A time to reflect

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(Izuku POV) i kissed the girls goodbye this morning as they left for school Eri wanted to stay with me but i explained to her that she couldn't miss school because i did. she didn't like the answer but she left with Ochaco and Momo. i went into the basement and went into the room with my gold and i did a partial shift and i curled up into the gold and gems. i closed my eyes and thought about everything that led me to this point. i thought of all of my fights my losses and now my family. i thought about why i got so angry so fast. i snapped when he insulted Eri it made me angry. the more i thought about it the more i remembered how i felt when i was the child that was bullied and didn't have the power to defend myself. as i thought of Eri i remembered that she still doesn't have a family name i decided to give her mine i want to make it official. i need to talk to Ochaco to see how she feels about it. i call my mother to see what kind of paperwork to file to make this work. 

(Ochaco POV) As we sit in class i can see the sadness in Eri's eyes. it was like Izuku was gone the first time even though i moved her table next to mine she missed him. Is everything alright my little rabbit?

(Eri POV) Mommy why  couldn't daddy come to school today?

(Ochaco POV) Daddy got into a little bit of trouble so he won't be able to join us for three days.

(Eri POV) It's because of me that he got into trouble again he got into that fight. to stop the mean guy from saying mean things to me.

(Mr Aizawa POV) I Heard what Eri said and i got a little upset with myself for punishing Midoriya but it's too late now. i go up to Eri and tell her that her daddy did what good daddies do he defended his child. it's a school policy that he also had to be punished. as i look at her and she tells me that's a silly policy. i go back to the front of the class and tell them what to expect for the day.

(Bakugo POV) I lost again but this time it wasn't even a fight. i couldn't hurt him with my quirk my punches did nothing the only time i was able to do anything was when i caught him by surprize. he even called me out to a regular hand to hand fight after watching him fight that hero i don't think i could beat him. what am i doing wrong how did a weakling get so far ahead of me he. i won't lose to him. i'll start with hand to hand then i'll work on my quirk the next time i will beat him i have to.

(Momo POV) I went over to Ochaco and Eri and asked are you ready for lunch? as we were leaving the room we were stopped by the rest of the class asking about the fight. i looked to Ochaco and she was holding Eri's hand i took Eri's other hand and said we weren't allowed to talk about it. Tsuyu started to walk with us this isn't a unusual for her but this time to i could see that she had been deep in thought. then she looked at me and asked me how was Deku taking being punished. the question threw me off i didn't think about that he always seems so happy. 

(Tsuyu POV) i couldn't help myself he always seems so happy after hearing him talk about his past and how painful it was. i just want to make sure that he is ok it's not like him to start a fight. but i can see how much he changed since he returned from his training. do you mind if i join you for lunch? 

(Ochaco POV) sure Tsuyu just know we're not allowed to go home for lunch. he has to be home alone but you can join us. 

(Izuku POV) i called my mom and she is looking into it for me. i cleaned up the house again and i'm starting to go a little stir crazy. i heard a knock on the door it was All Might.

(All Might POV) Young Midoriya how are you? i spoke with Bakugo and he told me about your fight. he said that he didn't recognise the style you used. he also said that you shouldn't have been able to take the hits he dealt you. can you explain to me your technique and how you dealt with his power without shifting.

(Izuku POV) I'm going stir crazy but i'm doing fine. when i left to train i learned several different types of martial arts. Mostly consisting of Judo, Combat Sambo, Taekwondo, Jeet Kun Do, Muay thai, Krav Maga. i was also taught how to use fire and electricity. I took what works best for me and use it in my fights now. right now i've started teaching Ochaco, Momo and Eri these different fighting styles. none of what i use is pretty but it is very effective. I didn't need to shift to fight Kacchan because he isn't a threat like what i dealt with in the training area. i hardened my skin and shifted my density to counter his attacks. i used OFA to boost my speed at first then after that i just used my technique to beat him. 

 (All Might POV) i can't believe what i'm hearing he is on whole different level than his class and most Pros. i need to talk to principal Nezu to really test his potential and to keep him from fighting his peer group. they aren't ready for that type of fight we teach them to capture and subdue. he learned to end fights quickly violently and efficiently. Ok young Midoriya i just wanted to hear about your side of the fight and see how your doing. I'll see you in a couple of days.

(Tsuyu POV) lunch with Ochaco and Momo was nice Eri was sad that Izuku couldn't join us. i recommend that we go to karaoke bar when he is no longer in trouble. Eri's eyes got big she got so excited and she started telling me how much fun she had when she got to sing. she told me how Izuku made her cry when he sang to her. i smiled and told her that her daddy made all the girls in our class cry when we heard him sing. 

(Ochaco POV) that sounds like fun Tsuyu i'll talk to Deku and we'll plan it out but for now he is under house arrest. he can't even train Mr Aizawa was very adamant on this we can't even talk to him about what we learned in class. 

(Momo POV) i think the second one is going to hurt his feeling the most. but we'll find a way to take his mind off the subject. as i realized what i said i started to blush i look over to Ochaco and she was blushing also. Tsuyu blushed and looked a little sad and walked away. i know that look it was the look i had when i thought of Izuku with Ochaco. i wonder if she also has feelings for him.

Author see you soon.

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