What lurks behind

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(Izuku POV) I met up with Jiro and her parents for lunch and it was really nice. Her mom showed me embarrassing baby pictures of Jiro and I listened to all three of them singing together and that was awesome. The sang bohemian rhapsody by Queen then Jiro told her parents that I could sing. I began to blush and said that I'm not really that good but her parents asked me to sing a song. Before I could pick a song Jiro asked me to sing sound of silence by Disturbed she looked so happy to hear me sing that song so I did.

(Jiro POV) i listened to him sing my father was shocked by the rang of his vocals my mom just listened to him sing and when he was done they both got up and applauded. my mom looked at the time and asked me to help her in the kitchen to set lunch on the table. 

(Izuku POV) Jiro and her mom left the room and her dad looked at me and asked me what do i see when i look at his daughter. i smiled at him and said i see a honest shy girl who hides her feelings. a devoted friend who isn't afraid to stand up for her friends. he looked at me and smiled and said you know who she really is. then he said i know how she feels about you and asked me to take care of her and not to break her heart or he would hunt me down. just then the girls returned and we enjoyed our meal. When I got home the girls and I relaxed and talked about how our day went. The next day flew by as I got ready to join Tsuyu for dinner when I got there her dad opened the door. i think that he doesn't like me by how he is looking at me. 

(Tsuyu POV) i heard a knock on the door and my dad opened the door. Izuku is dressed up nicely and my dad let him in. my mom and my siblings joined us in the living room. i walked over to him and gave him a hug and lead him into the dining room. i could see how nervous Izuku looked it was cute. when we were done eating my dad asked Izuku to join him in the living room.

(Tsuyu dad POV) when we walked into the living room i asked him to sit down. why are you interested in my daughter. she always had a hard time making friends in school and didn't make her first friend until middle school. your a good looking young man your strong and i don't want you to hurt her by playing with her emotions. i would rather you walk away now than give her false hope. 

(Izuku POV) Sir i can honestly tell you that hurting Tsuyu is the last thing i would ever do. she is one of the kindest people i know. when i was going through a ruff spot she reached out to me and helped lift my spirits. she went out of her way to help me when my family was in  trouble. i really treasure my relationship with her. she is kind to my child she is honest and i feel like i don't deserve the love that she has shown me. 

(Tsuyu POV) as my mom and my siblings and i listen to Izuku talk to my dad i couldn't help but to tear up listening to him tell my dad how he really felt about me. my mom gave me a hug and told me to go to him. i went into the room and Izuku and my dad both looked at me i ran and hugged him he hugged me back. I didn't know that you felt so strongly about me and I feel the same way about you.

(Izuku POV) I felt Tsuyu leaning in to me after she spoke then her mother and her siblings came into the room. Tsuyu stepped back and her little sister ran to me and  jumped so she could hug me too. Her brother came up to me while I was hugging his sister and asked me to please take care of his sister. i smiled and said I'll do my best to make her happy. not to long after that went home.

(Tomura Shigaraki POV) i have a plan to bring down that boy i have the two people that can make it happen Wolfram and Nine

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(Tomura Shigaraki POV) i have a plan to bring down that boy i have the two people that can make it happen Wolfram and Nine. both were hand picked by the master and unlike Overhaul they will not go down easily. I've got Mange, Toga and Compress already laying down the ground work. We're going to break his spirit and then we're going to crush him. 

(Kurogiri POV) Are you sure you want do that. Overhaul tried that and it back fired spectacularly. He is now paralyzed from the neck down and Gigantomachia was beaten senseless. Twice warned you that this boy is not to be taken lightly. All we know about him is that he has a powerful strength quirk. Some of the villains who were there when he rescued those girls said he was more monster than man. He went in alone and leveled the entire mansion.

(Tomura Shigaraki POV) Then what do you suggest that we do?

(Kurogiri POV) We study him learn as much as we can then strike once hard and swift. Don't give him a chance to retaliate. I recommend prudence when you're dealing with unknown powers and resources. Was he alone when he beat those two or did he have help.

(Tomura Shigaraki POV) I hate it when your right. I need to reconsider my plans and learn more about this boy. he is pissing me off I need to go out for a while and rethink my plans. but soon we're going to strike. 

(Bakugo POV) Come on mom i spent the weekend with you like you asked. i need the extra martial arts instructions or I'll lose to him again. i want to be number one and i can't afford to lose to him again. She looked at me and asked why did it bother me so much to lose to him. i didn't want to tell her how weak he was how i used to bully him. then there was the fact that he thoroughly beat me in two fights and at the end on one of those fights i had to apologize to his family. She sighed and finally agreed to pay for the extra training on the weekends i won't lose to him again.

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