Hero certification and a surprise

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(Izuku POV) as we walked into the principals office we saw All Might, Mr. Aizawa and principal Nezu. Principal Nezu asked to sit down and explain what happened. to my surprise Mina spoke first.

(Mina POV) it wasn't Izuku's fault he was defending me and the people around us that crazy man threw me and attacked Izuku when he tried to help me. so please don't punish him.

(Nezu POV) this isn't about  punishing him. this is about finding out what happed that lead to him having to fight like that in public. the police reached out to us wanting to know if we knew who that hero was so that the family that he helped could publicly thank him. so Izuku please explain what happened in your words and please don't skip the details. we need to know what we're up against.

(Izuku POV) i explained everything to the best of my knowledge. i could see the look of concern on All Might's face. 

(All Might POV) the person you fought is a direct disciple of all for one. he is as strong as the Nomu and has multiple quirks. you were lucky that Mina wasn't killed out right. he is that strong and very dangerous. he doesn't care about human life he just cares about power. 

(Izuku POV) this news makes my stomach drop I'm glad i was sitting down. all kinds of horrible thoughts were running through my head everyone i care for is in danger just by being around me. 

(Aizawa POV) We've decided that we're going to get your class into the next hero certification test so that you all can legally defend yourselves. the test will be in the next three months until then Izuku i don't want you or your loved ones going off campus without a pro. Izuku i have a question when you interned under the dragoon hero you didn't shift?

(Izuku POV) I did shift but i was alone when i did so nobody saw me in my partial shift form. this last guy who called himself nine was really strong so i had to shift in order to protect Mina. i look over to Mina and apologized that she got hurt and it was all my fault. i won't blame you if you choose not to be around me. i lower my head i feel ashamed.  I'm going to talk to the other girls and tell them the same thing as soon as this meeting is done. when i look up Mina slapped me she was crying.

(Mina POV) i can't believe what I'm hearing the look on his face. it hurts just to look at him i can see the pain in his eye's. i slap him when he looked up at me. Izuku you're the nicest guy i know your willing to stand alone in pain rather than cause anyone else any pain. how do you think this makes me feel. i really like you i don't want to loose you before i even get a chance to enjoy being with you. how do you think Eri is going to take this news. it would crush her. your the one person she trusts when everything goes to shit. she knows that you will be there to save her. if you tell her that she may never recover. please don't push me away don't push us away the thought of that hurts me.

(Izuku POV) I'm sorry Mina i didn't mean to hurt you i step in and hug her. i feel her shaking while she sobbed on my chest. i just don't want to loose the people i care for but if you still want me I'll be happy to have you by my side. Principal Nezu if were done i would like to go home i still need to talk to my family and let them know what is going on. I'm not going to tell Eri i don't want her to be more afraid than she is now. All Might said were done here and that would be a smart move. then me looked me in my eyes and said keep your loved ones close they will support you during the hard times something i learned too late in my career. Mina and i left to go tell everyone else what is going on. when we got to the house i put on a movie for Eri and i spoke to all of the girls in our bedroom. i told them everything we spoke about in principal Nezu's office. they all stood with me insuring me that we will go through this as a family and be stronger for it when it is over. 

Time skip

(Izuku POV) after three months of grueling training my class took the test and we all passed. i didn't even wait until i changed the first person i called after i passed was my mom then followed by all might. i know what i need to do now. I'm tired of just reacting to people attacking me now I'm going to take the fight to them. but for now it was time to celebrate. while i was still in the locker room changing my phone rang it was the Dragoon hero Ryuko i answered the phone she sounded kind of nervous and said we need to talk meet me at my agency tomorrow and how did you do on your certification exam? i told her i passed and that i would meet her tomorrow at noon. the girls and i go pick up Eri and head home we enjoyed a good dinner and watched some movies and called it a night. when i woke up the next morning i went outside and started my training  routine and Eri joined me. 

(The girls pov) when we woke Izuku was already out of the bed training that was no surprise. when we got outside we saw Izuku sparing with Eri and it was so cute. he went through punching and knee strike drills with her. then we joined them and began our striking and kicking exercises. when Izuku finished his morning routine he went into the kitchen and made breakfast. when we done we went inside to eat. Izuku looked at us and said he had to go to the dragoon hero agency for a while. 

(Ryuko POV) when Izuku entered my office i asked him to sit down and i smiled at him and asked how are you doing. 

(Izuku POV) I'm doing fine I'm stoked that i got my hero certification I'm looking forward to working with you again.

(Ryuko POV) that's what i wanted to talk to you about I'm going to take a break from hero work for the next five months. He looked at me confused then asked why are you taking a break are you ok? i looked at him and smiled I'm fine but I'm taking a break for health reasons. Izuku I'm pregnant and i don't want to risk hurting the baby. 

(Izuku POV) wow your pregnant how far along are you?

(Ryuko POV) I'm four months pregnant and your the father. 

Author see you soon.

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