feelings that finally reach

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(Izuku POV) i laid out my plan to the girls Friday after school Ochaco and Momo were going to have all of our families meet up at Momo's parents house. Tsuyu and i were going to the park to meet up with Overhaul. i started to thank Tsuyu and told her that there was nothing i could do to repay her. Eri walked into the room and looked at me and said that we were missing the movie. i smiled at her and walked over to her and hugged her. all of the girls joined us in the living room to watch a the movie. after it finished i left the room and took Eri to bed and tucked her in and began to read her favorite bedtime story.

(Tsuyu POV) does her always put Eri to bed? Ochaco Momo how come you're not afraid of Izuku? i saw the look in his eyes during the phone call i was terrified he was breathing smoke. but you two ran to him like it was nothing.

(Ochaco POV) Yes and he also reads her a bedtime story sometimes when he's really tired he falls asleep in the chair by her bed as he's reading to her. he really is a great father he loves her as if she was his. Tsuyu I'm not afraid of him because he would never hurt us did you know that he saved my life twice. he also saved Momo's life from a rampaging Nomu. he destroyed his arms defending Eri and Momo. he does his best to make sure that were happy and loved that's why i don't fear him.

(Momo POV) i will be honest i felt that way when i first saw him unleash his power. then i felt ashamed of myself. he hasn't done anything for me to have ever be afraid of him. he is kind gentle loving understanding and a bit of a nerd. but there's nothing he wouldn't do for his loved ones friends or family. 

(Tsuyu POV) i didn't know that he saved her life twice. i felt ashamed of myself for being afraid of him even during the fight he never hit me. he has always been kind to me and we worked well together during to fight against the villains. i looked down to the floor i need to apologize to him and tell him how i feel. when i looked back up he was walking back into the room. before i could stop myself i began to apologize to him and before i could finish he hugged me. 

(Izuku POV) Tsuyu I can't thank you enough for the help that you offered me. i know that your a little afraid of me I saw it but know that i could never hurt you. your kind and a very dear friend to me. so thank you for offering your help it means the world to me and i know Ochaco and Momo will feel better with you there rather than me going alone. i release my hug and look at her and i can see she had tears in her eyes. we need to get some rest do you want me to walk you back to the dorm? she looked me in the eyes and said no and left quickly.

(overhaul POV) This is the plan Twice you're going to make copies of Gigantomachia then you will go after the boy's mother and bring her to me. if you cant find her get the girls mother I'm sure he doesn't want anything to happen to her. i will be waiting for him and taunting him I'll get him to trade the girl for the mother. Gigantomachia you going to make sure that the boy doesn't try anything heroic if he does you will kill the two of them. if that happens i will go after the girl at a later date. 

(Izuku POV) the week flew by and Friday after school the girls packed Eri up and went to Momo's parents house along with my mom. Tsuyu came over to my house and we waited for the phone call. i put on a movie for us when she looked at me and said i need to tell you something. i paused the movie she told me that she liked me. 

(Tsuyu POV) I've liked you for a while now ever since you sang for us the first time. i didn't know how to tell you because you were with Ochaco. then you also started dating Momo and i thought maybe i had a chance but i didn't know how to approach you. i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and i didn't want to lose my chance because i was to shy to tell you how i feel. before i realized what i was doing i leaned in and kissed him his lips were soft

(Izuku POV) i was shocked she kissed me her lips were soft just like the rest of her that was leaning on me. when she pulled away i could feel how red i turned. Tsuyu i really like you but before we can go any further we need to talk to the girls first. i will promise you this as soon as this mess is over i will talk to all three of them. 

(Tsuyu POV) three of them? i thought you were only dating the Ochaco and Momo.

(Izuku POV) your forgetting Eri she also has to know. Tsuyu I'm not a half in kind of guy if you want to be a part of my life you have to accept me and my family. She is a part of my family so if you want to be with me you have to accept her as well. Eri has had it really hard and i want her to be loved by not only me but by everybody in our family. she never had that but I'm gong to make sure that she has it for the rest of my life. Tsuyu can you accept that?

(Tsuyu POV) Izuku how can you be so strong yet so sweet? i don't understand you. most people who go through half of what you did are bitter. most people with your strength love to show it off but you've always been afraid of your strength. you go out of your way not to hurt people unless they hurt the people you care for. but stand there and just take it if they just direct it at you. why are you like that?

(Izuku POV) i was weak once and got bullied by the strong. i grew up an only child so i know what it was like to be alone. don't get me wrong my mom tried but it's not the same. my Quirk didn't manifest until my last year of junior high. so people made fun of me for being quirk less and now i have a quirk that scares me because i could accidently kill someone if I'm not careful. i guess im used to people talking bad about me so it really doesn't bother me much. but it hurts me to see the people that i love go through that. so i react strongly against it kind of like what i did to Bakugo. 

(Tsuyu POV) Izuku i can accept your terms if you will accept me into your life.

Author see you soon.

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