A night of passion

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Izuku pov) As we left karaoke Barn we went to the same love hotel that Kyoka and i went to. As we entered the room the two normally out going and vibrant girls both became very shy. If your not ready I'm not going to rush you. we can just go back to my place and watch a movie or just relax. 

Mina pov) I want to be with you it's just that my whole body is a different color than anyone else's. i just don't want to you to be disappointed with me. 

Toru pov) Your the only one who's ever seen me since my quirk manifested. I'm just a little nervous but i want this to happen. I'm sorry if were killing the mood. 

Izuku pov) I shift my eye's so i can see Toru and i walk up to her and gently placed my hand under her chin and lifted raised up her head and kissed her. felt her whole body just melt into me. when i pull back i told them that they weren't killing the mood. i just want you to be comfortable. i walk over to Mina and gently pulled her into me and kissed her. if your not ready for this i won't be the one to rush you. If you just want to lay with me we can do that i just want you to be happy. 

Mina pov)  Something in me gave way when Izuku gave us the option to just lay there or to leave. He really wanted us to be ready and wasn't going to pressure us. this made me want him even more. 

---------------------------------Lemon warning----------------------------

Third person pov) Mina asked Izuku to sit on the bed when he sat She and Toru began to slowly strip Izuku shifted his eyes to see Toru. They were both in sexy under ware they both looked at Izuku. Izuku blushed and said your both beautiful and stood up and took off his top as he walked towards them. Toru stepped up to him and placed her hand on his chest and traced her fingers down to his stomach. Mina stepped up to his side and began kissing his neck. Izuku pulled Toru in and kissed her. Toru's hands began working to open his pants. Mina pulled them down and froze when she saw the bulge in his under ware. Izuku pulled Mina up and pulled her into a deep kiss Toru went down and saw the bulge and pulled down his under ware. She began stroking his hard on. Izuku unfastened Mina bra and began sucking her breast. Mina let out a moan Toru began sucking his cock and Izuku let out a moan. Toru stopped and stood up and pushed Izuku down onto the bed. Mina and Toru walked up to him and Izuku smiled and reached his hand out and Toru took it and he pulled her into him kissing her and Mina went down and began sucking his cock. Izuku said i'm going to cum Toru stopped kissing him and joined Mina. Toru felt the blast of cum in her mouth and took it all and held it in her mouth and then she leaned in and kissed Mina and they both swallowed the massive load. Izuku asked which would like to go first. Toru stood first and Izuku gently placed her on her back and he removed her panties and began kissing her love hole then exploring it with his tongue. Mina leaned in and began sucking Toru's breast. Izuku moved up and began pushing himself inside her and she gasped. Izuku hit the blockage and said are you ready Toru moaned out yes please take me. Izuku gently pushed and began pumping in and out of her. He rolled her over and pulled her up to her knees and began working her doggy style. Mina took off her panties and laid down in front of Toru and pulled her head down to her love hole and Toru began to lick. when Izuku said I'm coming and began pumping harder into Toru and pushed himself as deep and he could go then exploded. Izuku looked at Mina and smiled your next. Toru couldn't move her legs still trembling from the oragasm. Mina looked at Izuku and said please be gentle with me. Izuku's smiled and said of course he began kissing her from her navel working his way up caressing her breasts then kissing her. he began pushing himself into her when he hit her blockage she said gently please and he did moving slowly until he was all the way in and slowly pumping her she rolled him over and began slowly riding him. when she felt her orgasm coming he began to go faster and faster Izuku said I'm going to cum and when she felt him cum she screamed out yes and came with him. 

-------------------------end of lemon-----------------------------------

Izuku pov) As i lay there both of them cuddling with me both with grins on their faces. I reach down with and grab their breast Mina looked up at me and said my mind is willing but my kitty is very sore right now. Toru said me too Izuku just smiled and said i love you both.

Toru pov) I don't know why but those words brought a tear to my eye's and as i look over to Mina i can see that i wasn't the only one. 

Mina pov) Tears began to stream down my face those words made me so happy.

Toru pov) Izuku sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes and he did the same for Mina. The look in his eyes were the look of compassion and of a person who knew what it was to truly be alone. 

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