Unexpected encounter and Doubts

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(Izuku POV) as i dropped the girls off at the dorm Jiro said thank you and good night and left to her room. i walked Tsuyu to her room and she pulled me into the room with her kissing me. I looked into her eyes and the were big and beautiful. i smiled with her and this time i pulled her into a kiss i held her close to me. i could feel her heartbeat speed up i cupped my hand down to her ass and lifted her slightly. she let out a slight moan and melted into me i could feel her need for more. when i loosened up and she pulled back slightly her cheeks were red. 

(Tsuyu POV) Izuku why did you stop? did i do something wrong?

(Izuku POV) i smiled at her and said there is school tomorrow and i don't think your neighbors want to hear us going at it for most of the night. plus i know your going to want to be able to walk in the morning. Tsuyu i will promise you this. i will arrange it so that this Friday evening you and i will have a few hours alone. you might want to start a limbering exercise this week or your going to be very sore when were done. 

(Tsuyu POV) i could feel my face go deep red i never thought that he was that bold. then he leaned in and kissed me one more time. it was a soft slow passionate kiss when he pulled back i looked into his eyes and i was lost in them. i hugged him one last time and he stepped back i could see that the tips of his ears were red and he was breathing as heavy as i was. good night Izu i said.

(Izuku POV) Izu? i said as i smiled at her. she told me that is what she going to call me when we're together. i smiled at her and said goodnight and left her room. i couldn't believe i said that to her my heart was still racing. i know i must have looked like a dork trying to be smooth. as i walked to the elevators Kacchan and Kirishima were stepping out of them. 

(Bakugo POV) if it isn't Deku i want a rematch you punk let's fight right now. i'll show you that your win was nothing but a fluke. 

(Izuku POV) Look Kacchan i don't want to get suspended again let it go for now we can get a teacher and fight in a proper match so that we don't get in trouble again. so let it go for now i just had a wonderful evening please don't ruin it for me.

(Bakugo POV) do you think i care about your night. i want my rematch so that you know your place. i'm going to be the number one Hero your going to be nothing but an afterthought. if your lucky and you beg me for a few months i might make you my sidekick.  

(Izuku POV) look Kacchan go talk with a teacher and get it set up i'll fight you if you want. Just leave me be for now. 

(Tsuyu POV) while i was undressing i heard an argument in the hallway. it was Bakugo of course who was he fighting with this time? as i began to listen it was Izuku he was arguing with. i hurry and finish changing and i step out into the hallway and Bakugo was staring daggers at Izuku. 

(Bakugo POV) i forgot you had a date with the frog i don't see any warts on your face so i guess you struck out. 

(Tsuyu POV) what i heard scared me Izuku face looked down at the ground and in a soft low tone he asked him what did you say. i ran to Izuku and held him from behind and asked him to stop it's ok he isn't worth it. 

(Bakugo POV) what did you say? i after i crush him i'll squash you. kirishima put his hand on my shoulder and said drop it let's go. i looked at him and said don't worry i'm going to get it set up and i'll crush you. as we walk away i could hear him say. Don't worry just set up the match i'll be there. when i'm done with with you you're going to apologize to Tsuyu.

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu I'm so sorry that you had to hear that. I want you to know if you stay by my side Kacchan will continue to bother you. If you don't want to be with me I understand.

(Tsuyu POV) Izu watching you stand up for me only makes me want to be with you even more. You really are the sweetest guy I know and I'd be a fool to let you go. so please don't let him take you away from me.

(Izuku POV) i turn around to look at Tsuyu and i smile at her i place my hand gently on her face. Thank you Tsuyu once again i'm glad you showed up when you did. i don't know what i have done to be so lucky to have you want to be a part of my life. i leaned in once again and kissed her. then i heard a high pitched squeal i quickly turned around and i saw Jiro along with Mina. i turned completely red when i looked at Tsuyu she was the same color as me. i told Tsuyu i got to go and ran out of the building. i need to train to blow off this anger or i'm going to hurt somebody. 

(Jiro POV) Mina and i were stunned when we saw Izuku lean in and kiss Tsuyu in the hallway. when he ran out of the building Mina asked Tsuyu are his lips as soft as they look. Tsuyu looked like a tomato at this point. but she looked at us and said yes they are and he is a great kisser. i began to blush remembering my talk with Ochaco and Momo. he is already dating three of the prettiest girls in our class. what do i have to offer i don't have big breasts I'm not as pretty as the other girls why would he want me? Mina was still questioning Tsuyu about Izuku when i snapped back to reality. i really need to talk to Momo or Ochaco tomorrow. 

Author see you soon. 

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