Protective nature and trust in your mentor

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(Izuku POV) i woke up ready to impose a lot of violence on whoever thought of sneaking up on me with my woman still on my chest when i open my eyes i see All Might getting closer to me i told him to stop where he was because i wasn't alone. 

(All Might POV) young Midoriya's eyes opened up suddenly and he told me to stop that he wasn't alone. the tone in his voice let me know he wasn't asking. the look in his eyes were ones ready to defend something until the bitter end. they were cat like and as i looked at his wing i could see the scales getting thicker he was protecting Ochaco. i take a step back and tell him that i was just checking to see if he was all right. i asked if it was Ochaco under his wing.

(Izuku POV) yes she is and she is mine she gave herself to me and we bonded. 

(All Might POV) not good how do i seperate the two of them without causing a fight. and what did he mean by the bonded? so i asked.

(Izuku POV) it's like imprinting i'll always be able to find her and she always be able to find me.  i don't have a better way to explain. as i explain this to All Might i feel her nuzzling into my chest. i told him because of this bond i would rather kill myself rather than harm her. 

(All Might POV) does this happen with all of your lovers?

(Izuku POV) no just one. i'm not sure how i know this but i do. i can see hesitation in All Might. he is conflicted. so i asked him why was he so conflicted?

(All Might POV) i was shocked by his question i had my smile like i always do. it's has to be  his eyes i guess he can see emotions as well. so i settle on telling him the truth.  young Midoriya i'm concerned for both you and the girl. your mother is also worried about you and i'm really sure her parents are worried about her as well. don't forget we also have the meeting with principal Nezu today. 

(Izuku POV) she lives alone in an apartment near UA. as far as her her parents she calls them to let them know she's ok. she did that last night before she got here. i hear her starting to wake up. i kiss her on the top of her head and let her know we need to start moving shortly she asked for five more minutes and i smiled at her. i looked at All Might and asked for some privacy. he nodded and walked out. 

(All Might POV) as i walk back into Inko's room i see Midnight struggling to walk. i call principal Nezu and update him on the situation with young Midoriya and how possessive he has become of Ochaco and to inform key staff members. i help Midnight up and asked her what happened to her. 

(Midnight POV) thankfully Midoriya folded my clothing and placed them by the bed i get dressed then i struggle to get my legs working. All Might asked me happened i looked at him and said Midoriya happened and left it at that. i need help getting to the car please. 

(Ochaco POV) i start coming to my senses as he kisses the top of my head. i feel so bloated and he is still in me. i look up at him and smile.

(Izuku POV) as i kiss Ochaco on top of her head she looks up at me and asked if i stayed in her the whole night and i gave her a wicked grin and reminded her that she told me that it was my new home.  she said my blanket is warm and i frown.

(Ochaco POV) why are you frowning? he told me not to get scared. i see that he is concerned i place my hands on his face and reminded him that i'm his like he's mine and there's nothing to worry about. he said ok and i feel the blanket move its not a blanket their his wings he has wings. i touch them they are so nice and warm. 

(Izuku POV) she it touching my wings and she thinks they are cool. i think about them going back and they retract back into my back.  that left her naked on top of me and i start to get hard again. i see the look in her eyes they were of lust and pain. i asked he if she was alright she told my that her love hole was very sore and her legs were numb. i told her not to worry i lift her off me and lay her down. i dress her then dress myself and then i carried her into the hall where All Might is helping Midnight walk she was still swollen also.

(Ochaco POV) as i look at Midnight i see her belly looked even more swollen than mine  i'm going to have to ask Izuku about this if he did that to her before i got here i think i would have really been in trouble. why am i not mad at him right now he slept with her and she looks worse off than i do. i need to talk with her.

 (Izuku POV) i asked All Might to stop by Ochaco's apartment really quick. and he agreed as we pulled up i lift Ochaco up and dash to her apartment i dress her very quickly and dash back into the car. then we got to UA i see my mom as soon as All Might pulled into the teachers parking area. i got out to embrace her. 

(Midnight POV) i waited for Midoriya to exit the car then a tell to Ochaco please take one of these as i hand her the morning after pills with a bottle of water. you don't want to be a mother yet do you. i also asked All Might to step out of the car. this talk needed to be woman to woman and he stepped out. i look down at our matching bellies and sighed i take it he did a number on you too.

(Ochaco POV) Izuku did do that to you. i told her that im really sore right now but he was very gentle. i so the look in her eyes were a cross between relief and anger. she started to explain what happened.

(Midnight POV) i told her that i was called to try to calm Midoriya down we were on our way until his mom called and explained what would happen if he didn't mate. we agreed that i should be the one in case thing got out of control i could put him to sleep. then i told her things got rough and i passed out. then i began to apologise to her because i failed to keep her away from him. 

(Ochaco POV) i take a pill and drink some water as i listen to Midnight. right now i'm kinda glad that she was with him first i'm afraid to think of what would have happened to me if it wasn't for her. i look at her and thanked her for being honest with me. i also told her that she protected me more than she knows. he was my first and i think things would have been alot worse for me if it wasn't for her.

(All Might POV) young Midoriya i need to talk with you for a moment this week your class is going on an internship program and your going to train under my mentor. Gran Torino i also need you to not use your dragon abilities. your not trained with them and you don't want to lose control. please trust me for now just use your quirk.

Author see you soon.

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