Murphy's law

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(Izuku POV) Tsuyu and i dozed off on the sofa when the phone rang. i answered it and it was All Might asking me about my training and how it was going. i told him that it was going well and that i was training new aspects of my quirk. i wanted to tell him what was going on but i didn't want to risk it. so shortly after i hung up Tsuyu looked at me and i told her that it was All Might asking about my training. we ate breakfast when i got the call he sounded smug he enjoyed telling me where to meet him. i told him that there is no way i could get there in thirty minutes. it takes four hours by bullet train. he told me that i should hurry up and that he was getting a gift for me the he hung up.

(Tsuyu POV) i could see the anger on Izuku's face he looked at me and asked me to call Momo and let her know that Overhaul was on the move. once i hung up he looked at me and said get ready because we need to leave as soon as possible to keep Overhaul off his feet. 

(Overhaul POV) ok Twice make the clones and go after the boy's mother and you know the rest of the plan. we'll be in in the closed off section of Aokigahara forest waiting for you please hurry it will take him about four hours to get there and another hour to make it to the forest. that gives you plenty of time to make this happen as soon as you grab his mom Kurogiri will teleport you directly to us. twice made five clones of Gigantomachia and left Kurogiri teleported us to the forest then left Gigantomachia looked at me and said this place reeks of death and sorrow. then the six of them took different paths and faded away. it put a smile on my face this place was disturbing and i like it. 

(Tsuyu POV) I'm holding onto Izuku's neck like my life depended on it. he was carrying me while he was flying and we were moving very fast. it didn't help that we also were very high in the air. i never would have thought the first time i had my arms around his neck that we would be flying. one of these days i really need to ask him what is his quirk.  what should have taken us about five hours took us one. when we got close he folded his wings and dove i couldn't help myself i screamed out in a panic at what felt like the last second he opened his wings and we landed gently onto the ground. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu i need you to camouflage yourself and hold onto my back for now when we get to the forbidden part of the forest you will fall back and use the com pieces in our ears Momo made for us to stay in contact. if you see anything that doesn't look right please let me know. she nodded her head climbed onto my back piggy back style and after a few moments she faded away and we made our way into the forest.

(Overhaul POV) what do you mean you can't find his mom! she always goes to the market on Saturday then she does laundry and hangs clothing on the balcony. did you try the girls parents house? Twice said he was there and that her parents weren't home. he even went to her fathers job looking for him but he wasn't there. I'll kill that brat for mocking me then I'll kill all of his loved ones. i need to get my mind back into the game when i hear rustling in the woods on the path i look up and see the boy.

(Izuku POV) i see Overhaul in front of me and i can see the look of shock on his face. I'm here what do you want from me. the look went from shock to malice as he began to address me. 

(Overhaul POV) How did you get here so fast that shouldn't be possible. he looked at me and said i ran. but he didn't even didn't look like it phased him my plan isn't comming together i have nothing to threaten him with. i need to stall him a little longer i need leverage or this won't work. 

(Izuku POV) what's wrong Overhaul you look like things aren't going your way. what do you want from me if it's Eri don't waste your breath I'm never giving her to you. she is mine and she is safe and if you try to take her again you won't escape me again i will hunt you down and crush you. this isn't a threat consider this a promise from me to you.

(Overhaul POV) you bastard who the hell do you think you are. right now i have your mother if you want her to stay safe you will do what i want. you will bring me Eri or i will kill her are you willing to make that trade. 

(Izuku POV) i couldn't help myself i began to chuckle i knew that if anything would have happened Tsuyu would have contacted me. im so thankful that everyone went to Momo's house but I'm done with this guy. you threatened my mother and you think that im going to let you leave now?

(Overhaul POV) i can't chance this Gigantomachia kill him. before i could finish i felt a blow to the to my jaw i think he broke my jaw and I went down. the ground erupted one of the Gigantomachia rushed him but he moved like water. it was like he melted but Gigantomachia is also very fast but the boy's body changed he looked like a half dragon half man with wings. Gigantomachia threw punches but the boy was so fast the punches never connected. but the boys punches all connected and Gigantomachia dropped and began to melt. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu spoke into my ear saying that five more of those big guys were moving towards me very fast. i looked at Overhaul and i began to feel anger i was never going to leave this place if it was up to him. so be it I'll show them real fear so that they will never go after my loved ones again. i waited until they were within their striking range then i shifted they went from large to tiny. 

(Overhaul POV) the boy changed again he isn't a boy he's a monster i need kill him now before this gets any worse his foot came down destroying three of the five Gigantomachia one of them tried to flee the area and got hit with a sonic blast that ruptured my ear drums and sent him down hard. then the dragon looked at the last one and hit it with electricity that made him melt instantly. This can't be happening I staggered to my feet and the dragon stared at me and I felt his hate. For the first-time since I received my quirk I was genuinely terrified.

Author see you soon.

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