The worst opponents

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(All Might POV) Principal Nezu i spoke with young Midoriya and i don't think it's a good idea for him to fight with his classmates. he told me about the styles he uses and they are brutal styles and he could really hurt them. plus it would demoralize the class if he just beats them all in a fight. we saw what he did with the pro's and i believe that he was taking it easy on them. if he were to fight against his classmates it would not be pretty.

(Nezu POV) i have to disagree with you All Might. i think him not training with his class would hurt him even more. this will teach him restraint at a higher level so that he won't hurt them. so when he becomes a hero he could deal with all types of opponents not just the overpowered ones. although i would really like to know if he was really holding back when he was fighting the pros. please reach out to the top 5 heroes and plan for them to fight him in earnest treat him like a villain. i also want him to fight 5 students ones that he would have a hard time hitting to truly test his potential.

(All Might POV) i'll reach out to them today and i'll plan for the fight in 4 days. that will give the heroes a chance to clear their schedule. but are you sure about the 5 students? i'll talk with Mr Aizawa to have him pick the student for him to fight.

(Nezu POV) Yes i am, i think that its training that he needs. or he will become more of a monster than the villains that he will pursue. 

time skip 3 days Izuku is back in class.

(Izuku POV) I'm so excited to go back to class i woke up early today and began my martial arts training. during my training i felt eyes on me and i quickly turn around and i saw Eri looking at me from the porch. 

(Eri POV) Daddy why are you up so early training? 

(Izuku POV) i'm sorry Eri did i wake you? i always get up early to train it helps clear my head before school. but i'm just about done you want to wake up your mother's for me please. i'll be right behind you. i smile as i watch her run inside to wake up the girls. i walk into the house and i start making breakfast for my family and i hear them getting out of bed i can't help but feel happy. after we were done eating i went and showered and the girls did the dishes. as we arrived to our class room i apologised to our class for my actions. then i moved Eri's desk next to mine before class started. 

(Aizawa POV) as i entered the class i thought about my talk with All Might. i look around to decide who should Midoriya fight. it becomes painfully obvious to me the girls. he will have a very hard time having to fight a girl. the more delicate he thinks the girl is the harder time he will have trying to fight her. i made a list for All Might and told them about the schedule for today and left.

(Izuku POV) after school let out the girls and i got ready for our training. Momo bought Eri a UA gym suit so they would all match. once again i drill them on technique not as bad as my teachers drilled me but i made it tough. Eri is just too cute when she is striking but she is trying her hardest. Momo and Ochaco are starting to improve i think in about a month they will be ready to spar. After the training was done the girls went to shower and I started preparing dinner. After dinner Eri and started doing our homework together and shortly after she was out cold. I guess the training really worn her out. i picked her up and took her to bed and tucked her in. as i walk out i see Momo and Ochaco walking towards the bedroom giving me the look that made my heart skip a beat. i went to the bedroom and enjoyed the rest of our night.

(Bakugo POV) I'm finally beck in class and the first thing i have to see is Deku walking with his brat and round face and ponytail girl. he really pissing me off as they get seated Mr Aizawa walked into the class and said the following students please report to training ground gama. Momo, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Toru, Kyoka. Izuku All Might needs to see you after class he has some questions for you. what does All Might see in him even before he left for the month and made all of his improvements. i wonder why Mina was the only girl not to get called? 

(Izuku POV) i have Eri sitting on my lap as we ride the bus to training ground gama i wonder where the girls are. when we got to the training ground i saw All Might and Mr Aizawa waiting for us. Mr Aizawa called Eri over and showed her a kitten and she was off like a flash running to play with the kitten. All Might told me to change and to prepare to fight five criminals who just killed one hero and injured three more. i was to capture them and place them in a cell and if i got placed in the cell i lost the fight i changed and got ready for my fight.

(All Might POV) i sat with Principal Nezu and the top five Pro Heroes Mr Aizawa kept Eri out of the viewing room she didn't need to see this. Young Midoriya was walking down a street when the first attack happened he blocked it but the look of shock on his face said it all. Ochaco was the attacker and he hesitated to counter when his legs were taken out by Tsuyu. he turned to try to see his new attacker when Toru redirected the light into a flash bomb effectively blinding him. he got back onto his feet quickly then Momo hit him with a net cannon. these girls work very well together and we all saw the hesitation in his eyes. he turned  his head and saw Momo and didn't see that Ochaco touched a small car and Tsuyu grabbed the car swung upwards and threw it at him. Kyoka hit him with a sound bomb that distracted him and he didn't see the car coming. 

(Endeavor POV) this isn't the same kid i fought it can't be. the one i fought was fast strong and was a brawler. there is no way these girls are beating him so soundly without any real effort. Nezu told me that it is him we wanted to put him in a situation that he isn't accustomed to. he is a very kind person and that is his biggest weakness and the source of his strength. 

(Hawks POV) the car is going to kill him we need to stop this. All Might told me to stop and just continue watching. we heard the car crash on top of him and my stomach dropped. then i heard the car move with a crunching sound and the boy stood up the broke the net he was in like it was made of wet paper. 

(Izuku POV) I'm getting my ass kicked how do i fight them without hurting them. i barely hardened my skin in time of that car would have crushed me. i need to move and come up with a plan.

Author see you soon.

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