A lie and a promise

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(Hero Killer Stain POV) As i stare down the fake  hero's i see another fake show up Endeavor. i release all of my rage my killing intent i want to purge them all especially Endeavor. 

(Endeavor POV) the hero killer is here as i get ready to attack he yells at us and i can feel his murderous intent i froze for a second and that's when i saw Midoriya strike. punching him in his side then the back of his head. knocking him out that kid is going to be a monster i will never forget the woods when he transformed. he shrugged off my best attack like it was a butterfly and he took All mights attack like they was a calm breeze. i asked Gran Torino why was Midoriya over there with the Hero Killer. 

(Gran Torino POV) it was quick two shots i was stunned the next thing i know Endeavor brings me back to reality by asking a question as i explained the situation to him the police arrive on the scene they detain the Hero Killer and we all go to the Hospital to get our injuries checked out. once i was done the chief of police approached me and explained to me what had to happen. i agreed and walked into the room with the kids first. 

(Izuku POV) i was talking with Lida and Todoroki when Gran Torino walked in. he told me i was stupid for putting myself in danger and he was going to train me even harder when we returned. then he introduced the Chief of Police who explained why he has to lie to the public about the Hero Killer. Endeavor will get the credit so we won't get into trouble but he thanked us which for me is all i need. once we were done i left with Gran Torino and the training was worse than i thought it would be it was three more days of hell. 

(Gran Torino POV) i really put the kid through the ringer this time. trying to teach him as much as i can in a short period of time. but this kid really is a monster he took it all even when he was tired he took it no complaints the fighting drills the movement drills the blocking drills. once we were done as he was leaving i reminded him to remember all of his training and to keep in touch unlike is useless master.

(Izuku POV) i thanked Gran Torino and limped away thinking to myself how blocking drills suck. but thankful to have learned them. i really can't wait to see Ochako again maybe i might get lucky with her again. a familiar voice called out to me snapping me back out of my little fantasy it was All Might. i run over to the car as he tells me to get in that we needed to talk. 

(All Might POV) Young Midoriya i want to know why you didn't transform into a dragon while fighting the Hero Killer.

(Izuku POV) I didn't expect that question i thought about it for a second then i said its because i don't know how to control it and i don't want to lose control like i did when i was angry. i told him how that power scares me a little and how it compels me to violence when i get upset. 

(All Might POV) I want you to promise me that your not going to use that power for now. not until you can control it. I'm glad that you have the forethought to understand that it is very dangerous without proper training. 

(Izuku POV) I promise i won't change into my dragon form for now. 

(All Might POV) Good i have spoken with Gran Torino and i will continue to train you just like he did he told me about your progress with one for all i will now push those limits even further. i told Young Midoriya that he was going to be late for class because we need to talk with Principal Nezu.

(Ochaco POV) i was in class talking to the girls about their internship training when Bakugo approached me saying that he was going to kill Deku for punching him. that i was going to beg him to take me back. that Deku probably has a little dick that would never satisfy my needs. i look at him and smile telling him that if he ever lays another hand on me like that again i wouldn't stop Deku from crushing him. i also tell him that he was wrong about Deku's dick i told him that it was huge and that i knew from personal experience.   

(Bakugo POV) when round face told me that i thought no this can't be right he slept with her already she's lying she has to be. Deku you bastard i will crush you when i see you i will beat you. i'm going to be number one and your going to fade away. i look at round face and tell her that my 7 inch dick would crush Deku's little one any day. and she laughed at me saying if 7 inches is all i have i need to leave right now because after Deku was done with her she probably wouldn't even feel it. i went into rage mode and stomped away there's no way he's that big he always goes last into the shower and he's so quick to cover up she has to be lying.

(The girls POV) we listened to Ochaco tell Bakugo off and Kyoka passed out after Ochaco laughed at Bakugo telling him she wouldn't even feel him after Deku was done with her.  the rest of us went bright red after that statement. we looked at Bakugo storm off mumbling to himself when Mina looked at Ochaco asking her was that the truth. then Ochaco went bright red.

(Ochaco POV) i feel my whole body turn red after Mina reminded me that i wasn't alone that dam Bakugo. i looked at the girls and said yes it was the truth all of it. this time it was Momo that passed out. then EraserHead entered the class and we all took our seats. 

(EraserHead POV) i let the class know Midoriya was with the principal and that he would join us shortly. i also told them about their upcoming exam when Midoriya walked in. i also notice all of the females turning red. i told the class i will be right back i step out and call Midnight to insure that he is no longer in heat. about a minute later i see her running down the hall and she turned straight into the class. after a few deep breaths she looked at me telling me that he is fine that i had nothing to worry about. but as i walk back in the girls are still staring at him and they are all blushing.  

(Izuku POV) as i walk into the class i saw Ochaco and it put a big smile on my face but as i look around i see that all the girls are staring at me and all of them are blushing. i wonder what is happening. i also feel two sets of angry eyes on me one i expected Bakugo the other was Mineta. i don't know why Mineta would be angry with me but oh well. EraserHead walked out the class and a minute later Midnight ran in took a couple of deep breaths and left. then EraserHead walked back in like nothing happened took attendance and left then All Might walked in.

Author see you soon  

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