A Hero a Villain and progress

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(Ochaco POV) I am walking with Izuku towards class as i saw the girls waiting for me as i left him to talk with the girls. suddenly Bakugo walked up to me grabbing my arm yelling at me about dumping him when a fist punched him through the door. i see Deku next to me and going through the door right after Bakugo. 

(Izuku POV) i saw Kacchan grab Ochaco and i saw red. before i even realized it i punched him as he flew through the door i went in after him. as i enter through the broken door i see him knocked out i yelled to his unconscious body that if he ever touched her again i would break all the bones in his body. i felt a strong hand on my shoulder it was All Might. he told me to calm down and i start to take deep breaths. when i feel a set of arms wrap around my waist they were familiar to me how could they not. i woke up with her in my arms today. she told me she was alright and that i should calm down and go with All Might. 

(All Might POV) i was walking with young Midoriya and then he was gone. i hear a door crash open and see young Midoriya going in a second later. i dash over and place my hand on his shoulder. he starts to take deep breaths when Ochaco grabs him from behind. this instantly calmed him down. he smiled at her and kissed her head and began leaving the room heading to the principal's office. i check on Bakugo and had young Yaoyorozu go get recovery girl and walk with young Midoriya and Midnight is doing her best to keep up with us. 

(the Girls POV) we saw Ochaco and we wanted to talk with her to warn her about Bakugo when he came out and grabbed her by the arm. we have never seen Midoriya move so quickly. he didn't hesitate looked so cool defending Ochaco. the he shouted his warning and they all wished that he was defending them.

(Inko POV) as we were walking i see my son's childhood friend grab the girl that my son introduced me to a few minutes ago then i see my son attack him it was quick over in one hit. my son's attack was ruthless i'm going to have to talk with him about it when we get home. thankfully All Might and the girl calmed him down. and we're back on our way the the principal's office where we were greeted buy a rodent and a older man in a yellow and white costume. a couple of other teachers walk in as well. the Principal was the Rodent and he asked me to sit. as i sat he asked me to explain everything in great detail which i did. then he looked at All Might and asked for his part.

(All Might POV) i told principal Nezu about his first transformation and how Endevor hit him with his strongest attack and i hit him with very powerful attacks and it didn't even faze him in the slightest. it was midnight that finally calmed him down and he changed back to normal.

(Midnight POV) she explained that Midoriya didn't attack that he tried to ask them to stop but it came out as a roar. how he spoke into her mind and how he apologised before he passed out. 

(Izuku POV) as i listen to my teachers talk about that night i notice the old hero looking at me as if he was assessing me. i know he was All Mights teacher i hope that he doesn't think any worse of me because of what i have done. then i get snapped out of my thoughts by principle Nezu. he told me that i was going with the older hero for a week for some very intense training. i look at my mom one more time before i leave the room for my training 

(Gran Torino POV) i've been putting this kid the the ringer and i have to admit that Toshinori picked a monster. he adapts quickly because of all of his research on heroes. he is dedicated to his training always pushing forward. when can can control all of his power he will be every villains nightmare. i can't believe that this kid is still so humble that's good. Toshinori picked a good one i think today were going out on patrol. as were in route a nomu busted through the train i yell at Midoriya to stay on the train. i attack the nomu and try to keep it out of populated areas.

(Izuku POV) i see Gran Torino go after the Nomu and i run out after him thank to my training i'm able to move out using OFA (one for all) and im not breaking my bones. i know Lida is in the area and i also know that the hero killer is in the area if he keeps to his pattern he'll be in an ally as i follow my hunch i see Lida on the ground. i push myself harder and attack stain. he was blown back halfway down the alley. i place myself between Lida and the hero killer and i see the other hero on the ground. he begs me to leave that its not my fight and i tell him that a real hero butts in when its not his business. i send a mass text to all of my friends letting them know where i am an prepare to fight

(Hero Killer Stain POV) I just got sucker punched i tell him that i will purge the fake heros and this kid stays saying what i wanted to hear that a real hero does whats right even when its not his business there is no fame here just death and he stayed. that's a true hero he is worthy i wont kill him but i will knock him out and kill these two fakes. as i draw my sword i lose sight of him he is fast. he hits me again and i missed him with my sword. he's good for being so young but im going to have to step it up. 

(Izuku POV) i've managed to avoid two of his strikes my instincts are screaming at me. i think for a second and i start to press the hero killer following my instincts and stay just out of his reach constantly striking then i see ice trap the hero killers leg and i strike again knocking him out. Todoroki is standing by the corner and i thanked him for the assistance. we take his weapons and lida is finally able to stand and we spoke as he thanked us as we drag the hero killer to the street we got surrounded by heroes while they call the police. Gran Torino kicks me in my face and starts to yell at me when he realized we caught the hero killer. then i see blood fall onto a hero as im yanked into the air. 

(Hero Killer Stain POV) as i come to my senses i see the kid get snached by a bird thing. i saw it bleed onto a hero i cut the rope with a knife the kids missed and i licked the blood off the hero canceling its quirk. as it started to fall i stab its head killing it instantly this kid is one i deem worthy i will not let him die. the world needs true heros like All Might he is also worthy i will purge the fakes and villains. 

author note i know people will wonder how come kachan got knocked out with one punch but to those of us who have been sucker punched knows those hurt the most.  see you soon

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