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(Bahamut POV) i felt the anger and i open a rift and saw the young one squaring off with his rival i called Tanwen and Dalinda to watch i want to see what he does.

(Bakugo POV) i saw him land and he made a fucking crater and was walking out of it like it was nothing. this can't be right i won't hold back this time i will not lose to him again. i'm the best and now he is going to learn. i launch towards him i have to hit him hard my last attack didn't even slow him down. 

(Izuku POV) i reinforce my my skin with my scales just to be safe when he came at me he began swinging but compared to my teachers he is slow. i begin dodging them but kacchan is smart and he began letting off explosions with his punches big ones at that. i don't want to do this but he's not going to stop until i stop him. Kacchan i tried to warn you but your leaving me no choice. lets see if you can take what you like to dish out.

(Bakugo POV) bring it on Deku!! this time he came at me but he was walking i couldn't help myself i grinned and hit him with a blast that should land him in the infirmary but he continued forward like it was nothing. how can you take a blast like that you're mocking me you think your better than me. i'll show you who's the best screw it if you can take a howitzer blast taste my AP shot. i focus my blast at his legs i don't want to kill him but i won't lose they can fix broken legs.

(Izuku POV) i felt the hit from his AP shot on my legs but due to my now increased weight and my scales it felt like a kitten rubbing out against my leg. Kacchan you can't hurt me anymore even with your best shots i barely even feel them. i know you won't beat me in a fight with me using my Quirk because you won't be able to keep up with my or withstand my punches. i don't even think you could beat me in a normal fist fight anymore but i welcome you to try. 

(Bakugo POV) shut up Deku i'll kill you i focus my AP shot center mass and i put every last bit of power i have into it. lets see you take this one and i let loose my strongest blast. i feel his hands grab my chest and he head butted me my vision hazed up. then i felt the assault on my chest it came so fast i couldn't block it then he followed up with a hook to my jaw instead of stopping he followed through spinning i barely got my arm up and caught his elbow strike i felt something snap. i scream out in anger and in pain i tried to knee him but he sidestepped it. he punched my inner thigh and my leg buckled.

(Izuku POV) i felt something snap in this arm but he still tried to attack me. he threw a sloppy knee strike i side stepped it and punched his inner thigh and he went down. i backed up and and looked at him Kacchan if you ever insult my family again i will not hold back anymore. i don't care if you insult me leave them out of it. he raised his hand and let out another explosion. i activated OFA and punched him in the face knocking him out cold. i felt horrible why does he hate me. why couldn't he just let it go i just want to be happy with my family. i walk over to him and begin to heal him. 

(Aizawa POV) as Yaoyorozu and i ran towards the forest we heard loud explosions and we began to run faster. then it went silent i felt a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. when we arrived i saw Midoriya kneeling over Bakugo chanting something. Midoriya what are you doing?

(Izuku POV) I'm healing him Mr Aizawa i'm almost done. please allow me to finish. i heard the sounds of rushing footsteps and then an embrace. i turn my head and saw Momo holding me i dropped my head in shame. i'm sorry for losing control i know better please forgive me. when i finished i got up. Momo never left my side and told me i had nothing to be sorry about you defended your family. 

(Aizawa POV) When did you learn to heal people? 

(Izuku POV) it was the first thing i learned when i began my training. they taught me that i need to have compassion or i'll become just as bad as the people that i'm trying to stop. Mr Aizawa i healed all of his injuries but none of the effects. He is going to be in pain for the next couple of days.

(Bahamut POV) i'm impressed he embraced what i taught him he fought smart he wasn't cruel and then he healed him you girls did a wonderful job. i think this one will be alright and i think the is going to back into heat soon. 

(Aizawa POV) wait you can heal the effects of the injuries also?

(Izuku POV) yes i can i broke his nose and his arm and i bruised the bone in his left leg. i fixed them but i didn't heal the muscle around it. he will be in pain until those injuries heal i didn't want him to try to attack me again. 

(Aizawa POV) Momo take problem child away from here Midoriya you will go see recovery girl first then you will wait for me by principal Nezu's office. now go i have to deal with this one now. i watched them leave and i woke Bakugo up he sat up and tried to hit me with an explosion. i canceled it with my Quirk he looked confused.

(Bakugo POV) i woke up to someone slapping my face and tried to hit them with an explosion. but nothing then i see Mr Aizawa and knew i was in trouble my face hurt my arm hurt my leg hurt. but nothing felt broken. Mr Aizawa looked at me and asked me why did i provoke Midoriya. 

(Mr Aizawa) Bakugo you will tell me or you will pack your bags those are your choices.

(Izuku POV) we arrived at recovery girls office and she gave me the once over. then i went to Principal Nezu's office and sat down outside the office waiting for Mr Aizawa. when he arrived Kacchan was walking with him i saw the venom in his two swollen eyes. i got up and all three of us entered the office.

(Aizawa POV) Izuku did you throw the first punch?

(Izuku POV) yes i did.

(Aizawa POV) Bakugo the only reason your not getting expelled is because Izuku threw the first punch. Izuku even though you were defending your family you didn't have to resort to violence both of you are under house arrest Midoriya for three days Bakugo for four days being that you started it. Bakugo if you pull the same stunt again you will be expelled now get out of here both of you.

Author see you soon

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