feelings laid bare

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Mina pov) what do you mean by that?

Izuku pov) Mina remember when you saw my other form how you were afraid of me for a moment. I still have another form that you haven't seen yet and that one is terrifying if you're not ready for it. Mina I'm a very scary person and I don't blame her for being afraid of me. I count my blessings that the girls accepted me.

Mina pov) My stomach dropped. I'm sorry about that day I didn't know that was you. Izuku placed his hand on my cheek and looked me in the eyes and said.

Izuku pov) I scared you healing you. She had to fight me. She also saw the fight that I had after hers so i don't blame her for wanting to stay away from me. I'll be honest with you I'm stunned that you still want be with me after our last date. Mina I'm awkward at times I try my best to be a good father. But I lose my temper when someone threatens the people I care about. That version of me is scary sometimes that's why I don't blame anyone for steering clear of me.

Toru pov) Listening to Izuku put himself down hurt. But I was afraid of him after seeing him fighting pro heroes then melting half of the training area shook me to my core. Not only did he notice how i felt he respected me enough to give me time to deal with my feelings.

Mina pov) Izuku you truly are a nice guy you had it so hard but you turned out so sweet you truly amaze me.

Izuku pov) Mina, kindness costs me nothing but it has given me everything i grew up weak picked on and until i get into UA i really didn't have any friends. Now i have friends and a family that extends beyond my mother and I. To me this is a dream one I'm afraid of waking up from.

Toru pov) As i wipe the tears from my eyes i know what my choice is.

Mina pov) So how does Friday sound we'll go to that karaoke place and then see where the rest of the night takes us.

Izuku pov) Mina if you don't mind I would like to be there when you talk with Toru I want to make sure she doesn't feel pressured into this it would make me feel better.

Mina pov) Meet me at my room in about an hour and she'll be there and we'll talk about it does that work for you.

Izuku pov) I leaned in and kissed her a deep passionate kiss and said thanks for understanding me.

Toru pov) Wow that was hot Mina is blushing.

Mina pov) I didn't expect that kiss I melted into him when he finished kissing me and pulled back I looked into his eyes and got lost in them I barely understood what he had said after the kiss. Ok I said and got up and headed back to my room. I swayed my hips as I walked away. When I looked back he was still watching me and blushed when he realized that I caught him staring at me as I walked away.

Eri pov) Daddy what did Mina want and why didn't she come inside?

Izuku pov) she wanted to talk to me alone. but forget about that how let's go inside and see how Ochaco is doing?


Izuku pov) i knock on Mina's door and i heard Mina say come in. Izuku walked in and saw MIna and Toru sitting with each other. Hi Toru Mina told me that you wanted to join us on friday i would love for you to join us but i don't want you to feel pressured. I know that i make you feel uncomfortable.

Toru pov) Is that the only reason you never approached me. please tell me the truth Izuku.

Izuku pov) Toru I would have talked with you sooner if i didn't make you uncomfortable. i think your sweet i noticed how you work hard to cheer the people in our class up. you probably think that i don't notice you but i do. i saw your strength when i fought you how well you complemented the team. i know when Mina is feeling down you cheer her up.

Toru pov) Izuku i would love to join you on friday. i only have one request could you please sing a love song for us.

Izuku pov) sure i reach out to Toru and she took my hand i shift my eyes so i can see her i leaned in and kissed her lips.

Toru pov) his eyes changed then he leaned in and kissed my lips he has the softest lips. when he took a step back and i caught my breath. Izuku can you see me?

Izuku pov) When my eyes are like this i can see you as well as i can see Mina.

Toru pov) does that mean you've seen me naked?

Izuku pov) I'll see you friday as i dash out the room. As i step into the hall way i see Bakugo walking with Kirishima why are you here nerd Bakugo yelled.

Bakugo pov) i want another rematch in full hero costume no holding back.

Izuku pov) look Bakugo i don't want to fight you anymore why do you hate me. what have i ever done to you.

Bakugo pov) I tell you what fight me full costume and if you win i'll leave you alone and tell you whatever you want to know.

Izuku pov) fine set it up with a teacher and I'll fight you.

Kirishima pov) Izuku you don't know how manly that made you sound. After your fight with Bakugo can i get a shot. Izuku smiled at me.

Izuku pov) sure we can spar whenever you want but if you want a fight we have to get a teacher involved or we'll get in trouble.

Kirishima pov) your the man i'll talk with a teacher tomorrow.

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