Debrief and envy

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(Izuku POV) it was great to be home even though last night was rough. Eri woke up three times screaming and crying. when she realized she was home she would calm down and i would hold her and she would go back to sleep. i still woke up early i knew what was coming so i got dressed and as i opened the door All Might was getting ready to knock. 

(All Might POV) good morning young Midoriya how is Eri doing?

(Izuku POV) it was rough she had nightmares she would wake up screaming and crying. All Might i saw Overhaul and i really wanted to hurt him if it wasn't for me holding on to Ochaco and Eri i would have gone after him and i would have hurt him. everytime i look at Eri and i see her scars it makes me so angry. i've never felt like this before how do you deal with the anger? 

(All Might POV) Young Midoriya being a hero isn't easy but the anger your feeling isn't because Overhaul is a villian. the anger your feeling is because of who he hurt. you care for the Eri as if she was yours. so your feelings are going to be stronger but don't let your anger cloud your judgement. your way too powerful if you lose control you could level a city. then you would drown in guilt. 

(Izuku POV) as i listen to my mentor we arrived at principal Nezu's office. Mr Aizawa, Midnight and principal Nezu were there. All Might put his hand on my shoulder and told me to tell them everything. I took a deep breath and began telling them everything.

(Bakugo POV) As I step outside of the dorms i saw Deku walking with All Might which really pissed me off. i could crush him like a bug but the symbol of peace seems to spend more time with him than he does with anyone else in our class. as i head to class i can see round face and ponytail walking with that little girl. Deku gets two of the hottest girls in our class plus he goes for a month for specialized training, I'll show him where he really stands compared to me. Plus I still owe him for the sucker punch he gave me. 

(Izuku POV) when i finished with the debriefing i could see the look of concern on all of their faces. principal Nezu said that he wanted to test my skills and my strength and my fighting prowess. he told me that he was going to gather the staff he needed and test my growth. 

(Nezu POV) Mr Aizawa he isn't allowed to fight any of the other students for now. not until we can assess how strong he really is and how much control i have. 

(Mr Aizawa POV) they are practicing ultimate moves right now so other than select student there is no sparing. 

(Nezu POV) good in fact please contact Cementoss i want to test some of his growth while his class is doing their training were headed to test area gama so we can be alone. i'm going to reach out to a couple of heros Gang Orca, Rabbit Hero Mirko, Dragoon Hero Ryukyu and Flame Hero Endeavor.

(Izuku POV) Principal Nezu can i please bring Eri with me i'll feel better if she is close to me. i know its a selfish request but she had nightmares last night and she feels better when i'm around. i promise to be careful if she joins us.

(Nezu POV) Aizawa please bring Eri and both of her moms i'm sure they would also like to see his training results. Midoriya your mistaken about one thing this isn't about you being careful right now it's about seeing how destructive you can be first. then we will test how careful you can be next. 

(Mr Aizawa POV) right i'll return shortly i'll have ectoplasm train the class and i'll ask thirteen to fill in for me. 

(Bakugo POV) Mr Aizawa walked into class late just to tell us to get ready for more training at the gym. but he called out round face and ponytail and they took the little girl with them. Hey Mr Aizawa don't those two need to train they are already so weak. 

(Mr Aizawa POV) shouldn't you be concentrating on your training and before you call them weak just remember this  one of them beat you in the team combat. before i forget Ochaco please grab Midoriya's hero costume. 

(Eri POV) i get to see daddy train mommy did you hear that i get to see daddy train. 

(Bakugo POV) that really got me angry i got called out on my loss and now deku is doing some kind of personnel training that only the the two girls and the brat get to see. this is really pissing me off. this is bullshit he is gone for a month and now he is training one his own. i'll show him his place i've been working on a few techniques that i'll try out on him.

 (Izuku POV) once i got my costume Principal Nezu told me what he wanted me to do first was a speed test then a strength test then a destruction test then a actual combat test against a couple of heros.  he told me not to worry about anyone getting hurt they were going to be in the monitoring room which is in a safe location outside of the city. i'll get to really how All Might how much i've grown.

(Monitoring room) as the hero's arrived they saw Izuku on the monitors and they asked why a child and two students were here watching. principal Nezu explained everything Eri recognized Ryukyu and smiled at her. once everyone was settled Izuku was told to sprint to the end of the town at his top speed. what happened next shocked us all he vanished from sight. the vacuum from his speed pulled objects behind him including the overpass when he shot by it. for his strength test he was told to make to Cementoss going straight through  his walls. Izuku made it look like he was going through wet paper walls when he tapped Cementoss. the hero's were all in a state of shock. this wasn't the Izuku they remembered they couldn't believe his growth. Principal Nezu asked Cementoss to leave the city and told Midoriya to get ready the robots were going after him and they were going to use live rounds like the criminals did when i rescued Eri. what the hero's saw happen not only impressed them it also scared them.

Author see you soon

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