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(Overhaul POV) Listen Tomura Shigaraki i will compensate you for this the money i will make once i retrieve the girl will be well worth the efforts but recently i was raided and lost a huge number of my forces. i would like for you to loan me some of your assets so that i can kill a certain boy who is protecting the young girl.

(Shigaraki POV) I heard that only one person attacked your hideout. not only did he go in solo your people couldn't stop him. he also took back the girls that you kidnapped.

(Overhaul POV) Who told you this!

(Shigaraki POV) your not the only one with resources. tell me why should i risk my operatives for a girl. why is she worth so much to you? your answer will dictate how the rest of this conversation goes if i think it's worth the risk i'll loan you some assets.

(Overhaul POV) Fine the girl's quirk is key for my project. it will allow me to completely erase a person's quirk. i will be able to market bullets that will erase a hero's quirk and i have the only antidote that will give the quirk back. i'll be making money off both criminals who want to erase a quirk and hero's who wants their quirk back.

(Shigaraki POV) Don't you mean we will be making money. i will loan you some of my assets when will you be needing them. 

(Overhaul POV) it will be soon very soon i need them to  be very strong. the boy is alot stronger than what he looks. he took bullets, quirks and went through concrete like it was nothing. 

(Shigaraki POV) really he didn't look that strong when i met him. but if he's really that strong i know one person that he won't beat in a power contest. Master told me that he is power that i could use in dire circumstances. Gigantomachia is very powerful the only people i think could beat him is master and All Might. the other is Twice he has a very useful power he is his own army when needed. 

(Overhaul POV) i need a week to make my preparations please insure that they are ready. i'll reach out to the boy i know he'll show up alone. he has a bad case of hero sickness and i know exactly how to exploit him.

(Izuku POV) the rest of the evening was nice we all sang and ate and i was reminded why i left and trained as hard as i did. so that i could be strong enough to protect my loved ones and be the hero that can make everyone feel safe. 

(Ochaco POV) as i look at Deku my heart just melts how can someone who had it so hard growing up become such a good man. i can see how Eri looks at him she trusts him to save her i need to get stronger to be there to protect him. to help make him feel safe when time are tough. 

(Momo POV) as i look at Eri smiling at Izuku i can't help myself i want a child with him so bad i want my children to feel the love he is giving her. i can imagine him with them playing and taking care of them. when i look at Ochaco i can see the look of woman with a lot on her mind. Ochaco is everything ok?

(Ochaco POV) sorry i got caught up in a thought. 

(Izuku POV) well i'm ready to go home we still have to get ready for school tomorrow. but i'm so happy to have my family with me tonight let's go home.

(Momo POV) i'll call a cab.

(Izuku POV) once we got home i told Eri to go take a shower. she hugged my leg and went to her room and got ready for her shower. Ochaco can you tell me what you were thinking about earlier?

(Ochaco POV) to be honest with you i feel weak i need to get stronger. i got kidnapped and needed you to save me i couldn't protect Eri and i feel horrible about it.  

(Momo POV) Ochaco you got hit with a tranquilizing dart. there was nothing you could have done. 

(Izuku POV) Ochaco your one of the strongest people i know. you saved me from the loneliest point of my life. then you volunteered to raise a child with me if that doesn't speak of a strong woman i don't know what does.

(Momo POV) you also did very well with your fight with Bakugo and he is second only to Izuku. you shouldn't doubt yourself. 

(Eri POV) Daddy i'm done will you tuck me in please. 

(Izuku POV) Ok my little rabbit. i was surprised that she didn't want to sleep with us. i kiss Ochaco on her forehead and go with Eri to her room. as she crawled into bed she told me that she had fun and she loved my song. i asked her was she sure that she wanted to sleep alone. she said yes because i would always find her. i pick up one of her favorite books it was by Dr Seuss green eggs and ham. as i began to read she started to doze off i kissed her forehead and as i get ready to leave i turn around to look at her one last time and smile as i close the door. 

(Momo POV) to be honest with you Ochaco i felt weak also when i thought i was going to be crushed and Izuku had to save me. it gave me nightmares i felt powerless and he took the blow that was meant to kill me. when i saw him fight the robots and the Hero's i can't compare to that.  

(Ochaco POV) Momo when he saved me i felt his fear. i saw it in his eyes i don't ever want to see of feel him like that again. but i don't know how to get to his level but i don't ever want to be the reason that he feels like that ever again. i need to get stronger if only for his sake to be strong enough to stand by his side.

(Momo POV) No Ochaco we need to get stronger. We'll do it together so that he will never have to stand alone again. 

(Izuku POV) as i walk back into the my room i see Ochaco and Momo talking and i ask is everything alright. the girls both turn and look at me and i can see the look of uncertainty and determination. they both asked me to train with them both in had to hand and with using their quirks. i agree to starting tomorrow after school i still have my morning training to keep up with. but for tonight i asked if we could just lay down and let me enjoy being with them i layed down i released my wings and the girls snuggled into me and i wrapped my wings around us. as i drifted off i was taken back to when the building was crumbling and i saw him. the man who hurt Eri and had the nerve to take my woman and Eri from me. i will find him i will get Overhaul.

Author See you soon.

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