Dragoon Hero

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(Dragoon Hero POV) i usually come here when i need to clear my mind so you don't need to worry. nobody is going to just show up for right now just try to relax. i take it this isn't your first time with a woman.  

(Izuku POV) No it's not i said shyly my urges wanting me to jump on her right now. make her mine fighting my primal urges i start breathing deeply trying to relax. she placed her hand on my face and it felt good her hands were surprising soft. as she looked into my eyes she leaned in and kissed me. 

_______________________Lemon Warning____________________

(Third person POV) as Izuku and the Ryuko kissed he began to embrace her. she let her hand wander down his abs to his pants. he began to fondle her he took off his shirt and she began to lift off her shirt. Izuku looked at her his lust prompting him to push forward he paused. Ryuko looked at him and blushed she swayed he hips as she walked to him and kissing him. she began working her way down and pulling down his pants. he was hard she was surprised with his size and began to stroke him and he let out a moan. she kneeled down and began to give him a blowjob he began to moan soon his hand was on her head as he began shooting his load into her mouth and she struggled to swallow it down. before she could realize what was happening he had picked he up and was sucking and fondling her breasts. she moaned in pleasure and he pulled down her pants he took her into his mouth. she moaned even louder grabbing his head making sure that he wouldn't stop. when she climaxed she released him he worked his way up and she wrapped her legs around him and he began to push himself in her both of them making sounds of ecstasy. he was looking into her eyes when he told her he was close to finishing she pulled him in and began kissing him and he grunted and he finished in her. she thought he was done when he began pumping himself back in and out of her. he rolled her over and doing her doggie style leaning in biting her shoulder. she moaned grabbing his head enjoying the bite he continued his strokes getting stronger until he finished in her again. both laid there in each others arms when he asked her for more. she gave him a devilish grin and shifted he did a partial shift and mounted her from behind he grabbed her by the lower half of her body and with more force than he dared in human form began pounding her from behind and this time when he finished he let out a primal roar along with fire. they continued on for the rest of the day and most of the night until they both collapsed. 

    _______________________Lemon Warning____________________

(Izuku POV) I woke up with Ryuko still in my arms she was pretty and she looked so peaceful but what have i done i slept with my mentor this can't be good but what is done is done. i kissed the top of her head and she woke up. she smiled when she looked up at me then she winced when she tried to moved her legs. she asked me if i was feeling better and i looked at her and smiled and told her that she took the edge off most of it but i could go for more if she was able. 

(Dragoon Hero POV) you have to be kidding me!! i can barely move my legs and I'm sore all the way up to my stomach there is no way your going to shove that monster back in me. that's why i shifted yesterday and you just got rougher and bigger when you shifted i think you would have broken a normal woman. I'm just glad you didn't do a full shift i think you really would have killed me. 

(Izuku POV) i looked at her and smiled i think we need to get dressed i need to call my one of my girlfriends. just in case this time it really is hitting me harder than the last time. i could see the look of shock when i told her this. she looked me in the eyes and said Girlfriends how many do you have? better yet do they know about each other? i smiled at her and said they know about each other and they encouraged me to find a few more for moments like this one. you have lasted the longest while making love. 

(Dragoon Hero POV) I could feel the red in my face when he stated that we made love. it felt more like i got plowed through by a freight train. i smiled at him and said i think I'm going to need some help getting dressed. 

(Izuku POV) After i helped Ryuko get dressed i flew her to her house ran hot water into the tub and undressed her and placed her into the tub. i smiled at her and said that i needed to find my phone and make some a phone calls. i promised to call her when i found my phone. then i flew out of her apartment. i went to the store where we were attacked and the shop owner found my phone and he held onto it for me. i just finished calling Ryuko when i ran into Jiro. she was finishing up her patrol. 

(Jiro POV) Deku what are you doing around here still in costume i thought your shift ended yesterday. when i looked into his eyes i could tell something was wrong he was also trying to keep his distance from me. i know that he likes to take his time in a relationship but he was acting different. Gang Orca looked at me and said that our shift was almost over that i should walk my friend home if he wasn't feeling good and that he would see me tomorrow.   

(Izuku POV) i need to get some distance between us i don't want my first time with her to be like this. As i look at her i could tell my actions were actually making her feel bad. i know that she isn't the most confident with her looks. she walked up to me and asked me if i was ok i started to panic a little i grabbed her hand and asked her to follow me for a minute. when we were alone i told her that i was in heat and that i was having a hard time controlling my urges right now.

(Jiro POV) i looked him in the eyes they were cat like. i could see the uncertainty in how he held himself. once again i was reminded how kind he is. i took his hands and asked him to follow me he put his head down and followed me. i smiled at him and kissed his cheek when he lifted his head and i kissed his mouth. 

Author See you soon.

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