Unspoken truth

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(Bakugo POV) as i watch takedown after takedown i decide that i need to practice against another person. I call Kirishima and tell him to meet me in the common area so we could go to the gym and spar. when he agreed i changed my clothes and thought about what i learned by watching the videos. i thought about other ways to beat Deku and i remembered my gauntlets. if i had my gauntlets he wouldn't have been able to take the blast. this gives me another Idea.

same time at the villain hideout.

(Twice POV) As i spoke with Shigaraki informing him of everything that went wrong with Overhaul's plan. he just sat and listened taking it all in. i told him when i was done that we need to avoid angering this one for as long as we can. i still felt the shiver go up my spine as i heard the boy tell me Overhaul isn't available right now and that he would hunt me down. when i saw the news reports on the shape Overhaul and Gigantomakia when they were arrested. i told Shigaraki that i believed that voice over the phone he wasn't angry he said it like they were facts that i could never change.

(Shigaraki POV) I think that it would be better to deal with this boy sooner than later. he is still in training if we continue to wait he will only get stronger. i think we're going to have to nip this in the bud sooner than later. Overhaul was too arogenate and that was his downfall and it cost us Gigantomakia. i don't think that boy could beat him especially six of him.  i bet it was some kind of trap set up by the hero's. Gigantomakia was the masters personal bodyguard he wouldn't go down that easy. give me some time and i'll think of a plan to get that boy.

(Tsuyu POV) Ochaco Jiro and i had a great conversation while we were preparing lunch. i asked Ochaco what was the plan for today and she told me that we were going to Karaoke barn for dinner. i could see that Jiro was as excited as i was. 

(Jiro POV) Ochaco can i ask you a question? i don't want to sound rude but doesn't bother you to share Izuku? he is such a sweet guy and you could have had him all to yourself. i don't know if i could have shared him if i were you. i'd want to keep him all to myself.

(Ochaco POV) Jiro to be honest with you i was a little nervous at first but Izuku is a lot to handle. Momo and i will only make love to him on the weekends because he leaves us swollen even though he is gentle. when were done making love we look pregnant. it takes several hours for our bellies go down. to be honest Jiro i don't think that one woman could handle him. i look over to Tsuyu and i see her blushing. Tsuyu asked me if what i told Bakugo true about Izuku and Jiro's face went red as I said yes. 

(Izuku POV) we're home i said i let my little rabbit go and she ran into the house. i saw Jiro and Tsuyu blushing as i entered the living room. is everything ok i asked as Momo walked in behind me. When i looked back to Ochaco she was hugging Eri. she told us to go wash our hands so we could eat. once we got to the table we had a very nice conversation even Eri enjoyed it she told me how Momo's house was like a castle. then Eri asked me if we could play mario kart after we were done eating. 

(Ochaco POV) Hey Jiro could you help me clear the table and wash the dishes please. Izuku said he would take care of it not to worry. i said no baby you need to go spend time with Eri she missed you and you need to spend some quality time with her. Izuku asked me are you sure and i said yes. Tsuyu why don't you join them Momo can you join us for a minute i think this is a good time for Eri to get comfortable with Tsuyu. Plus we need to have a talk with Jiro here i think there is something she wants to talk to us about. 

(Izuku POV) after playing a few games of mario kart and watching a couple of movies we finally made it to Karaoke barn Eri was so happy she picked baby shark she looked so cute as she sang. Momo picked i set fire to the rain by Adele and she looked sexy. 

(Izuku POV) the Tsuyu got up next and sang one more light by Linkin Park and as she sang her eyes started to water as she looked at me. I saw the same pain in her eyes as when I was done fighting Overhaul. When she was done singing I got up and hugged her and apologized for scaring her. Eri looked at me and asked why was she crying? I told her that daddy sometimes acts without thinking. Tsuyu asked me to remember that I am not alone anymore and to be more careful. I said I was sorry and I'll do better at making safer decisions.

(Izuku POV) Jiro and Ochaco sang the sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel I've never heard this version of this song but I liked it. The girls sounded great together Eri and i began to bob our heads together in rhythm with the music. The tune lifted Tsuyu's spirits as she began to bob her head with us. When they were done we all clapped. Then it was my turn to sing I picked the sound of silence by Disturbed I really love this version of this song.

(Eri POV) I listened to my dad sing the same song that mom and Jiro sang but it sounded so different. I sat on mommy Momo lap I looked up at her and her face was like mine so were mommy Ochaco Tsuyu and Jiro I looked back at daddy. I felt the tears come but I wasn't sure why I just wanted to hug my daddy. when he finished singing I ran to him and hugged him as tightly as I could.

(Jiro POV) I watched as Eri ran to Izuku and hugged him followed by Ochaco then Momo then Tsuyu. All I could think about was when i was in the kitchen and Ochaco asking me how long did you have a crush on Izuku. Followed up by Momo asking me if I was going to ask him if he would accept me into his life.

Author see you soon 

These live versions are my favorite rendition of these songs I hope you enjoyed them 

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