Protecting my family

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(Bakugo POV) How is he getting so strong? why him first he hooks up with Ochaco then he adopts a girl now it looks like he is also with Momo. he is now fighting two pro's and is holding his own. what am i doing wrong? How is he getting ahead of me?

(Izuku POV) After fighting Tiger and Mandalay i'm so tired. now it's almost time to eat. i look for Eri to see that she is hopping around with Kota she looks like a rabbit. seeing her smile and being happy make me feel so happy. i feel a hand gently take mine and i look and see Ochaco she is smiling while looking at Eri. Momo walks up to my other side also smiling. when Eri sees us she yelled out DADDY MOMMY and ran to us. i asked her how is my little rabbit doing? 

(Eri POV) I'm not a rabbit daddy. as i look at my daddy i see he looks tired and very dirty. so i ask what happened to him?

(Izuku POV) you look like a rabbit the way your hopping around your hair and eyes also make you look like a rabbit. your also soft and cuddly as i pull her into my arms and hug and tickle her. she squealed as she tried to squirm out of my arms laughing. then i told her that my training was pretty rough. Eri are you hungry yet? 

(Eri POV) yes i am

(Ochaco POV) Let's go eat. Eri your daddy's right you did look like a rabbit and your cute like one so i'm going to start calling you my little rabbit too. 

(Eri POV) Mommy! stop teasing me.

(Izuku POV) i look over to Kota and asked him if he wanted to join us and he said no he didn't want to be around wanna be heroes. 

(Eri POV) Kota that was mean don't talk like that to my daddy. 

(Kota POV) that's you daddy? i thought you joking i have to go bye Eri.

(Izuku POV) its OK Eri let's go eat. 

(Momo POV) as we got to the table i look at Izuku and told him that i saw his training. it was very intense two at the same time i'm very impressed. Izuku blushed before he could answer Kota walked up.

(Kota POV) Eri i'm sorry i upset you do you want to see my secret fort? 

Eri POV) Daddy is it OK with you?

(Izuku POV) it's OK finish your food then go and have fun. 

(Ochaco POV) Deku when did you get so good at hand to hand? is that why you always come back from training bruised. 

(Izuku POV) i look at Momo then Ochaco and tell I've been training hard every morning. when i look around i see most of the class looking at me. i feel really uncomfortable i don't want people to know about All Might. i see Tiger and Mandalay walking towards me they said that they wanted to talk to me about tomorrow's training. once we were done talking the class split up some go to remedial courses others were testing each others courage. i wanted to check on Eri and Kota. i suddenly started to feel something wrong. i start to smell fire the wild pussycats said we were under attack and for everyone to head back to camp. i scream out Eri where are you i run into the woods looking for her. Kota said he was going to his fort i remember seeing some steep rocky hillsides when we were trying to find the camp i'll start there 

(Kota POV) Eri how do you like my fort nobody knows about it. i come here when i think about my mom and dad.

(Eri POV) where are you mom and dad? 

(Kota POV) they were heroes and they died they left me behind. now i'm just alone i miss them they were so much fun. they played with me like your mom and dad do but because they were heroes they fought a villain and died. now i live with my aunt and i feel empty why did they have to die.

(Eri POV) my daddy saved me from the bad man. i was alone and in pain everyday. i thought i was always going to be alone and in pain. then he showed up and the bad man went away. he saved me from being alone and i feel safe when im with him. 

(Muscular POV) that's so sweet where is your daddy now i want to talk to him. actually i want to kill him then i'll kill you. don't worry about it kid this will be quick.

(Kota POV) i know you! your the reason my parents are gone. your why i'm alone you killed my parents.

(Muscular POV) don't worry kid your going to be joining them right now.

(Eri POV) my daddy will stop you he'll find us and stop you. 

(Muscular POV) dont worry after i kill your little boyfriend your next. the little girl screamed out calling her daddy when i throw my punch hard enough to turn the boy into pudding. but i missed i hit the ground when i look both kids are at least 50 feet back being held by a young man. 

(Eri POV) DADDY you saved us i knew you would come for us

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(Eri POV) DADDY you saved us i knew you would come for us. i look at my daddy's face and i can see that he is very angry he eye's changed again. like when he saw my scars for the first time. 

(Kota POV) Mister we have to run he'll kill us he is too strong 

(Izuku POV) Kota, Eri stay back i'll protect you. he won't lay a finger on you. i look at the villian i could see that all he wanted to do is kill us. i also heard kota say that he killed his parents my blood is starting to boil and all i can see is red. that's when he struck he tried to punch me i jumped to the rock wall then i jumped at muscular and punched him and sent him flying back i pressed my attack and punched him again and sent him flying into the mountain side. i jump back when he didn't move i looked at kota and Eri i started to walk to them when i hear him speak.

Muscular POV) that's not bad kid that actually hurt i didn't think that i would find such a strong opponent. i need to get this kid off his game i'll go after the little boy first then when he is grieving i'll get him then the little girl. i launch at the little boy with all of my strength i feel the punch connect but my fist stopped and the young man was standing in front of me.

(Izuku POV) i look at Muscular he's not targeting me shit he's going after Kota. i will my body to move as fast as i could i barely got there in time i took the hit i focused on the punch and scales formed on my arms when it connected the scales kept my arm from shattering then i yelled and punched him with all my might i felt the bones in my right arm break when the punch connected. the punch sent Muscular flying like a bullet into the mountain causing part of it to collapse. this time his body was limp and he was out cold. i see Kota behind me crying 

(Kota POV) Mister why did you save me? you could have died from that punch your arm is broken. i was mean to you why mister? why did you save me.

(Eri POV) i ran to my daddy and hug him asking him if he ok. i feel his hand on my head.

(Izuku POV) Eri i heard you call me that's how i found you. i was so scared that i lost you and Kota. Kota to answer your question i saved you because your Eri's first friend. Even if your weren't Eri's friend i would have saved you because it's the right thing to do. but right now we have to go back to the camp. Kota climb onto my back and hold on. after he was on i picked up Eri and ran towards the camp.

Author see you soon

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