hospital trip and a family

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(Izuku POV) I apologise to Ochaco's parents for ruining our trip. her father placed his hand on my shoulder and told me not to worry. that he was proud to see in action the type of man his daughter was dating and couldn't wait for me to become part of his family. i start to turn a deep red as Ochaco cried out in embarrassment. 

(Ochaco POV) i can't believe my dad said that in front of the hero's my teachers and the police. i turn beet red as i look at Deku. i ask him if he was going with the little girl to the hospital and if he was could i join him.

(Izuku POV) i look at Ochaco and said i don't know how long this will take but you can join us if you want. we get into the back of the ambulance and go to the hospital. when we arrived the Eri started to wake and as soon as she saw me she cried out and jumped into me arms asking me not to let the bad man take her again. as i look down at the scared child and i hug her trying to will away all of her fear. i can feel her sobbing into my chest as i hold her i tell her its going to be ok. 

(Ochaco POV) as i look at Deku holding and comforting this child i can imagine him with our child and what a great dad he would be. it made me fall deeper in love with him. i reach out to them and hug the little girl as well and told her the we would protect her. i can feel her shaking calm down some as she looked up to see me hugging her from behind she and asked me who i was. i told her my name and that i was Izuku's girlfriend then she asked who was Izuku.

(Izuku POV) i look down at her and smiled i am. don't worry your going to be safe we both will protect you from the bad man. 

(Eri POV) i don't know what a girlfriend is but when he told me that they both will protect me from the bad man i start to cry. i start to feel safe with them i believe them and i fall asleep safely in between both their arms.

(Eraserhead POV) i walk into the room with Midoriya and Uraraka holding the little girl in between both of them in a hug. i told them the results of the blood work they did while the little girl was asleep in the ambulance. she was malnourished she needed to start a vitamin regimen. i also told them about the man who claimed to be her father that he was in the yakuza that he was a powerful criminal named Overhaul. i also tell them that there's no record of Eri being his daughter or of her being born at all. because of her quirk that they couldn't put her in a orphanage. 

(Izuku POV) mister Aizawa is it alright if she stays with me for now. i kinda told her that i would protect her. when i heard Ochaco correct me she said we would protect her. 

(Eraserhead POV) listen to me Midoriya and Uraraka taking care of a child isn't easy it's expensive. i don't think that your ready for this yet plus you still have to keep up your schooling. plus there's a lot of paperwork for you to take are of if you really want this to happen 

(Izuku POV) Please mister Aizawa let us do this i know we can handle it. 

(Eraserhead POV) ok let me contact principal Nezu and see what he has to say but for now i'll grant your request and start the necessary arrangements.

(Ochaco POV) thank you mister Aizawa. Deku after we leave here i think we should go to my apartment with her it's only a one bedroom but we could make it work. 

(Izuku POV) yeah i like. that after my mother and All Might walking to the room looking at the odd scene of me and Ochaco hugging with a child in between us and Eraserhead talking with us. 

(Inko POV) can someone explain to  what's going on here. and who is this poorly dressed little girl that my son and Ochaco are hugging. 

(Izuku POV) as i explain to my mom what happened she looked at All Might and asked him to drop us off at Ochaco's apartment as we left the hospital she asked me if i was ready for this. i said yes that i asked Ochaco's parents for their blessing and they gave it. we got into All Might's car and i held Eri in my arms as she slept. we stopped at a store before we got to the apartment and my mom and Ochaco got out while All Might and i stayed in the car. 

(All Might POV) I'm very proud of you young Midoriya you never stop amazing me with how kind you are and how fast you have grown. 

(Izuku POV) i smile at Eri who is snoring in my arms and look at All Might and said thank you. not to long after the girls get back into the car and we get to the apartment i put Eri in the bed and pull out her new clothes and put them in the closet for now. All Might and my mom left and My little Mochi and i are alone for the first time since the test. we sat on the sofa and i looked at her and said i should cancel on Momo for now until we get all this resolved. 

(Ochaco POV) you can't if you did she would be crushed i can watch over her while your out. but you need to tell her about Eri so she doesn't get blindsided. 

(Izuku POV) as we sat there i put my arm around my little Mochi and asked her how did i get so lucky. i can feel the effects of today and i start to yawn i looked at Ochaco and said i'm tired let's go to bed. after i realized what i just said i start to turn red. 

(Ochaco POV) i turn red when he so casually said let's go to bed. i get up and take his hand and lead him to our bedroom i see him take off his shirt and pants so t take off my dress and were both in our underwear as we crawl into bed Eri starts to whimper and i see Deku grab her and place in between us and he pulls out his wings to cover both of us. i love the warmth of his wings Eri stopped her whimpering and started to hug him in her sleep and he held both of us in his arms and under his wing. 

(Izuku POV) as i cover my girls with my wing and hold them in my arms i smile to myself this is now my family and i will do everything in my power to protect them. 

Author see you soon

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