Apprentice Showdown

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Izuku pov) Spinner get Magne and follow Momo. Momo get Toga out of here call the hero's. i look at Shigaraki and asked why are you targeting me?

Shigaraki pov) Because father wants you that's all the reason i need. Now you can come with me and bring back my followers i will spare this area. If not then i will destroy this area and kill everyone here. Decide hero come with me or be responsible for the death of hundreds

Izuku pov) Shigaraki it doesn't have to go down like this just give up and I'll tell the hero's that you turned yourself in. Don't let All For One ruin you like he did every one else.

Shigaraki pov) Ha like you know what my life was like before father saved me. but don't worry you can fall into despair knowing that you killed all of these people.

Izuku pov) I see Shigaraki starting to slam his hand towards the ground i channel all for one and rush towards him. I realize i made my first mistake as he raised his hand up towards me. i flap my wings and just barely avoided getting touched.

Shigaraki pov) Dammit he flew just above my reach. Father predicted this he said if i force him he would come to me. I just have to push him harder.

Izuku pov) His reflexes are better than i expected how do i stop him with out him causing mass casualties. Spinner said all of his fingers have to touch an object and it will begin to decay. I know what I need to do to stop him. Shigaraki this ends today.

Shigaraki pov) The heroes are on the way ETA four minutes Dabi said through the ear piece. Shit i activate my quirk and slam my hand towards the ground. I see the hesitant look in Izuku's eyes as he dives towards me. I smile as he speeds towards me and I raised my other hand right at him and activate my quirk in that hand as well. Checkmate I win.

Izuku pov) I form a Lance of fire and threw it at the hand closest to the ground and watched in horror at what happened next.

Shigaraki pov) I feel a horrible pain in my hand and as I looked down at it my thumb was severed by a Lance of fire. I grabbed my hand by reflects before I released my quirk and my already injured hand started to deteriorate and I scream out in pain. I pulled out the knife father gave me I placed my arm on the ground and cut off my hand at the wrist before the decay could spread that far. I tried to call out to Kurogiri but something struck my head and the darkness over took me.

Dabi pov) Shigaraki you have to go right now the heroes are almost there. Shigaraki can you hear me you have to go. This isn't good he isn't responding. I need to contact Dr. Garaki.

Izuku pov) As i watch Shigaraki scream as he cut off his hand i flash towards him and punched his temple and watched him collapse. I cauterize his wound and healed the skin around it. i couldn't regrow his hand i saw the ear piece he was wearing and pulled it out. i also pull out his cell phone and crushed it. I also pulled off the button he was wearing on his shirt i remember how Dabi pushed the button and an ink pulled them all away. I will not make it easy for AFO to get this maniac back.

Hawks pov) I see a dragon securing an unconscious man. i yell Stop what your doing and get on you knees and raise your hands above your head.. His reply surprised me.

Izuku pov) As i got down on my knees i told Hawks who i was and who i just captured. i saw his eyes go wide in shock as he verified that it was Shigaraki. Momo and Spinner walked up bringing the two villains with them. Endeavor landed next to Hawks as they gave the two over to Hawks. Endeavor grabbed Spinner and roughly spun him around when i told him that Spinner put himself at risk to help us.

Endeavor pov) Listening to what Izuku just told me i released the young man.

Spinner pov) I couldn't believe that Izuku spoke up for me. I looked at him and asked why.

Izuku pov) Life also dealt me a crappy hand. The only person that treated me well was my mother. I was bullied and beat up until i got to UA. I looked at Momo and said when i was down someone reached out to me and it changed my life. I hope that it will do the same for you.

Spinner pov) Thank you. I will remember this and i hope to see you again in the future under better circumstances. I reached out my hand and Izuku shook it.

Momo pov) Listening to Izuku made me blush as i remembered that day. As we watched the Hero's leave i asked Izuku to spend one more night in our hotel.

Izuku pov) i look into Momo's eyes and shift back into my normal form. i pulled her into a kiss and said that sounds wonderful.

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