Personal growth

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Third person pov) Both men sprung into action. Izuku was surprised by his both his new power and speed. Bahamut was a veteran of countless battles and his experience showed through forcing Izuku back. Izuku smiled and activated full cowling at 40 percent. To his surprise it didn't hurt and he became a blur of motion. This took Bahamut by surprise but his experience once again showing through. He landed a blow to Izuku's chest that launched him like a bullet. Izuku landed about a mile away on his feet skidding to a stop. Izuku smiled he could do it, he now has the ability to protect his family. Izuku put both hands on the ground like a sprinter before a race then yelled full cowling 60 percent. The ground exploded in a blink he was at Bahamut throwing a kick aimed at his masters chest. Bahamut shifted slightly and the kick narrowly missed his body. Izuku skidded to a stop he didn't had enough time to bring his arms up to block when the hit landed and his world went black.

The girls pov) Izuku is a monster Delinda said. Tanwen agreed he lasted for a full minute and a half before being launched about a mile away. I don't think he realized that he broke the sound barrier coming back Delinda said. Both girls ran to Izuku when Bahamut knocked him out.

Izuku pov) I woke up to Delinda's hand on my head healing me. What happened the last thing I remember is I missed landing my kick and waking up to you healing me. Thank you by the way.

Delinda pov) You're welcome. You did well for your first match. Did you realize that you broke the sound barrier. Before master knocked you out.

Izuku pov) No I didn't. I was just trying to land a solid hit on him.

Bahamut pov) not bad young one. Your doing better than I expected. But your trading speed over form and you're getting sloppy. That might work on weak opponents but not on me. Now get up we're wasting time. Tanwen please get my radio and play us motivating music.

Izuku pov) I saw the look on her face and a shiver ran down my spine. The next couple of hours was a montage of pain and heavy metal. Music by Metallica, God smack, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed just to mention a few. But after every match Bahamut sat with me and went over what i did right and what i did wrong. I learned a lot through pain and repetition. Tanwen and Delinda were quick to heal me when i got knocked out.

Bahamut pov) That's enough for today lets go back. You need to eat rest and recover so we can begin early tomorrow. In the morning i will go over your form in the afternoon we will fight. What you fail to fix from our lessons. You will learn through pain when we fight. Your flashy big moves will do nothing but get you hurt in a fight with a trained opponent. simple effective moves win fights.

Izuku pov) After we returned i ate then it hit me. I was exhausted the only thing keeping me going was adrenaline. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. Tanwen woke me up and said its time to eat. i sat up and said we just ate.

Tanwen pov) No Izuku you slept all night its seven AM. The master is at the table waiting for you.

Izuku pov) i got up washed my face and joined Bahamut at the table.

Bahamut pov) Good your awake lets eat and get your training started. If you preform like you did yesterday i think your be fighting in your shifted body in about three months then your dragon form the rest of the time your here.

Izuku pov) For the next three months my world was a mix of training followed by pain, heavy metal and healing. I remembered the days of All Might training and missed them. He was very gentile compared to Bahamut. I was warned that he would try to break my spirit. I refuse to allow that to happen. But every night i would pass out due to exhaustion. if it wasn't for the girls i know i would have died. but I learned and improved and strengthen my resolve.

Bahamut pov) You've done a great job learning and improving now do a partial shift. His new form puts a smile on my face. Let's test your strength

Izuku pov) I now look like All Might. If he was half dragon and pumped full of steroids. I quickly get into my fighting stance. Bahamut did his partial shift the music started and the pain begun. I hoped that being in this very buff form the pain would lessen. I was wrong I was just a bigger target. Just like that day's turned into weeks which turned into a months. my confidence grew with every passing day.

Delinda pov) Seeing Izuku's growth flicked something primal in me. Watching him fight master made me want him. I need to test his metal. I did a partial shift and launched myself at him.

Izuku pov) while we were fighting Bahamut sniffed the air and smiled. He turned sideways just in time for me to see Delinda partial shifted and claws extended.

Delinda pov) prove to me that you can protect our young!

Bahamut pov) Ah to be young again. Good luck young one she's not as gentile as Tanwen.

Izuku pov) That was an understatement. where Tanwen was pushy with light bites and scratches. Delinda honestly tried to disembowel me. She was fast and flexible. She was a flurry of motion clawing, kicking and biting when i grabbed her. I knew if i didn't fight for real she would kill me. I was bleeding from multiple places as she continued to attack. I shifted my density when she kicked at my i ribs i stepped in grabbed her leg and tried to shoulder check her and received a slash to the face. I had enough momentum to knock her off her feet. As i approached her she kicked my knee and i stumbled. she was up on her feet in a flash as I rolled away from her.

Delinda pov) Good prove your strength to me. You need to be strong enough to protect our offspring.

Izuku pov) Fine Full cowling forty percent. Her eyes went wide when i just appeared right in front of her. She was a good fighter but she didn't have Bahamut's combat experience. With my new speed and power i was able to finally bring her down. Unlike Tanwen she didn't submit when i pinned her down. She tried to bite my face. So i reared my head back and headbutted her knocking her out. I looked down at my bloody body sat down cross legged and began chanting after i healed myself. I healed Delinda when her eyes opened i stood up and stepped back encase she attacked me again.

Delinda pov) Thank you for healing me I'll talk to you after your training. You really shouldn't lose focus of your surroundings.

Izuku pov) I turned my head just in time to see the fist just before it connected and my world went black.

Bahamut pov) Tell me Delinda how hard did you go on him.

Delinda pov) You know me master it's all or nothing. I'm not Tanwen i love her but she is too kind. If he's going to sire my children. He needs to be strong enough to protect us.

Bahamut pov) Good he is almost ready

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