have been training try to scream out in pain.  

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