The trials and a confession

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(Izuku POV) All Might walked in looking cool as usual and told us to change into our hero costumes. that we were going to test sight gama i grab my case with my costume and i notice as i'm starting to change most of the guys are looking my way to include Bakugo. feeling awkward i go to the bathroom stall to change once i'm out the stall Mineta comes up to me and asked me if i slept with Ochaco. i looked around and i see that he wasn't alone Kaminari, Todoroki and Kirishima was there also. i feel myself blushing i guess Ochaco told someone i'm guessing Mina she can't keep a secret to save her life i said yes and Mineta got angry with me.

(Mineta POV) It's not fair that you get to grope her ass and feel her tits. the next thing i know i'm up against the wall and can't breath.

(Izuku POV) I snap before i realize it i have him by his throat up against the wall. i tell him that she is mine and he is not to talk about her body parts to attempt to touch her in any way that isn't appropriate or i will break his spine leaving his lower half of his body useless. i see Kirishima and Todoroki approaching me asking me to calm down. i drop Mineta and tell him you've been warned. Kaminari went to check Mineta while Todoroki and Kirishima walked by me to asked me why i snapped that it was unlike me to do that. i apologised to them and told them that i don't care if people mess with me. but when it comes to Ochaco i can't control the anger when people try to disrespect her. Kirishima told me that that was manly but to try to tone it down a little. 

(Bakugo POV) i go up to Mineta and asked him was it true about Deku and Ochaco and he said yes this really pisses me off now. i thought she was lying as we head off to test sight gamma i notice that round face and Deku aren't sitting next to each other but he sitting next to frog girl and even she is flirting with him. Round face is sitting with ponytail girl and their giggling flashing looks at Deku. this is really getting to me then frog girl insults me followed by Kaminari great i'm really going to show them all what i can do.

(Izuku POV) as soon as we get out the bus All Might tells us that its a race across the city to find and rescue him. i get pitted against Mina, Lida, Ojiro and Sero we separated to different parts of the city. i hear the horn and i launch myself up using all of my new training and start racing to the center of the city looking for All Might. 

(Class POV) Look at Deku he's really moving and he isn't braking himself his moves look like Bakugo's moves. 

(Izuku POV) i shoot by Sero and i see All Might and pick up my pace and i won followed by Sero then Lida, Mina and Ojiro. All Might tells us how well we did and calls for the next round of students. once the class was done the top four was myself as number 1 followed by Bakugo, Todoroki and Ochaco. All might approached me after class telling me about training starting tomorrow. i go to Ochaco and asked would she like to go out tonight. i hear all the girls go awe and i start to blush. 

(Ochaco POV) Deku come up to me asking me out all i could do is smile and say yes. I tell him i get to pick where we go when i feel a tug at my shirt it was Momo. 

(Momo POV) i Heard Deku ask Ochaco out and i know that they are in a relationship but i really want him to sing again. so i asked if i could join them i happen to have a karaoke booth rented out for tonight i was going to invite all the girls. they also serve dinner and the mochi is to die for (i know she really loves mochi). 

(Ochaco POV) Mochi ok that sounds great then i look at Deku is this ok with you. he smiles at me which makes my heart flutter. then i realize that Momo is stupid rich i probably couldn't afford to eat there. when i see Deku looking at me and his smile never faltered say don't worry about it. He was going to pay for me tonight being that he asked me out. 

(the Girls POV) we yell that its not fair that only Momo and Ochaco get to hear Izuku sing again. when Izuku looked at us and asked would we like to join. we all yell yes really quickly. 

(Mineta POV) Midoriya you bastard you're not going to hog all the girls are you. us guys would like to go also.

(Momo POV) i better call and reserve the booth right after this i need to get it right and i know what dinner i want to have served and i know i'll have to special order the Mochi for Ochaco. but its worth it to hear Deku sing again and i think i need to have a talk with Ochaco about her and Midoriya's relationship. 

(Izuku POV) how did things turn out this way i wanted it to be me and Ochaco but i already agreed to the girls when Momo saved me saying that the place she rented out was only big enough for 7 people and Mineta started to cry blood. calling me a bastard again and running away. 

(Bakugo POV) Are you serious right now he is going on a date with all of the girls in our class. this is bull shit. i ask  Momo which Karaoke are they going to. it was called karaoke barn and it's one of the high class places that serve dinner and has large private rooms and is very expensive to rent out. i could only afford a three person booth i asked Kirishima and Mineta to join i'm going to find out what all the fuss is about.

(Izuku POV) i picked up Ochaco for our date i told her how pretty she looked and that i couldn't wait for us to be alone later as we took a taxi to go to Karaoke Barn we get escorted to our booth where Momo is already waiting for us 

(Ochaco POV) i see Deku and he looks really nice and his complement made me turn red and his statement after that made me turn beet red. knowing that he had plans for just us later i know im going to be sore tomorrow. as we walked in Momo was waiting for us and she asked if she could talk to me alone for a minute. Izuku smiled and said yes. and i stepped out with Momo. 

(Momo POV) i look at Ochaco and asked her about her relationship with Midoriya i know that you already slept with him but i also really like him. he is a sweet guy and i envy you because i see the way he looks at you. i remember how he looked at you while singing to you. i want him to look at me that way also. that's why i kinda hijacked your date. i understand if your angry with me but i just want you to know the truth.

(Ochaco POV) Wow i was shocked Momo was jealous of me! i looked at her and smiled and said that i truly love Deku but i wouldn't mind sharing him with her i told her about my first time with him. i know that his desire's are more than i can handle but let me bring it up to him tonight and i'll let her know what he thinks about it.

Author see you soon.

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