Izuku's struggle

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Izuku pov) The look on everyone faces when i gave them the news made me want to cry. Especially when Eri started crying. I picked her up and hugged her and looked her in the eyes and said daddy has to do this so that she can begin to have a normal life. 

Eri pov) but i don't want you to go I'm going to miss you.

Izuku pov) I promise i will make it up to you but for now i need you to be strong and help your mothers ok.

Eri pov) Ok daddy.

Izuku pov) Mom i want you to stay here please AFO has threatened to go after you to hurt me. 

Inko pov) That won't be necessary i won't be alone at home. I've been wanting to tell you for a while but the timing never seems to pan out. I'm in a relationship.

Izuku pov) My jaw went slack i didn't even realize that i shifted. I want to meet this guy tonight i said in a low growl.


Izuku pov) I start taking calming breaths and relax.

Inko pov) i don't have to introduce him to you because you already know him. Toshinori and i have been dating  for the last five months. we wanted to take our time before telling you. we wanted to make sure it would work out before telling anyone. 

Izuku pov) I look at All Might in shock. 

All Might pov) Your mom and i began spending a lot of time together and it just happened. Now that were all here i look at Inko and got down on one knee. i pull out the ring Ochaco helped me pick out and asked. Inko will you marry me.

Inko pov) I begin to cry as i said yes.

Izuku pov) The room exploded with cheers all of the girls were crying and hugging my mother. All Might walked over to me and said i love your mother. I smiled and said please take care of her and welcome to the family as i hug him. Soon after they left and the girls and i took advantage of the next three days before i left. When day three arrived the girls and i waited outside of the house. My mom and All Might arrived just as Bahamut, Tanwen and Delinda appeared and walked up to us.

Bahamut pov) I saw my young student waiting for me with his women and adopted offspring. He looked eager. Good i like the look on your face i said. This won't be like the last time you trained under Tanwen and Delinda. I will be conducting your combat training personally. you will need every ounce of your resolve. 

Izuku pov) I'm ready i look over at my family one last time i set my resolve i kneel down and hugged Eri one last time got up and told the girls that i love them and i will see them soon. i walked over to Bahamut and then my world shifted. When we arrived at the new training grounds the gravity was even stronger than the last training grounds. 

Bahamut pov) Tanwen and Delinda are going to teach you improved healing arts and weight training for the next three months. Then for the rest of the time you and i will fight not the easy sparring we did last time. You must fight me will all of your strength or you will not survive. it is the same as your last training grounds one year here is equal to a month on your planet. 

Izuku pov) i nod my head drop off my bags and follow Tanwen and Delinda and began my training. i thought i was going to die in the first half hour. The girls started with weights and cardio it wouldn't have been so bad but the the gravity here was fifty times that of earth. After two hours of working out i was healed and began studying advanced healing techniques. i would love to say i ate lunch on my own. but Tanwen and Delinda had to help me eat because i could barely move my arms. After another two hours of studying we went back to working out. after a couple of hours i was helped back to my room. i was too tired to undress as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out. five hours later it started all over again.

Bahamut pov) The girls were ruthless i told them push him to his limits to insure that he was worthy of becoming my successor. i watched them push his physical limits then push his mental limits in an exhausted state. On several days they had to wash him because he couldn't do it himself. Once again he never complained he stayed awake for his studies even though he was exhausted. As the days passed he improved and the training got tougher and he never complained. 

Izuku pov) I feel like I'm going to die i hurt. hell i hurt in places i didn't even know existed. it feels like the more i improve the harder the training becomes. i look forward to the healing classes that's about the only time i don't feel like I'm about to die. sometimes i have to stand in our class so that i don't accidently fall asleep. Tanwen and Delinda take turns with the weight training and the healing classes. each getting a day of rest as i get worn out but something changed half way though week two. Tanwen went into heat and things got really dangerous.

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