Whats a mom and a dad?

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(Ochaco POV) Watching Inko and Eri talk was odd. it took Eri a while to warm up inko but now she won't stop talking it's so cute. when Inko told her that she was Izuku's mom Eri asked what's a mom. i looked at her and asked you don't have a mom. She looked at me and said no. 

(Inko POV) my heart just broke. this poor child has gone through so much. i began to explain to her what a mom and dad is. i told her that a mom and dad love and protect you they teach you they give you a loving home and make you feel safe. she looked at me a little confused. 

(Eri POV) if that what a mom and dad is does that mean Izuku is my dad and Ochaco is my mom?

(Inko POV) my heart is about to burst. i look over to Ochaco who is coming towards us crying. she grabbed Eri and hugged her telling her i love you. i started to cry and hugged them both. my son has grown so much when did it happen. 

(Ochaco POV) she called me her mom. i can't believe it she called me her mom. i'm overcome with joy i can't wait to tell Deku. 

(Eri POV) is everything ok why are both of you crying? are you hurting did i make you cry. i'm sorry if i made you cry. please don't be mad at me.

(Ochaco POV) i tell Eri that were not mad at her that these were tears of joy that she made us both very happy with her words. i also tell her that when Izuku comes home that he would be happy also.

(Izuku POV) i just finished walking Momo home she looked so happy that i accepted her. i stopped at the mall. i wanted to get Eri a gift when i feel a hand grab the back of my neck. when i look it was Shigaraki he said he wanted to talk to me and if i didn't he would kill the people around us. i sat with him and we spoke he asked me about the Hero killer and after i gave him the answers he wanted i heard a familiar voice ask me if i was all right it was Tsuyu. Shigaraki let me go and began to walk away. i called out to him and asked him what his masters plan. he looked back at me saying that he didn't know but the next time we meet that he would kill me.  

(Tsuyu POV) i saw Midoriya with a strange guy and he looked like he was in pain.i asked if he was alright he let go and Midoriya called him Shigaraki as soon as i heard that i called the police. i asked him if he was alright and he said yes. he took my hand and thanked me my heart started to race. it didn't take long for the police and hero's to arrive. 

(Izuku POV) i told the police and the hero's what happened and they started to search the area they took both Tsuyu and myself home i thanked Tsuyu again when they dropped her off. when i got to the apartment i walked in i see my mom and Ochaco holding Eri crying. i asked if everything was ok. i look to see if Eri was hurt when she said look dad is home. i froze in place did she just call me dad. i can feel the tears come to my eyes unbidden.

(Eri POV) i look at Izuku walk in and when i called him dad he stopped. as i look at him i could see tears start to flow from his eyes. i feel Ochaco put me down when Izuku rushed to me faster than i have ever seen him move. the next thing i know i'm in his arms and he told me that he loves me so much.

(Inko POV) i saw my son freeze when he heard Eri call him dad. i saw Ochaco put her down before i could blink she was in his arms. he was telling her how much he loved he when Ochaco hugged them both. it reminded me of the first time i saw her at the hospital. then i dawned on me if she is calling my son dad that makes me a grandma. at that thought i began to smile im now a grandma. 

(Izuku POV) when i put Eri down when my phone starts to ring. it was MR Aizawa letting me know that all of the arrangements are done and that Eri will be attending class with me. i let Ochaco know the good news. then i left the room and told MR Aizawa about my day he listened and asked who else in the staff knew i informed him that he was the first. when i look over i see my mom and Ochaco giving me the evil eye. Eri wasn't paying me much attention she was looking at my mom and Ochaco. once i was done talking with him my mom and Ochaco were double teaming with questions. my mom was upset that i didn't tell them that first then she looked at the time and she went over to Eri and gave her a kiss goodbye she did the same to Ochaco then i got a kiss and she left. 

(Ochaco POV) ok Eri it's time to get ready for bed go change and brush your teeth. Eri said ok and went to the bathroom but she left the door open to make sure that she could still see us. i looked over to Deku and asked about his date with Momo. 

(Izuku POV) it went well and i accepted her into our life she knows all about Eri but she doesn't know about me though. i would like to keep it that way a little longer. we'll see where this goes first. then Eri came out of the bathroom we both take her to bed we about to leave the room when she called out to us saying that she didn't like being alone. i look at my little Mochi and smiled. 

(Ochaco POV) i look at Deku and he is just smiling at me i look at Eri and said ok hunny i start to take off my top and i see Deku start to take off his top and his pants. he walked behind me and whispered in my ear said that he had plans for me but it could wait for now. i turn red and smile at him. as we lay down with Eri she holds on to Deku like she is afraid the he is going to leave her.

(Izuku POV) as i get comfortable Eri holds on to me and places he head against my chest My little Mochi snuggles behind Eri as i kiss the front of Eri's head Ochaco kisses the back of her head. and not to long after that i can hear her snoring. i look at Ochaco who is starting to does off too. i pull out my wing and cover my girls as i doze off. i drift off thinking about my crazy weekend.

Author see you soon.

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